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373 Posts

Posted - 27 Jul 2010 :  11:11:50  Show Profile
APC had better expedite the,so far inadequate,security arrangements to prevent future travellers parking on Mayflower Field & Park as the August holiday fair will arrive shortly & we may be subjected to even more unwelcome trespassers.
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United Kingdom
2623 Posts

Posted - 27 Jul 2010 :  12:33:51  Show Profile
Can anybody advise whether planning permission is required to install the bunds in Mayflower Park and Mayflower Way?

Certainly before erecting these bunds, APC knew that retrospective planning permission needed to be obtained for the bund to the west of the Community Centre.

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484 Posts

Posted - 16 Sep 2010 :  16:57:46  Show Profile
From news page of APC website...16/9/10.

"In September next year it is hoped to have a 'Family Fun Day' in September on Mayflower Park."

Is that in September?

Why does APC not use their registration on this excellent village website to advertise such an event and for helpers? This website has far more readers that the APC website, and they know Neil will probably help them out by replicating this on his news page.

It really is time that APC swallowed their pride and got a grip on reality.

It was the current Chairman who asked a previous Clerk to register APC on this website forum, but fails to put obvious matters on here and has failed to do so since registration on April 1st 2009.

April Fools joke? In my view, contempt.

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United Kingdom
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Posted - 16 Sep 2010 :  21:59:37  Show Profile
I'm sure this event is something that Neil would be more than willing to put on the news page and who's to say APC won't ask him to, way before the event to attract volunteers as well as closer to the day to promote it.

If APC were to start a topic on this forum about this event, or if they started a topic on pretty much anything, it would probably turn in to another APC bashing, with anonymous moaning about (e.g.) if they have time/funds for this then why haven't they time/funds for that etc etc.

If they can be accused of failing to swallow pride, not having a grip on reality and being contemptious - before ever posting anything, then what sort of reception could they anticipate if they did?

You're asking them to post openly on a forum that respects anonymity. They don't wear masks at their meetings.

Edited by - BFA on 16 Sep 2010 22:04:14
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Advanced Member

373 Posts

Posted - 17 Sep 2010 :  12:25:58  Show Profile

If APC were to address the criticisms rather than hide away continuing their blatant disregard for Angmering residents opinions/concerns then perhaps the "APC bashing" might turn into a more respectful & positive "Communication and Community Engagement" which,if APC are genuinely serious about obtaining Parish Council Quality Status, will be essential.
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484 Posts

Posted - 17 Sep 2010 :  20:27:06  Show Profile
BFA, I appreciate your point and I accept that there is something to that view.

However, you are missing my point. It is because APC registered on this forum, and have not put one single item on it in 18mths, that I posted as I did.

The question has to be asked; Why did the Chairman ask the then Clerk to register, if there was no intention whatever to post on these forums?

Until that question is answered, you are not in a position to make your claim.

My personal view is that much of the previous APC "bashing" was in respect of the Community Centre, from individuals like BG resident, BRAM and myself.

Your good lady was treated with respect by me and most others on this forum, although I appreciate there were a few unnecessary comments by one or two.

The CC is now up and running and water under the bridge.

I believe I recall BG resident has moved on to pastures new and BRAM has posted a perfectly reasonable comment. I know neither of these individuals.

I think you would be surprised if APC appointed someone to post on relevant matters. I am sure the vast majority of posters fully understand that the PC's are volunteers and have the best interests of the village in mind, albeit everything they do may not please every resident.

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Advanced Member

United Kingdom
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Posted - 17 Sep 2010 :  21:47:27  Show Profile

There was an intention to post on the forum, it just didn't happen and now it seems that there is no intention any more.

The councillors that always used to post don't any more; there has to be a reason, something has obviously changed. Personally I believe the PC should post that reason, make a statement in a new topic here or on their own website and have done with it, rather than just disappearing from the forum.

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Posted - 18 Sep 2010 :  09:37:59  Show Profile
BFA, I'm pleased you now agree with my view, that there should be some explanation.
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Posted - 18 Sep 2010 :  21:16:06  Show Profile
Only to put it to rest.

I'm sure it's no big secret, it's just not going to be posted here, so why not write, email or ask at a meeting, and then you can post the answer here so the interested parties (about 3 people?) can see it.
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Posted - 19 Sep 2010 :  09:45:42  Show Profile
Or, as you indicated earlier, the explanation could be put on the APC website news page.

You say, "'s no big secret." I do not know the reason APC are very happy to have events and issues put on Neil's news page, that helps APC, but refuses to put anything whatsoever on a forum.
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Advanced Member

United Kingdom
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Posted - 19 Sep 2010 :  12:35:11  Show Profile
I advertise similar events in our shop windows, but don't demand the organisers buy anything.
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Advanced Member

484 Posts

Posted - 19 Sep 2010 :  12:49:45  Show Profile
Ok BFA, that is comparing chalk and cheese. We will clearly have to agree to disagree on APC's failure to utilise this excellent website, for the benefit of the residents of Angmering.
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Advanced Member

United Kingdom
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Posted - 19 Sep 2010 :  22:30:52  Show Profile
They do utilise this website, they are listed on the toolbar to the left under 'Organisations' - they reciprocate with a link to this website under 'useful links' on their own website and as you say, are happy to have events and issues on the news page.

This website is about far more than the forum part of it and if the owner of this website is happy to let the above happen, even if, like you, he wishes they would join in on this part of it, who are you/we to demand they join in on the forum?

I may or may not know more about the reasons that they don't but if anonymity has anything to do with it, I can totally understand.

They have been criticised for not keeping their website up to date, but the very day that they post some outline details of an event way hence, they still get criticised for not posting it on this forum as well - they just cannot win, can they?

They will address criticisms, just not on a forum open to the world. They simply cannot 'hide' as BRAM suggests - he, you and others can, and are doing so. You're not on a par with them - you're not talking 'man to man' - if you want to do that you can, they have obsolutely no obligation, and are given absolutely no incentive, to join in here.

Edited by - BFA on 19 Sep 2010 22:37:35
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Advanced Member

484 Posts

Posted - 20 Sep 2010 :  09:37:57  Show Profile
BFA, You are correct, APC are under no obligation to join in the forum. But they registered!

The difference between APC and my role in Angmering, is that APC are the Local Government at Parish level, and therefore have an obligation and responsibilities to the residents of Angmering. A Parish or Town council is not a secret society, it is an open form of Local Government, accountable to the residents.

This forum is an option to receive and provide information to the residents.

Communication too and from Local Government is a wonderful thing, particularly so, now we are in the age of IT.

I appreciate the point about anonimity, but my honest belief is that APC lose more in credibility than they gain by refusing to engage on the forum.

However, as I previously suggested, we will agree to disagree.
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Advanced Member

United Kingdom
410 Posts

Posted - 27 Sep 2010 :  22:38:24  Show Profile
7 days and no further opinions on this!

What's been going on outside of this on the forum within the same 7 days? Not a lot!

So, putting myself in APC's position, would I consider it worthwhile spending taxpayers' money contributing to such an inactive place? Would I have any onus to attempt to make this forum a more active place?

Please don't quote viewing figures - forums live or die by the amount of topics and replies.

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Average Member

United Kingdom
37 Posts

Posted - 28 Sep 2010 :  12:42:58  Show Profile
Originally posted by BFA

7 days and no further opinions on this!

Slightly OT here and this is probably is just me, but I've stopped actively reading this thread as, from what I have read appears to be a long ensemble of different topics bundled together in one thread.

Personally I would like to see this thread locked and members asked to create a new thread for each new topic they wish to discuss... it doesn't take much to confuse me but I am totally lost as it's all become a little bewildering!
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Advanced Member

484 Posts

Posted - 28 Sep 2010 :  15:02:50  Show Profile
My own view is, that the subject of 'Parish Council News' is entirely appropriate for the thread.

That thread being, Parish Council News and matters appropriate to the Parish Council, or in which the PC is involved.

Of course the issues will change, but if each matter is identified seperately, it would lose the PC involvement and relevance under one heading.

It is exactly as you indicate, "..a long ensemble of different topics bundled together in one thread." That thread being APC.

Neil has a number of forum areas and many subjects under each area.
'Parish Council News' is but one subject within one forum area.
There are many others in which to engage.
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Advanced Member

United Kingdom
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Posted - 28 Sep 2010 :  18:14:01  Show Profile
Couldn't agree more Maxiboost - I said the same thing a while ago.........

Originally posted by BFA

This is a very strange topic!

The initial post was on 3/12/08 and no-one responded until 7 months later, and that response had nothing to do with the initial post. The repsonse should have been a new topic, surely?

The third post was 8 months after the second and after that it's just spun off on tangents. There are several topics within this single large one spanning 17 months.

Why not, for the benefit of new readers at least, start a new topic about (e.g.) our PCSO instead of continuing this snoozefest.

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Advanced Member

484 Posts

Posted - 28 Sep 2010 :  20:00:46  Show Profile
BFA, Why are you so sensitive to anything in relation to APC?

Are you seriously suggesting it should not be just one subject of many, in Angmering Organisations, in one of the six forums?

There are dozens of subjects in six forums, open for anyone to comment.

Anyone registered can start a new topic anytime they like.

So far as your quote of a previous message is concerned, I thought the example you suggested, ( " .a new topic about eg. our PCSO..") very strange then, as I do now.

You put that original message up on 30th May this year, yet we already had a topic "PCSO" in the General forum list which had commenced in August 2009 and it is still there.

So far as I understand Neil's rules, you, Maxiboost or anyone else can start a new subject anytime you like.
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Advanced Member

United Kingdom
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Posted - 28 Sep 2010 :  20:30:48  Show Profile
Ref the PCSO bit, I did say 'for example' - I could have picked from many other subjects that have been discussed here in this thread.

Forum topics and forum threads are the same thing, therefore if you have topics/threads within a topic/thread ..... it's gone off topic!

No idea why these separate subjects were not started as separate threads, possibly because, even though the OP was about Christmas lights, the heading included the words 'Parish Council'

The topic went 'off topic' from the first reply.

No sensitivity here either, I'm just pointing out a couple of facts, such as.....It's obvious APC are not going to join in. If they do they'll get slagged off. It will be by the same few posters. No-one else seems to give one.

And it's goodnight from me.

Edited by - BFA on 28 Sep 2010 22:49:20
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Average Member

United Kingdom
37 Posts

Posted - 29 Sep 2010 :  08:05:39  Show Profile
Whilst I appreciate your pov, Bert, IMHO one long untitled/jumbled thread becomes unreadable and is not a good way to run a forum.

I think for those people who like to dip into the threads which are relevant to them (for whatever reason, be it time, selfishness etc!) it just doesn't work. I pop on here, say, once a week at best and choose to view posts by using the 'Active Topics Since' drop-down menu so I get an overview of those discussions which are current. "Parish Council News" has almost always been updated but I find it rather annoying to pick up where I last left it (i.e. having to read back to find out what the subject is!) I wonder if anyone else feels the same (and ultimately is stopping reading the thread - indeed, maybe it's just BFA, Bert, Neil & myself - heeeelllooo, is anyone there!? ).

Please understand I am not saying the content of the thread is not important, but I honestly can't see why one would lump different topics into a single thread - IMO it's not how efficient forums are run (and after all, your title is a kind of good way of 'advertising' your subject discussion - the more air time the better right?)

These are a very good set of forums which Neil should be commended for - it's his decision of course, but at the very least I would like to see post's prefixed with "APC:" then <subject title> or something, just so everyone knows what's what. Any if an OP doesn't follow this convention, then the moderator amends the title to ensure it does.

(Y'know, I should have really created a new thread to discuss this OT topic! )
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Forum Owner / Moderator

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Posted - 30 Sep 2010 :  17:20:21  Show Profile
I agree, Maxiboost, there are just too many matters in this one topic. It is perhaps far better to treat Parish Council matters individually in future using the convention you suggest. But it's not down to me to organise or start new topics as Bert suggests - anyone can do it.

While still under matters arising in this existing topic, I agree with Bert that APC should tell us why the Chairman, having forced the then Parish Clerk to register so the APC could post to these Forums, then chickens out. Is the tail wagging the dog? Is there something more sinister? Have all parish councillors been gagged? This matter is never going away until the APC responds. We will not forget. If they do not want to directly post to these Forums any more, perhaps they can tell me why and I will post their response! It's not as if they do not read them.

(Sorry for not responding sooner as I've been away sunning myself for a couple of weeks. I did not even go to the local internet café!!! )
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Posted - 12 Oct 2010 :  10:33:42  Show Profile
This general topic is now closed.
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