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Advanced Member

373 Posts

Posted - 20 Mar 2010 :  20:14:59  Show Profile
Before I am again castigated for my criticisms of APC I would state that, like many others on this forum I am sure, I have owned a property in Angmering & paid full council tax for some years & do not want to pay more tax than absolutely necessary to fund some persons pet project.
I therefore feel entitled to criticise actions by APC which cost me money or provide facilities that cause problems with vandalism & ongoing expense ending up as expensive white elephants.
I objected to the Community Centre but that is now here & we have to live with it, although the fiasco with accoustic problems & ACCA refusing to sign the lease, whilst continuing to use the facility rent free, suggests that the project was beyond the competence of APC.
Whilst accepting that environmental matters within the village need attention like Honey Lane,Mayflower Park;The Pond;Fletchers Field etc. I do not accept that the majority of the village need or want a skatepark;bmx track;go kart or other items that APC allocate funds to that do not benefit the majority.

It would be fascinating to find out exactly how many Angmering Residents use/benefit from these & how many are used by visitors.

APC's concentration on youth amenities in recent years is all very laudable but it is time to consider other age groups who have to pay for these things.

If APC are not prepared to justify their actions then they had better develop a thicker skin.The typical APC response to criticism of either ignoring it completely, prevaricating or distracting from the issue by claiming "unfair - people are picking on us" is puerile. For goodness sake act professionally & if that is beyond you then as the saying goes "if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen"

Edited by - BRAM on 20 Mar 2010 20:50:52
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579 Posts

Posted - 15 Apr 2010 :  18:04:39  Show Profile
For all the stirring and attempts at rabble rousing that permeate these forums I suspect that most people couldn't care less about APC procedures, recording of minutes, committees and sub-committees. It's angels on the head of a pin to most people.

There is a recognition that, with some exceptions, in the scheme of things the removal or saving on many of the financials that cause concern to some contributors would make absolutely no difference to local taxes. It's like NIC and its impact on the National Debt. It's irrelevant.

As long as the village works reasonably well the majority are happy. Just look at the flowers and smile!
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Advanced Member

United Kingdom
499 Posts

Posted - 15 Apr 2010 :  19:37:44  Show Profile
As usual our friend Derek talks lots of sense.

I'm often amused by talk of "tax payers money" whether that be at local or national level. Let's be clear on this...... once government or councils have taken your money then it is no longer tax payers money. It is THEIR money. And they will spend it (waste it??) at their discretion or whim.

We have all seen announcements in the past saying that such and such a scheme has "saved taxpayers 10 million pounds" Well, if it was really our money then we would all get a tax refund wouldn't we.
Don't know about the rest of you but I certainly have never received one.

Edited by - John on 15 Apr 2010 19:39:33
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Forum Owner / Moderator

United Kingdom
2623 Posts

Posted - 15 Apr 2010 :  19:43:22  Show Profile
I agree with DD, the vast majority of people in Angmering (and I suspect in other parishes too) show complete apathy in how their parishes are run and how much it costs them.

However, is this not the same DD who, when he came to the village a few years ago, preached about the evils of parish councils and how perhaps a single person (e.g. a mayor) should make the decisions? A la Clochemerle?

Having had a wonderful quiet month after a sort of peace broke out, along comes a provocateur to wind people up again? I wonder why? To undermine the Forums?
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579 Posts

Posted - 15 Apr 2010 :  20:51:26  Show Profile
Don't be ridiculous Neil. I still believe that Parish Councils are an anachronism but as we have one I'm fed up with the constant sniping as I'm sure many others are.

As for undermining the Forums that is equally nonsensical. You don't have to wonder. There is no hidden agenda, other than a wish to return to the robust but multi faceted debate we used to experience. Currently, the Forums are dull, dull, dull!

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Forum Owner / Moderator

United Kingdom
2623 Posts

Posted - 16 Apr 2010 :  09:49:09  Show Profile
I really never understand why people who find the Forums so incredibly dull keep on logging in! They're not compulsory! Even more so, to open up old wounds that have partially healed after a month. Perhaps they are not so dull after all! So I doubt whether we will be hearing from DD on this specific topic (or perhaps any other topic) again.

While the vast majority of villagers show no interest in how the PC is run or how much they spend, a few of us still care. Perhaps we are the fortunate ones who can afford the taxes imposed on us by the PC. But there many others in the village who are struggling on a low income who are affected by any increase. The community should be thinking of those people!

The fact is that Angmering Parish Council is one of the highest spending parish councils in Arun District. Over the last 5 years, Angmering villagers have had their local tax (the precept) increased by an average of 9% each year, which is totally unacceptable - that's 45% since 2006/7.

Do I think that the village hasn't benefited by all this spending? Not at all - I think that, overall, the PC has done a reasonably good job. But in these difficult economic times, they must curtail the spending and be open about what they are doing at the same time. It sometimes appears that they have to be spending money on projects to justify their existence. And, of course, it really is our money.

DD, and others like him, can smile at the flowers and "pass by on the other side" but I'm not going to. There are others in the community that need help and who can ill-afford the seemingly innocuous annual parish tax increases. As I said, there are a few of us who still care!
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579 Posts

Posted - 16 Apr 2010 :  11:20:33  Show Profile
It's nothing to do with not caring, Neil, and you know it. And sarcastic comments, I would have thought, are surely beneath you.

I respect enormously your contribution to village affairs but there are occasions when you can be perceived as pompous. That's a shame as I'm sure you're really not like that.

That said, you'll be pleased to know that I'm joining the likes of Mr Angry and others who for similar reasons to my own have 'left the building'.
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United Kingdom
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Posted - 16 Apr 2010 :  12:08:21  Show Profile
Oh, how little you really know about subscribers to these Forums and suggestions they may have made that they were leaving! However, some come, some really go, and some metamorphosize - that's the nature of forums.

On 3 December 2008, readers may recall that DD opened up this very topic with a dig at the PC:
Is the Tricolour light display in The Parish Council offices a tribute to our French Twin? Nice touch!
And he accuses me of sarcasm which seems a tad hypocritical!

I am me, and if people perceive me as pompous and sarcastic, so be it - I doubt if I can change at my time of life.

Anyway, Derek, thanks for your past contributions. I hope you will continue to read the serious parts of Angmering Village Life. The Forums, of course, only constitute a tiny (although admittedly contentious) part of the website.

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Advanced Member

373 Posts

Posted - 16 Apr 2010 :  13:41:13  Show Profile
Is this the same DD that wrote on Nick Robinson's Newsblog on 24/5/06:

"We elect our politicians to use good judgement in the management of the country, whatever their ministerial brief. Where that judgement in whatever arena is shown to be flawed does that not bring into question their right to represent us?"

Surely this applies to all politicians local or national.

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484 Posts

Posted - 20 Apr 2010 :  20:25:04  Show Profile
I see another name has disappeared from the list of Councillors on APC website!!
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United Kingdom
2623 Posts

Posted - 20 Apr 2010 :  21:21:22  Show Profile
Yes, Councillor Christopher Verrinder resigned nearly two week's ago. Advertising the vacancy caused by his resignation appeared on the agenda for the PC's meeting yesterday. It will be interesting to see whether the minutes give any reason for his resignation!
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Advanced Member

373 Posts

Posted - 26 Apr 2010 :  10:23:44  Show Profile
The following is an extract from APC Minutes of Planning & Conservation Committee dated 6/4/10:

The Clerk explained that from the next meeting the intention was for use to be made of the
Community Centre, which would have up-to-date projection and computer equipment available
for use at Planning Committee meetings. He explained that the written evidence showed that,
although Parish Council meetings would be free of charge it would be left to the discretion of
the Community Centre Management Committee for other meetings. The Committee wanted £7
per hour for the use of the room for Planning Committee meetings.
ACTION: The Parish Clerk would encourage the Community Centre Management Committee
to use its discretion and allow free use by the Parish Council Planning Committee."

In view of the terms of the lease that ACCA have obtained & the generous financial contribution Angmering council tax payers have made I find it amazing that they should even consider making a charge for APC meetings. The centre is a community asset, not ACCA's. Perhaps APC should reconsider the terms & charge a commercial rent immediately.
Whilst on the subject ACCA should also consider the parking impact & inconvenience on local residents during their events.The Wedding Event held yesterday resulted in parking along half the length of Rowan Way.
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Senior Member

172 Posts

Posted - 26 Apr 2010 :  21:17:51  Show Profile
is the equipment the apc intend to use for this meeting an apc asset, or a acca one?
if it is the latter, then one would suggest it is a fair charge to cover costs of the use of the equipment?

btw, the cars associated with the wedding event also filled most of william olders road, some of pound lane and much of nursery road as well...

the influx cars of was an inconvenience, really there is not enough parking here for such an event, but it would have been alleviated had the traders been told move their vehicles away from the site during the event to allow attendees to park in the car park...

(edited because my typing is pants)

hello nice to meet you ;o)

Edited by - 240felicia on 26 Apr 2010 21:19:34
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Advanced Member

373 Posts

Posted - 07 May 2010 :  09:35:26  Show Profile
The Parish Clerks informative statement on Community Centre History is to be applauded.(

Whilst there will inevitably be ongoing disagreement as to whether the CC should ever have been built this new approach to giving facts to the residents of Angmering is long overdue but nevertheless welcome & hopefully will continue when other contentious issues arise.

(edited for text error)

Edited by - BRAM on 07 May 2010 09:36:40
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Advanced Member

484 Posts

Posted - 07 May 2010 :  17:06:23  Show Profile
BRAM, I agree, I read this yesterday, and thought it explained the current situation very well. I fully support the Clerk's statement.
We are at long last being told what is going on. Progress.

It is about time an explanatory statement was placed on the news section of the APC website. That is what it should be used for, in addition to obvious news items.

It also indicates that this forum item re. paying for the Community Centre on the General forum has an effect on APC. I doubt this statement would have been issued without the forum item.

However, credit where credit is due, I hope it is the first of many.
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Forum Owner / Moderator

United Kingdom
2623 Posts

Posted - 29 May 2010 :  11:43:15  Show Profile
The APC should be applauded for making a commitment to aim for Parish Council Quality Status, even though the standard is set at a very low level, and quite laughable from an ISO 9000 viewpoint. But that's not APC's fault, and at least it's a start.

The APC has already demonstrated its new speed in getting things done as can be observed from the draft minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting on 10 May which commenced at 7.15pm and finished 5 minutes earlier at 7.10pm!

At the Annual Parish Council meeting which followed, the Chairman quite rightly expressed his disappointment that there was now no police representation at Council Meetings. This is consistent with the lack of communication I have with Angmering's current PCSO. I used to have excellent communications with PCSOs Emma Orpin and Andrea Oakley and was able to publish details and photos of their initiatives on the AVL website. After a bit of a struggle, I do now get monthly statistics from our PCSO but (and perhaps it's just me) I rarely see him around the village - in fact I see Andrea more on her way to and from The Angmering School!
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484 Posts

Posted - 29 May 2010 :  13:58:05  Show Profile
Having read the Minutes of the annual Parish Meeting on 10th May 2010, on APC website, I note that they indicate a presentation by Andy Elder, Arun District Council Housing Strategy and Enabling Officer.

One aspect of his presentation was:-

"Questions were then asked about the details of Arun's strategy in relation to Government policies and the identified housing need in the District and in particular stressing the need to ensure that future developments were sustainable particularly in Angmering which had already seen a large number of houses built recently.

The Chairman thanked Andy Elder for his very interesting presentation."

Now I assume these "questions in relation to Government policy," related to the Arun Housing Strategy 2006-2026; ADC Local Development Framework and the South East Housing Plan imposed on local authorities in the south east by the last Government.

I appreciate the new Government has only been in office a couple of weeks and I doubt a new policy has yet been formulated but the Conservatives had indicated that they would alter the previous policy and leave housing strategy to local authorities.

The fact that questions were asked and I assume answers were provided, I think it would have been helpful to those that take an interest in such matters, if those questions and answers, in note form, had been included in the minutes.

This is a subject that has been very important and relevant to the residents of our village for some time and I am sure I am not the only one interested in a current update. Even if the current update is, that there is no update.

To provide no record whatsoever on the minutes, of what Mr Elder had to say on the subject, is quite astonishing.

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United Kingdom
2623 Posts

Posted - 29 May 2010 :  15:36:55  Show Profile
Originally posted by Bert

To provide no record whatsoever on the minutes, of what Mr Elder had to say on the subject, is quite astonishing.
Bert, that was also my immediate reaction to the minutes. Mr Elder's comments were germane to the issue. It is understood that, unlike Worthing, Arun District Council never formally affirmed the 2012-2026 Core (Housing) Strategy, no doubt waiting for the result of the general election.

The new coalition government has already agreed to abandon the Labour government regional housing strategy. A recent BBC report stated:
The region was supposed to have 30,000 new homes every year from 2006 until 2026 under the former Labour government's regional spacial strategy - but the coalition's announcement that it will abolish the strategy "rapidly" has been met with calls for clarity.

While campaigners against new developments that may now never happen are celebrating, house builders and people struggling to find an affordable home in their locality feel they're in limbo until the Government spells out the detail of its new housing policy.

It says it will return decision-making powers on housing and planning to local councils, give them the right to stop garden grabbing in which garden plots are sold off for development, and allow new trusts that will make it simpler for communities to provide homes for local people.

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Mr Growser
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United Kingdom
81 Posts

Posted - 29 May 2010 :  18:37:54  Show Profile
Once again the Police can not be bothered to extend the courtesy of Reporting to the APC on a monthly basis.
This is ,of course , an absolute disgrace and the Police Authority responsible for our so called but obviously invisible PCSO should be asked to explain what is going on.
I am not holding my breath on this one.
Who is paying the PCSO`s wages? Do we have the opportunity of contributing to his annual Performance Evaluation?
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373 Posts

Posted - 29 May 2010 :  19:31:19  Show Profile
So much for the expensive tv advert on "The Policing Pledge" which promised 80% of neighbourhood police time would be spent on patrol.
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Senior Member

172 Posts

Posted - 30 May 2010 :  08:22:23  Show Profile
Originally posted by neil

After a bit of a struggle, I do now get monthly statistics from our PCSO but (and perhaps it's just me) I rarely see him around the village - in fact I see Andrea more on her way to and from The Angmering School!

I mentioned the fact that the pcso was conspicuos by his absence months ago, nobody had anything to say about it then?

Originally posted by jammer (19th April 2010)

Has anyone mentioned this to the PCSO?
Come to think of it, I have never seen the new one though!


Edited by - jammer on 30 May 2010 08:31:11
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484 Posts

Posted - 30 May 2010 :  16:58:08  Show Profile
I do agree that the PCSO should make every effort to attend monthly full council meetings, and I have never seen him, but I do not recall seeing the previous one and she was apparently more visible around the village.

Whether he has been seen by particular residents does not appear to me to be the issue.

Was there a particular point that APC wanted to discuss, ask or tell the PCSO at the last two meetings?

Can he easily be contacted by APC office staff if required? I assume this is not a difficult problem.

Looking at Neil's Policing page and the last few monthly reports, we do not appear to have a problem in the village. Crime and anti-social behaviour is very low and of minor nature. From the information, we appear to have an average of one minor criminal offence or anti social behaviour a day. This in a large village with a population of over 8,000. (more than some small towns.)

This is extremely low.

As indicated, I do think he should attend monthly meetings whenever possible, but the most important aspect for me, is whether we have an issue that the PCSO is falling down on his duties.

I see no evidence of that, and from the recent monthly reports, incidents of crime and anti-social behaviour reported to police in and around Angmering appear to be falling. So it may well be that he is visible to the people that affect the police statistics, which surely is the objective.
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579 Posts

Posted - 30 May 2010 :  18:31:29  Show Profile
Neil, I'd sworn not to contribute further to these forums but I refuse you let go by your totally misguided interpretation on my comments about the representation of the French tricolour in the APC windows. It was not in the least a sarcastic comment, quite the opposite - I applaud the initiative, and for you to misinterpret it to substantiate your response is utterly ridiculous.
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410 Posts

Posted - 30 May 2010 :  22:02:20  Show Profile
This is a very strange topic!

The initial post was on 3/12/08 and no-one responded until 7 months later, and that response had nothing to do with the initial post. The repsonse should have been a new topic, surely?

The third post was 8 months after the second and after that it's just spun off on tangents. There are several topics within this single large one spanning 17 months.

Why not, for the benefit of new readers at least, start a new topic about (e.g.) our PCSO instead of continuing this snoozefest.

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United Kingdom
88 Posts

Posted - 31 May 2010 :  07:10:40  Show Profile
Bert, I would like to say that from walking around "my patch" of the village daily as one of the 2 environmental wardens, I have noticed an increased amount of vandalism and loutish behaviour from the more youthful of our population over the last couple of months. Litter and dog poo is definitely increasing and broken/smashed/discarded alcohol bottles/cans are a frequent occurrence. I know because I try to keep it to a minimum and clear it up as best I can. It may be that they see someone picking up litter/poo etc and so decide they don't need to bother or maybe it is summertime and more of them are out and about! These events are frequently reported to our invisible PCSO. I am sure he is out there somewhere but Angmering has yet to find him.
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373 Posts

Posted - 31 May 2010 :  11:30:53  Show Profile
Sussex Police Pledge (

"3) Ensure your Neighbourhood Policing Team and other police patrols are visible and on your patch at times when they will be most effective and when you tell us you most need them. We will ensure your team are not taken away from neighbourhood business more than is absolutely necessary. They will spend at least 80% of their time visibly working in your neighbourhood, tackling your priorities. Staff turnover will be minimised

7) Arrange regular public meetings to agree your priorities, at least once a month, giving you a chance to meet your local team with other members of your community. These will include opportunities such as surgeries, street briefings and mobile police station visits which will be arranged to meet local needs and requirements. Visit your local Neighbourhood Policing Team.

8) Provide monthly updates on progress, and on local crime and policing issues. This will include the provision of crime maps, information on specific crimes and what happened to those brought to justice, details of what action we and our partners are taking to make your neighbourhood safer and information on how your force is performing. Use our crime mapping facility.

3) In Sussex each of our 230 neighbourhoods has a named officer assigned to it, making policing more visible and more accessible. To ensure local officers are given every opportunity to become a familiar face in the neighbourhood, we intend to minimise staff changes and make certain that they are not taken away from working there unless absolutely necessary. Officers will spend at least 80% of their time delivering a service that addresses local concerns, working with local people to find solutions. Neighbourhood teams are supported by local response teams and other specialist units providing coverage through the day and night.

(7) Our Neighbourhood Policing Teams work with the community to identify the issues that really matter locally and agree neighbourhood priorities. We are committed to working with you and community partners to find solutions to these priorities and meet regularly to update you on progress, highlighting what action is being taken, and when necessary identify new priorities. Details of your local priorities and where to meet your local team are available via our website, your local police station or by contacting us by phone or e-mail.

8) We believe it is important you are kept informed of issues affecting your neighbourhood. Monthly updates are available from your Neighbourhood Policing Team, our web site and your local station."

I emailed the PCSO several months ago querying why the "crimes solved" figure which had previously appeared in the statistics reported had been dropped from the monthly report to the APC but I never received a reply. I just wondered whether in fact any crimes were ever actually solved.

The "safer schools"initiative which led to PCSOs (like our previous officer Andrea Oakley) being based in Angmering & other comprehensive schools was poor management of resources & must surely have affected overall neighbourhood policing resources. Surely this could have been part of the Neighbourhood PCSO's duties.

The point previously made about APC meetings & not just the PCSO report but District/County & various other items appearing in the minutes is that the reported items are rarely discussed,merely accepted, mostly without comment or question with little enthusiasm from the reporters.

(edited for text errors)

Edited by - BRAM on 31 May 2010 11:33:56
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United Kingdom
410 Posts

Posted - 31 May 2010 :  13:33:27  Show Profile
[i]Originally posted by BFA
The third post was 8 months after the

That should have read 3 months.
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484 Posts

Posted - 31 May 2010 :  13:49:25  Show Profile
BRAM, I do not disagree with any of the points you make, particularly your final para. re reports by all, to APC.

However, your posting re. the policing pledge appears a little disingenuous.

Looking at the website you highlight, it is clear that there is a National policing pledge, and you have replicated your first three paras. 3;7 and 8 from it. It being a National pledge, will relate to the busiest and crime infested parts of London, Manchester etc.. down to the lovely leafy villages in the rural counties.

Your second set of paras. 3;7 and 8 relate to the Sussex Police adaptation of that National pledge.

These relate to the whole of Sussex from the busy parts of policing Brighton and other large towns to the lovely leafy villages such as Angmering.

Now of course I entirely agree with you, that we in Angmering are fully entitled to the pledge that it offers, and if you feel let down by that I am sure you have made representation to the local Neighbourhood police Inspector.

This subject has come about by a comment at APC that our PCSO has not been attending regular meetings, and some may feel we are going ott with this subject.

However, I feel we do not have a crime and anti-social behaviour problem in Angmering. I accept Grumpy Girls reservations about this, but on the scale of things, I would not image it rates very highly on the Crime Agenda. If there was a regular, major problem, I would be one of the first to make representations about it.
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Posted - 01 Jun 2010 :  17:46:25  Show Profile

Point taken. The merge from National to County pledge perhaps was unrealistic in Sussex.

But does it not irritate other people as well that we are bombarded with Manifesto promises;pledges; guarantees;service level commitments etc. ad nauseam but they are mere words that the authors renege on all too easily when it suits them.
As for complaining therein lies another exercise in futility which usually results in chasing your tail only to end up with those hated phrases "We are committed to excellent customer service" or "lessons have been learned" when in reality the farce goes on.
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Posted - 03 Jul 2010 :  12:00:39  Show Profile
I see that travellers have again returned to the Mayflower field (presumably in readiness for the Littlehampton carnival).Whilst these various events in surrounding towns & villages no doubt enhance their local tourist revenues villages like Angmering have to pick up the tab for the disruption caused .
Since local & county authorities will never successfully deal with this problem perhaps APC should consider selling off the land to developers for residential housing which must surely be a preferable alternative & less costly in the long term..
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Posted - 03 Jul 2010 :  12:25:55  Show Profile
That's an interesting idea BRAM. The land in Mayflower Way is hardly used. Perhaps the PC could then put the money aside for purchasing a little bit of Chandlers BMW (WHEN it put up for sale) for use as a car park in the village centre. Villagers and shopkeepers desperately need more parking space if the village shops are to survive! I fear the PC will be ill-prepared (both organisationally and financially) when the opportunity finally arrives to be able to purchase suitable land.
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United Kingdom
88 Posts

Posted - 04 Jul 2010 :  14:24:01  Show Profile
The Travellers are not only in Mayflower Way, they have broken into Mayflower Park and now enjoy a vast area of green and pleasant land (or it was until yesterday!). There are about 18 caravans in total all presumably going to dispose of their rubbish where they see fit and let their dogs poo uncontrollably. Why is the APC unable to undertake proper supervision of installation of gates and fences to secure the areas. Obviously it will cost a fair amount of money initially but will be worth it in the long run. This happens every year and the council is surprised! When the lot in Mayflower Way left six weeks or whatever ago, work should have been carried out then to secure all potential access points around the village. Now it will cost heaps more to evict them and clear up after them. Does the APC not have a duty of care towards its parishioners? It seems to spend inordant amounts of money on totally unnecessary projects instead of concentrating on important ones like our health and safety and enjoyment of our surroundings.
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Posted - 04 Jul 2010 :  21:47:28  Show Profile
I realise that this is Parish Council-owned land, but I wonder if travellers set up camp on a regular basis on private land, like the latest area of proposed new development off Water lane, if the same people protesting against that would then see it as a solution and suggest the landowner builds a load of new houses. Or maybe it could work the other way - go and speak to the travellers and suggest they move to the proposed site to block the development, as per Titnore lane!

I'd hope that seeing as this latest group has broken in and are next to a school that it can be a police matter and dealt with quickly, but maybe the travellers know different.

If it's any consolation they are not 'pikeys' - we went to the trouble of speaking to the Mayflower way travellers today to establish that and other things.

Our attention was drawn to this situation by a phone call from a Parish Councillor at 6.45 this morning.

I'd just like to request, to anyone that reads this forum and thinks it's a good idea to phone, or call in to, a picture framing/craft shop specifically to sort these and other council matters out, please don't.

Edited by - BFA on 04 Jul 2010 21:55:05
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United Kingdom
51 Posts

Posted - 05 Jul 2010 :  05:53:02  Show Profile
Perhaps the Parish Councillor in question had received information at that time of the morning and with the interests of the village as a whole in mind not to mention the finances of the APC, had wanted urgent action taken. Surely being a Parish Councillor is a 24/7 job and although entirely voluntary is not mandatory. Additionally, if the area had been properly and professionally secured after the last lot of travellers left,this might not have happened. Now we have a huge inconvenience, loss of what had become a very nice and pleasant park to walk us and our dogs in and even more importantly, a huge bill coming our way.
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Posted - 05 Jul 2010 :  09:51:52  Show Profile
Perhaps the APC chairman should be reminded of his comments below:

" Posted - 08 Jan 2009 : 22:49:04 Angmering General - The Pond

Just to keep everyone on these forums informed, the wood posts are to prevent vehicular access onto the grassed area. The next stage is to fit lockable bollards across the footpath to the west of the car parking area and resite the gate across the roadway leading from Mayflower Way to the industrial units at the rear of Parsons Close. This will enable people to use the car parking facilities instead of parking in Mayflower Way or parking on the roadways of Bramley Green. It will also mean that their cars will be on view whilst they and their families use the facilities which I think they will find reassuring.
It must be understood that this area is for the use of everyone and not just those that can walk (with their children) to these facilities. I live in the very North of the village and would not be able to walk that sort of distance with my grandchildren.
I don't believe that these measures will encourage people to dump vehicles there in preference to the many other places in the village available or encourage joyriding. Who wants to joyride around a gravel carpark. as for other undesirable uses, don't forget that this area is overlooked by two properties who would only need to make one phonecall and the authorities would have direct vehicular access and a very easy way of blocking the only exit by car.
It is the long term aim of the Parish Council to make this whole area family orientated as it is the most suitable area we have available for this use and if we are forced to accept another large housing development (heaven forbid) then this sort of area will be much needed."

The invasion over the weekend demonstrates just how impotent police & councils are in these situations particularly as this is a "safe route to school."

Edited by - BRAM on 05 Jul 2010 09:53:48
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373 Posts

Posted - 13 Jul 2010 :  11:19:52  Show Profile
What a wonderful mess has been left again in the Mayflower Field & Park for Angmering taxpayers to pay the cleanup costs.
It's high time that APC found a long term solution to this continuing problem.
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484 Posts

Posted - 13 Jul 2010 :  13:20:53  Show Profile
I am sure it is not beyond the wit of man (or woman) for APC to arrange a long term solution to this problem, even if it means early morning 'phone calls from one Parish Councillor to another!
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United Kingdom
410 Posts

Posted - 14 Jul 2010 :  00:10:20  Show Profile
It's a problem Nation/county/borough/parish wide, where there's a will there's a way, be it public/private open land with travellers or your own home with burglars.

Travellers use bolt croppers, chainsaws etc and the police aren't interested so what's to be done, some sort of Berlin wall or other landscape-altering method? Still, there are some who do all they can within their powers, plus some outside of them, like actually mixing it with these people - unpaid and definitely unthanked in and out of hours. IOW taking time out of their business and private lives to do what they can, which in this case and previous ones, at least got the travellers moved on and work is ongoing to try and prevent them coming back to this area, but there are other areas and like I said, if this area is where they REALLY want to stay, then as long as there's a will, maybe that work won't be enough and it actually would take a 'Berlin wall' (which, don't forget, many successfully breached anyway)

Edited by - BFA on 14 Jul 2010 00:32:07
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373 Posts

Posted - 14 Jul 2010 :  10:50:42  Show Profile
BFA's comment that the police aren't interested is quite right although they have discretionary powers to direct Travellers off land where group behaviour is contravening to the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994. In certain circumstances (for example, where the Gypsies/Travellers have with them six or more vehicles and damage has occurred), officers may use powers under Section 61 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994.

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373 Posts

Posted - 22 Jul 2010 :  15:03:26  Show Profile
APC's recent security plans for Mayflower field & Park to deter future travellers from trespassing is welcome although the work carried out begs some questions.
Why was the carpark extended? Is this to accomodate travellers as there has been few.if any, visitors cars parked there & with the gate padlocked it would be generally unusable in any case? Surely total closure would have been better by preventing illegal access.
Why was rubble used to build the bunds rather than top soil or earth? What a wonderful opportunity was missed with all the soil removed from Angmering School & the Community Centre to recycle & save taxpayers money. If only our councillors & council staff had foresight.
I still fail to see how unlawful access to Mayflower playing field will be prevented, even with the bunds, as the gate can still be vandalised to gain entry as with previous incidents. Since there is rarely any use of the field (kickabout now occurs around the Community Centre) I repeat my suggestion why not sell it for development?
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