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Long term traffic disruption in Angmering

Southern Water has announced that from Monday 19 May, their contractors - Clancy - will commence the replacement and upsizing of the sewer that runs from The Square, along Water Lane, to Weavers Hill. The work is currently scheduled to finish on 19 December 2025, although that could extend due to poor weather or other factors. Construction work will begin at 8.00am each day and continue through to 5.30pm, but there will be no weekend or Bank Holiday working. Owners will have access to their properties/driveways at all times, but they may need to travel via a diversion route.

The water authority has said that they regret that they will need to close Water Lane during their works. There will be a rolling road closure in place so work can be done in stages to minimise inconvenience to the local community. Depending on where on the road work is being carried out, you may not be able to park on the road outside your property.

Shops and businesses in the village will be open as usual although some parking bays outside the parade of shops in The Square will be restricted during the first phase of the works. The schedule of works (subject to change) is as follows:

Phase 1a - Arundel Road to Church Road 5 Mon 19 May 2025 Fri 20 June 2025
Phase 1b - Church Road to High Street 3 Mon 23 June 2025 Wed 09 July 2025
Phase 2 - High Street to Cumberland Crescent 8 Thu 10 July 2025 Mon 01 Sept 2025
Phase 3 - Cumberland Crescent to Weavers Hill 16 Tue 02 Sept 2025 Fri 19 Dec 2025

Southern Water/Clancy will be holding a drop-in session at Angmering Village Hall on Wednesday 9 April 2025 between 4pm and 7pm where you will be able to find more information on the work. If you are unable to attend, email Jenny Keirle atjenny.keirle@theclancygroup.co.uk

28 March 2025

Film Night

A date for your Diary! The next Film Night at Angmering Community Centre will be on Tuesday 15 April at 7.30pm (doors open 7.00pm). Tickets cost £8.00 and are available from the Community Centre office. Refreshments will be available.

The film is "A COMPLETE UNKNOWN" (2024) starring Timothée Chalamet, Edward Nprton, and Elle Fanning. In 1961, an unknown 19-year-old Bob Dylan arrives in New York City with his guitar and forges relationships with musical icons on his meteoric rise, culminating in a groundbreaking performance that reverberates around the world.

28 March 2025

Planning Applications

A/34/25/HH: Drop kerb. 20 Dell Drive.

A/35/25/HH: Single storey front/side extension and new crossover. 7 Ambersham Crescent.

A/39/25/HH: Erection of two storey side extension. Field House, The Thatchway.

A/41/25/HH: Demolish existing conservatory and replace with a single storey rear extension. 66 Downs Way, East Preston.

A/46/25/T: 1 No. Lime (T07) spread reduced to leave 4m to the southern canopy aspect and crown lift to 3m above ground level, 1 No. Sycamore (T08) removal of deadwood and spread reduced to leave 2.5 m to the southern canopy aspect and 1 No. Sycamore (T14) spread reduced to leave 2m to the northern canopy aspect. The Spotted Cow, High Street.

Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 17 April 2025.

To see applications, plans, design statements, etc, type the Application Reference Number (such as those above) into Arun District Council's "Application Search Facility ", click on the Search button, and click on the hyperlink reference when selected application is returned - then select "Documents".

28 March 2025

Building site to re-commence work

McCarthy Stone has today announced that groundworks will be re-starting on Monday 24 March at their Angmering retirement development on the old BMW Chandlers site off Water Lane and the High Street.

Key milestones for the project:

1st September 2025 – McCarthy Stone takes over as Principal Contractor
Week commencing 26th August 2025 – Tower Crane installation
31st July 2026 – Sales launch
23rd October 2026 – Handover

21 March 2025

Spring is here!

Thanks to Bill Barwell for these village photos.


19 March 2025

Wadars Quiz Night

19 March 2025

Community Transport service

Community Transport Sussex (CTS) is a charity that provides Community Transport across West Sussex for people who would otherwise struggle to use mainstream public transport for whatever reason. They have fully accessible buses which can take you to the local shops or garden centre, to medical appointments, to day-care centres, or perhaps to see your friends or family, or to attend group and social activities - all to improve wellbeing and help to keep independence. CTS can offer a range of journeys from Portslade to Littlehampton. A number of Angmering residents already use their "Dial-A-Ride" service and they would love more people in Angmering to know about their charity and what it delivers.

Dial-A-Ride will pick you up from your door in a wheelchair accessible minibus or other suitable vehicle, with a trained driver who can help you get from A to B as smoothly as possible. They have a depot at Durrington that has 10 minibuses and 30+ drivers - all fully MiDAS trained.

Trips can be booked individually or as a group. Bookings are on a first come, first served basis, so the more notice you can give them the better. It is also possible to have regular weekly/daily slots booked, subject to availability. You will need to register with them as a member before booking a Dial-A-Ride journey. Membership is free.

To learn more about what CTS does, visit their website at https://www.ctsussex.org.uk/, Email mailto:enquiries@darss.org.uk, or phone 01903-530053 (Mon-Fri 9.30am to 3.30pm).

14 March 2025

Snippets from the draft minutes of Angmering Parish Council meeting of 10 March 2025

Mayflower Park - extension to solar lighting - The Chair introduced the supporting paper and invited questions. It was confirmed the lights come on when they are walked under and are dim at all the time. All agreed this was a good idea and everyone fully supported this. RESOLUTION: Cllr. Reigate PROPOSED the extension to the solar lighting. Cllr. Bicknell SECONDED and ALL AGREED

Community Grant applications - The 2024/2025 budget for Community Grants is £5,000. Eight grants have been awarded so far this year, leaving an available budget of £2,665.00. No grant requests were received this month. A discussion on how to encourage more grant applications took place. The whole process will be looked at in the autumn with a view to find a new way to administer grants from April 2026 to hopefully encourage a bigger take up. Any grant money not awarded in this current financial year will go into EMR.

The full Minutes can be read here

14 March 2025

Planning Applications

A/33/25/T: Fell 1 No. Monterey Pine (T1). Beech Glade, 4 Blue Cedars Close

Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 7 March 2025.

To see applications, plans, design statements, etc, type the Application Reference Number (such as those above) into Arun District Council's "Application Search Facility ", click on the Search button, and click on the hyperlink reference when selected application is returned - then select "Documents".

14 March 2025

Wellbeing Fair

13 March 2025

Two new shops to open

The Atelier Art Gallery & Open Studio will open at Bank Chambers, The Square on Friday 7 March 2025. The Art Gallery features works by Fiona J Rose who also holds monthly workshops there.

The Signature Nail Spa will open on Saturday 15 March and will be located at 2, Church Hill (off The Square). There is an offer of 50% off all services between 15 and 31 March 2025. To contact Signature Nail Spa, phone 01903-357089.

6 March 2025

New Sunday bus service

Stagecoach have announced that, from 6 April, Service 10 will have a new timetable to improve punctuality and will start in Angmering on Sundays following customer feedback. This service will run via Boxgrove Parade (north of Goring station), Tarring, Worthing Railway Station, to South Steet, Worthing. Click here for the new timetable. The first hourly Sunday bus will leave at the stop near North Drive, Station Road, at 8.17am, picking up at stops in the village, and the last bus will leave North Drive at 6.02pm arriving in South Street Worthing at 6.57pm. They will follow the same route as the number 9 service (i.e via the Square, Chantryfield Road, the High Street, and Roundstone Lane)

Our MP, Dr Beccy Cooper, held a discussion with Stagecoach during their consultation period for the revised services and timetables, and requested that they improve their services to Angmering, including a Sunday service, although a Sunday service had been under discussion previously.

The new 701 service (Worthing/Littlehampton), which will run along the A259 through the south of Angmering will also be introduced on 6 April, although it is not known at this stage whether it will stop at the south of Station Road, but it will stop at Haskins during opening hours.

5 March 2025

Chamber Music Concerts

On Saturday 29 March at 3.15pm, the Lancing Chamber Orchestra will be holding a Chamber Music Festival Concert in St Margaret's Church, Angmering, celebrating chamber music for strings and wind by various composers. Later the same day, at 8.00pm, they will be holding a second concert at All Saints Church, Cissbury Drive, Findon Valley, BN14 0DT.

The cost of the tickets are £5.42 for one performance or £8.67 for both (includes small booking fee). Children under 10 are free. Scan the QR code to book tickets or go to https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/lancing-chamber-orchestra/chamber-music/2025-03-29/15:15/t-pqdpgrd . Tickets will also be available on the door.

Lancing Chamber Orchestra was formed in 1948, originally as Lancing Orchestral Society, and has ever since performed as Lancing’s local orchestra. As an amateur orchestra, they welcome local musicians from both Lancing and surrounding areas.

5 March 2025

Mr Eric Holmes

We regret to learn of the death of Mr Eric Holmes on 14 February, a well known and respected member of our community. His funeral was held today (Thursday 27 February) at Worthing Crematorium. Eric was born in Barnsley, Yorkshire, on 19 June 1930 and married Shirley Margaret Hall there in 1961. In the late 1960s, they moved to Angmering where Eric opened his estate agency business which was located in the village centre for nearly 50 years, although run by his son Jonathan in the later years. It closed at the beginning of 2017, having been located at three different shop locations in the centre since its establishment. Shirley, also well known in the village, died in 2006 having been a parish councillor and chair of the Village Hall Committee.

Eric had many interests. He was also at one time an Angmering Parish councillor, becoming its chairman between 1978 and 1980. He was a governor of The Angmering School for more than 46 years, a trustee of the Lavinia Norfolk Centre Trust for many years, and a member of the Angmering Chorale. Further, he was a holding trustee for Angmering Village Hall and later for the Angmering Community Centre when it was opened in 2009. He was also a trustee of the Jack Clavey Fund which provides financial support for village sporting, recreation, and leisure time activities. Additionally, he was a founder member of The Angmering Society, becoming its vice-chairman on its inception in 1973. Later, he became a president of the Society and then a life vice-president. He was a keen gardener and gave a trophy, presented annually, at the Angmering Flower & Produce Show. He was a founding member of the Angmering association twinning the village with the Normandy town of Ouistreham-Riva-Bella. In 2024, Eric was the very deserved recipient of the Parish Council's Fred Rowley Award for his voluntary service to the community of Angmering for over 45 years.

We would like to express our sincere condolences to Eric's family. We recognise the much valued service he gave to this community for more than half a century both in his business and his charitable work.

27 February 2025

Bewley Road development protest

A further protest gathering against the proposed inappropriate development of prime agricultural land in the fields west of Bewley Road took place this afternoon (Saturday 22 February). Some 150 villagers came to voice their strong objections to the development. The event was organised by the community group "Protect Farmland West of Bewley Road" (PFWBR) who are opposing this development. After an aerial photoshoot by the Worthing Herald, PFWBR organiser, Lucy Todd, addressed the gathering, updating attendees on the latest situation. For those who were unable to attend this afternoon, here is what Lucy had to say:

"Welcome to everybody who has managed to join us today despite the dull February weather! The campaign to save the fields behind us has gone from strength to strength and continues to grow as more and more people realise what they stand to lose if the Gleeson's Planning Application is approved. Over 1300 people have objected to the application and fewer than 100 people have supported it. This is amazing and we would like to thank every single one of you who have submitted your objections. You are the true stars of our Campaign.

It would be very easy for us to rest on our laurels and wait for the Planning Committee in May but PFWBR know that we need to keep our profile up locally so that our voice is heard. The Village of Angmering has seen 22 housing schemes approved by Arun District Council with 1,263 houses built in the last 3 years.

It is now abundantly clear to us that there isn't sufficient infrastructure to support this growth. Our roads are jammed with traffic, our health services are on their knees, our schools are over-subscribed - it is quite simply unsustainable. The 190 new homes proposed by Gleeson on prime agricultural land will be the straw that breaks the camel's back. We cannot stand idly by while those in power make the decisions for us.

Gleeson's Planning Application for Land West of Bewley Road could be decided in May. However, there is a glimmer of hope! On 31 January, the government launched its consultation on the Land Use Framework (or LUF) for England which they say will give " decision makers the data they need to protect our most productive agricultural land, boosting food security in a time of global uncertainty and a changing climate". PFWBR are excited by the LUF, which is likely to be ready this Summer, because we believe it will have significant bearing on the determination of Gleeson's application. The LUF together with devolution, which will create a unified Sussex region, will enable Arun District Council to strengthen its emerging Local Plan by protecting prime agricultural land like the fields behind us. Arun District Council, will also be able to advocate more strongly for a proportion of its housing targets to be achieved in more suitable sites across the wider region.

We have therefore written to the Case Officer, who is also the Head of Planning to respectfully request a meeting to discuss whether the Outline Planning Application can be deferred until the final version of the LUF is published later this year. We hope our request will be viewed favourably, in the light of the vast number of objections that the application has received to date.

Thanks, once again, for all of your brilliant support. We will continue to keep you updated on our Campaign via the Village Facebook page but do feel free to contact us via our email ( pfwbr.angmering@gmail.com ) and website ( https://savelandwestofbewleyroad.co.uk ) if you have any further ideas to promote the Campaign."

Credit: Eddie Mitchell, Worthing Herald

22 February 2025

RNLI - Saving Lives at Sea

The RNLI are holding a "Saving Lives at Sea - A live experience" evening at The Woodlands Centre, Woodlands Road, Rustington on Friday 28th March at 7pm. Mark Tewksbury from Hastings RNLI will talk the audience through one particularly dramatic rescue during storm Ciara. Nick White will tell us about the RNLI in Littlehampton and some members of our crew will be available for a Q & A session. Tickets costing £10, including a glass of wine/soft drink, are available from the RNLI Shop at Fisherman's Quay, Surrey Street , Littlehampton or by emailing mjcballantyne@gamail.com

The fundraising crew at Littlehampton incorporates the former Angmering Fundraising Branch of the RNLI.

20 February 2025

New Angmering WI Group

17 February 2025

Grand Launch of Ayton House

Care UK have said that they would be delighted to welcome Angmering residents to the Grand Launch of Ayton House on Thursday 27th of February at 2pm. Join them for cooking demonstrations and tasting, live music, cocktail making, ceremonial ribbon cutting, and a Grand Launch Afternoon Tea. Please RSVP to caroline.thomas@careuk.com if you would like to attend. Ayton House is located at 2 Shepherds Way (on the corner of Dappers Lane and Water Lane).

15 February 2025

Planning Applications

A/12/25/T: Removal of overhanging limb from 1 No. Lime. 22 The Groves, Ecclesden Park.

Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 7 March 2025.

To see applications, plans, design statements, etc, type the Application Reference Number (such as those above) into Arun District Council's "Application Search Facility ", click on the Search button, and click on the hyperlink reference when selected application is returned - then select "Documents".

14 February 2024

Film Night

A date for your Diary! The next Film Night at Angmering Community Centre will be on Tuesday 11 March at 7.30pm (doors open 7.00pm). Tickets cost £8.00 and are available from the Community Centre office. Refreshments will be available.

The film is the political drama "BRIDGET JONES - MAD ABOUT THE BOY" (2025)(15) starring Renee Zellweger, Leo Woodall, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Hugh Grant, Emma Thompson, and Jim Broadbent. Bridget Jones navigates life as a widow and single mum with the help of her family, friends, and former lover, Daniel. Back to work and on the apps, she's pursued by a younger man and maybe - just maybe - her son's science teacher.

13 February 2025

Planning Applications

A/12/25/T: Removal of overhanging limb from 1 No. Lime. 28 The Groves, Ecclesden Park.

Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 27 February 2025.

To see applications, plans, design statements, etc, type the Application Reference Number (such as those above) into Arun District Council's "Application Search Facility ", click on the Search button, and click on the hyperlink reference when selected application is returned - then select "Documents".

7 February 2024

News Archive

Contains Angmering News since January 2005

Note: This is a multi-purpose page - it contains local news, editorial views/comments, and residents' views. Angmering Village Life welcomes comments on the village and parish but will not normally publish individuals' communications, nor will it normally make any comment based on a single observation. However, if a number of similar comments have been made on any one aspect, we will consider including an appropriate item on this page. Any such views expressed will not reflect those of Angmering Village Life unless specifically stated. Angmering Village Life does not purport to represent the residents of Angmering in any way. Angmering Village Life would welcome genuine factual news items for publication on this page.

Declaration of Interests: The Owner/Editor of Angmering Village Life is a member of the Angmering Table Tennis Club and the Angmering Short Mat Bowls Club and a member of Angmering Parish Council's Conservation Area Extension working group.

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