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New Angmering Sports Hub proposed

Arun District Council (ADC) are proposing to construct a substantial sports hub on the site of the Palmer Road Recreation Ground, plus on land to its north when it is transferred to them by the developer, Redrow. There are proposed options to access the hub either direct from Arundel Road (opposite St Margaret's School) or through the new housing development to the north of the Recreation Ground. The current access via Decoy Drive would be closed.

The proposal aims to help meet the shortfall in sport and leisure facilities in the district, and to enhance the quality of the current facilities at Palmer Road, with the opportunity to introduce new activities.

The project would improve existing facilities and has been designed to include: • a new community sports hub building • one full sized 3G all-weather pitch with floodlighting • nine grass football pitches for a range of ages • one artificial turf cricket wicket • one multi-use games area (MUGA) • new play area.

The new community sports hub building has been designed as an upgrade to existing facilities. The building will include: • improved changing rooms for players and officials. • storage areas within changing rooms to allow staggered use. • pitch maintenance equipment store. • flexible hall and community space for sports, leisure activities, events and meetings. • opportunity for food and beverage provision. • toilets • parking for 109 vehicles, some with electrical vehicle charging points.

The cost of funding the sports hub is estimated to be approximately £10m. ADC is due to receive approximately £3m in developer contributions allocated from local housing developments. Grant applications will also be made to sports organisations, although it is not certain how much funding could be available. Options for the remaining funding will be considered when more detail is known about the design of the sports hub. The programme to construct the sports hub will depend on how much funding is available. Options to build the sports hub in phases will be considered.

A Public Consultation is currently being held with online survey comments needing to be submitted by 9am on Friday 2 August 2024. Full details of the project, plans, and survey form can be found at https://www.arun.gov.uk/download.cfm?doc=docm93jijm4n20928.pdf&ver=26762

14 July 2024

Angmering Grange wins another award

Hallmark Angmering Grange, the state-of-the-art care home in Roundstone Lane, has won a fourth national design award. Hallmark was recently awarded the Best Care Home Developer of the Year award at the Eastern Eye Property Awards for its Angmering Grange care home. The awards, which are organised by Asian Media Group, seek to celebrate and acknowledge the accomplishments of organisations and individuals within the property sector.

Angmering Grange, which officially opened in June 2023, offers an array of outstanding features, including a cinema with a star-light ceiling, a café with an adjoining cocktail bar, two luxurious hair salons, and a traditional ice cream parlour which is positioned in the centre of the dementia community to aid reminiscence. Meanwhile, outside there is spectacular landscaped gardens and two large terraces, a summer house, gardening club area with raised planters, a Royal Mail post-box and fitness equipment for resident use.

Managing Director of Hallmark Luxury Care Homes, Aneurin Brown said: "We are so pleased to have won this award and to have been acknowledged for our commitment to creating an environment which supports residents to thrive. "Angmering Grange has now garnered four accolades for its architectural and interior design, underscoring that great design goes beyond aesthetics to truly create spaces that feel like home."

The residential, dementia and nursing home has previously won awards at the Caring Times National Care Awards, the Knight Frank Healthcare Property Lunch, and the Care Home Professional Leaders in Care Awards.

2 July 2024

Fairway Gardens - Affordable homes

As many local residents know, developers Barratt David Wilson have applied to Arun District Council for a Deed of Variation which, if agreed by ADC, will allow BDW not to build the agreed 43 affordable homes on the site next to Rustington Golf Course. The matter has been taken up with BDW who have issued the following response:

“After an extensive period of marketing the site to affordable housing providers, Barratt Southern Counties and officers at Arun District Council were unable to identify any parties interested in taking the affordable housing units at Fairway Gardens. Subsequently, a Deed of Variation was submitted to Arun District Council seeking to contribute a payment towards providing the much needed affordable homes in another part of the district. We continue to work with Arun District Council in order to deliver affordable housing in locations attractive to Registered Providers.”

2 July 2024

Artisan bakery opens

Angmering gained a wonderful new shop today (Tuesday 25 June) with the opening of The Butler's Pantry on Stubbs Hill, High Street. This is an artisan micro bakery in the heart of of our village. Owner/baker, Julia, takes pride in her carefully crafted bread, delightful pastries, and scrumptious sandwiches, all made with locally sourced ingredients that bring out the true taste of our region. The Butler's Pantry offers various cakes, scones, breads, and sweet and savoury pastries. Their specialities include a daily menu board of baguettes/ ciabatta style sandwiches, seasonal cream teas to go, ice creams, and hot & cold drinks. All food is freshly made on the premises for takeaway.

I had to sample some of these. I loved the crusty baguette, and the sausage rolls were tasty and so well filled. I reserved the Mars bar brownie for this afternoon with a cup of tea - Mmmmm! I see more visits coming on!

Opening hours are Tuesday to Friday:- 9.00am - 3.45pm; Saturday:- 9.00am to 2.00pm; Sunday & Monday:- closed. Phone: 01903-366161. Email: butlerspantry5@gmail.com. Website: https://www.thebutlers-pantry.com/

25 June 2024

Planning Applications

A/81/24/HH: Two storey side and single storey rear extensions, including installation of front porch canopy, following demolition of existing detached garage. 9 Ham Manor Farm Cottages West Drive

A/84/24/PL: Conversion of attached garage into habitable space and single storey extension to create annexe for family dependent. This application is in CIL Zone 2 (zero rated) as other development. 17 Lansdowne Way

A/88/24/S73: Variation of condition following the grant of A/256/21/RES (as varied by A/287/22/PL) relating to the omission of flat-over-garages balconies on plots 369, 389 and 439. Land North of Water Lane

A/89/24/HH: Erection of orangery extension to the rear elevation. 15 Darlington Close

Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 27 June 2024.

To see applications, plans, design statements, etc, type the Application Reference Number (such as those above) into Arun District Council's "Application Search Facility ", click on the Search button, and click on the hyperlink reference when selected application is returned - then select "Documents".

7 June 2024

Angmering remembers D-Day

Members of the local community attended a ceremony near the Angmering Community Centre this morning (Thursday 6th June) to commemorate the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy by Allied forces, the campaign to liberate mainland Europe. Cllr Nikki Hamilton-Street, chair of Angmering Parish Council, and Angmering 'flagmaster', Roger Miles, gave speeches providing background and context of D-Day, and the impact of troop training and vehicle mobilisation in Angmering. Angmering is twinned with the Normandy town of Ouistreham-Riva-Bella, the location of WW2 'Sword Beach', the most easterly of the five Allied invasion beaches.

The ceremony was attended by a number of parish councillors together with Sir Peter Bottomley and Dr Beccy Cooper, the Conservative and Labour candidates respectively for the forthcoming Parliamentary General Elections on 4th July. A number of local residents also attended. Following the speeches, the 80th Anniversary flag was raised by Fraser and Sophie, pupils from The Angmering School.


Later in the morning, at a further ceremony on The Green in The Square, also attended by County Councillor Deborah Urquhart, pupils from The Angmering School read the D-Day "Poem for Schools" composed by Chelsea Pensioner, Roy Palmer:

It is D-Day, the Sixth of June Nineteen-Forty-Four. Operation Overlord commenced, leaving the world in awe.
The planning started in Nineteen-Forty-three. Bringing Allies together, to make our World free.
Deception was used, codenamed Operation Bodyguard. Making rubber tanks and wooden planes as a façade.
An American unit was formed for General Omar Bradley. Then a web of lies was spread, by his Ghost Army.
Much more was done, to keep the Germans in the dark. Before the Allies on foreign shores, could disembark.
Everything was Most Secret and kept Hush Hush. As Allies gathered resources, for their big push.
The Allied Supreme Commander was General Dwight Eisenhower. With General (Monty) Montgomery as Temporary Ground Commander.
Eleven Thousand Aircraft and Gliders with Paratroopers and Soldiers. Were dropped behind enemy lines to secure the area.
More than Five-thousand ships, the biggest Armada ever seen. Sailed from British shores and our fields of green.
Monty’s battle plan was written, on one sheet of paper. Set for June the Fifth, the Day of their departure.
But bad weather, caused a Twenty-four-hour delay. Then conditions changed, and they got underway.
British, American, Canadian and many other countries, were together thrown. Going to fight a War, something many had never known.
Over One Hundred and Fifty-Thousand men of every creed. Will perform acts of courage, that must succeed.
There were Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and the Merchant Navy. Many Civilians who volunteered to fight against Nazi tyranny.
Over the English Channel and to Normandy, France will go. To land on beaches called Sword, Gold, Utah, Omaha and Juno.
Were they afraid? Yes! they most certainly were. But the world must be saved, that was their spur.
The German defences were called, the Atlantic Wall. Hitler told Field-Marshall Rommel, he must, the Allies stall.
The Allies landed Twenty-Four-Thousand troops on D-Day. Commencing at Six-Thirty, then things went into disarray.
Wind and rough seas helped landing craft, miss their mark. Putting the plan in jeopardy from the start.
Fierce resistance was put up, by Germans guarding the beaches. The time had come to fight, no further need for speeches.
Beaches were Mined, Barbed wire laid, metal tripods and many hazards. Were set to kill, maim and make things awkward.
Over Ten-Thousand casualties, the Allies had that first day. With over Four-Thousand dead, a heavy price to pay.
D-Day made Heroes, in that hell unknown. Helping turn the Tide of War, as the Enemy were overthrown

Following reading of the poem by the two pupils from The Angmering School, the girls moved to Angmering Village Hall where they raised the flag of Ouistreham.

6 June 2024

Security Course

6 June 2024

Yarnbombers D-Day homage

Here is one of Angmering Yarnbombers' clever creations celebrating the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landings on 6th June 1944. It depicts soldiers alighting from a landing craft on one of the Normandy beaches. Others can be seen in the window of the Co-Op store in The Square.

1 June 2024

2025 Calendar Competition

For the first time ever, Angmering Parish Council (APC) are looking at producing a calendar and are asking you to send them your pictures for a chance to feature in the Angmering Calendar for 2025. They would like to showcase all that Angmering has to offer, so get searching for the photo you’re most proud of and email it to them at admin@angmering-pc.gov.uk with 2025 Calendar Competition in the subject of the email.

They need pictures from all seasons, all parts of the village, events you have been to, basically anything as long as it’s from Angmering. Please also include the photographers name so they can be acknowledged in the calendar if chosen. You can submit up to three photos for consideration. Let them know when and where they were taken and, if your photos feature a private property or person, please get their permission to submit the photograph.

Closing date to receive your photos is by midnight on Monday 5 August 2024 and APC will start to sell copies at Angmering Revealed on Saturday 21 September 2024. Each calendar will be sold for £5 with all monies raised going towards APC's chosen charity of the year, which this year is The Lavina Norfolk Centre based at The Angmering School.

The rules for Angmering Parish Council's 2025 Calendar Competition can be found on theirr website https://www.angmering-pc.gov.uk/ or a printed copy can be obtained from the Parish Office.

27 May 2024

Comedy night in Angmering

A charity fundraiser in aid of The Lavinia Norfolk Centre at The Angmering School which supports young people who have a physical or sensory impairment. Saturday 14 September 2024.

Visit www.naomigodfrey.co.uk for further details

15 May 2024

News Archive

Contains Angmering News since January 2005

Note: This is a multi-purpose page - it contains local news, editorial views/comments, and residents' views. Angmering Village Life welcomes comments on the village and parish but will not normally publish individuals' communications, nor will it normally make any comment based on a single observation. However, if a number of similar comments have been made on any one aspect, we will consider including an appropriate item on this page. Any such views expressed will not reflect those of Angmering Village Life unless specifically stated. Angmering Village Life does not purport to represent the residents of Angmering in any way. Angmering Village Life would welcome genuine factual news items for publication on this page.

Declaration of Interests: The Owner/Editor of Angmering Village Life is a member of the Angmering Table Tennis Club and the Angmering Short Mat Bowls Club and a member of Angmering Parish Council's Conservation Area Extension working group.

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