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Average Member

37 Posts

Posted - 01 Nov 2009 :  20:41:04  Show Profile

Please tell me where I said the last election was in 1998? "This was posted by bgresident on 20 Nov 98" I inadvertently hit 98 instead of 08 - 9 and 0 being adjacent on the keyboard. I fail to see how you can connect that to the date of an election.

Please tell me where I inferred BG residents are some sort of subversive group? I was quoting from bgresident's post where they said "I along with 2 maybe 3 other Angmering residents... " which in my view is a group and, being 3 or 4, fairly select - the use of "subversive" is yours.

On second thoughts - please don't reply. If I am going to discuss something, then it is not unreasonable to expect parties to be able to read what is written rather than rearrange the words into something else.

If the window lights are Konst Smide (Ding - on topic) then they only come in red, white and blue. Other makes are available.
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United Kingdom
410 Posts

Posted - 01 Nov 2009 :  21:24:45  Show Profile

But I'm sure the PC - wanting to support local business, would have bought their lights from - well, maybe at that time Angmering Electrical, or Country Fair? Not a company from Derbyshire.

Edited by - BFA on 01 Nov 2009 21:29:28
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Average Member

37 Posts

Posted - 01 Nov 2009 :  22:13:42  Show Profile
Or even Haskins Roundstone. This is of course, assuming they are Konst Smide. Sorry had to repeat that in case anyone didn't get it the first time.
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Senior Member

United Kingdom
238 Posts

Posted - 01 Nov 2009 :  22:40:21  Show Profile
They were in fact from Country Fair.

Never judge what you don't understand.
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373 Posts

Posted - 01 Nov 2009 :  23:48:15  Show Profile

Correct me if wrong but this page "Parish News" has dealt with several items apart from the first posting re. "Tricolor light display", i.e. resignation of APC Clerk & advert for replacement;vacancy for APC councillor; parish newsletter, etc. all of which certainly falls under Parish news.
Since the suspension of the forums & locking out of topics that dealt with contentious parish matters that APC found so upsetting it is difficult to see where some topics fit in, particularly when certain elements that have returned to the forums, seem intent on suppressing opinions questioning/criticisng APC policies & so nothing has changed.
Since the APC website seems redundant for most of the time perhaps APC could rent a page on AVL, abolish their website & newsletter & in doing so save taxpayers money.
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172 Posts

Posted - 01 Nov 2009 :  23:53:51  Show Profile
"No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time" Churchill

Nigel, I wonder if perhaps as Chairman of the Parish Council, you might like to read up on the concept of democracy?

No thanks by the way for never having the courtesy to acknowledge the resignation of one of your fellow council members.

I have no idea what lights are being discussed, but I do hope they are energy efficient

hello nice to meet you ;o)
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Senior Member

172 Posts

Posted - 09 Nov 2009 :  11:37:57  Show Profile
Moving on, just got a poliing card for the Parish Council. But I have no idea who is standing... is anyone?

hello nice to meet you ;o)
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Advanced Member

373 Posts

Posted - 09 Nov 2009 :  12:08:20  Show Profile
Perhaps the APC website could be used to inform the villagers who the candidates are as it seems to be woefully underused at present.
Also notes of APC meetings are not appearing until up to 2 weeks after the actual meeting & agendas are being posted on the day of the scheduled meeting, e.g. agenda for 09/11/09 meeting posted today, despite bearing the date 4/11/09.
With the recent additional resources surely the APC office staff can provide better service.
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United Kingdom
2623 Posts

Posted - 09 Nov 2009 :  12:23:29  Show Profile
The APC has not been advised by Arun District Council (ADC) who is standing. I asked APC the same question on Saturday. Perhaps nobody has yet put their name forward or are waiting for the very last moment to do this hoping that nobody else will stand against them, which will mean no election will take place and they will take their place on the APC without election.

With regard to minutes of meetings, posting these has become very bad. APC have given an undertaking that the drafts will be published within 5 working days of the meeting taking place, but they are regularly failing to do this.
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484 Posts

Posted - 09 Nov 2009 :  14:14:27  Show Profile
This does show the system to be questionable.

If only one person has decided to go for an election and has got ten people to "sign up" in support, thereby forcing the election procedure, and then nobody else puts themself up for election, the whole process has been triggered in what appears to be an unnecessary procedure.

The printing of the Poll Cards and delivery to every household in the parish, by Arun DC, is quite expensive.

I appreciate time would be tight if they delayed this to see if the elction was going to be contested, but it could be a complete waste of Council Taxpayers money, albeit within the system.

With all the co-opted members we have had during the current Council period, it does appear that Neil's guess that this could well be a person who has been previously declined co-opted membership, and using this procedure to gain access to the APC, is probably correct, which of course he or she is perfectly entitled to do.

If more than one individual does put themself up, forcing an election, the winner will be the only Parish Councillor actually elected by the voters, on APC.
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Average Member

37 Posts

Posted - 09 Nov 2009 :  21:51:01  Show Profile
"If more than one individual does put themself up, forcing an election, the winner will be the only Parish Councillor actually elected by the voters, on APC."

That really is a sad indictment on the residents of Angmering as, at the last election, not even 14 put themselves up, thereby allowing the few that did stand to be elected unopposed.

Edited to put quote in italics.

Edited by - Aramis on 09 Nov 2009 21:55:38
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Average Member

37 Posts

Posted - 09 Nov 2009 :  21:54:33  Show Profile
"The printing of the Poll Cards and delivery to every household in the parish, by Arun DC, is quite expensive.

I appreciate time would be tight if they delayed this to see if the elction was going to be contested, but it could be a complete waste of Council Taxpayers money, albeit within the system.

With all the co-opted members we have had during the current Council period, it does appear that Neil's guess that this could well be a person who has been previously declined co-opted membership, and using this procedure to gain access to the APC, is probably correct, which of course he or she is perfectly entitled to do."

Well, if that is their intention, they will be the most expensive Parish Councillor. I wonder how they will spin the cost of about £4,000 to get their seat as being good value for the residents of Angmering.
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Senior Member

172 Posts

Posted - 10 Nov 2009 :  16:03:21  Show Profile
perhaps whoever they are will be able to persuade the council to stop wasting money on stupid ideas like the bmx track they are apparently planning to build - if so, £4k may be money well spent

hello nice to meet you ;o)
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Advanced Member

373 Posts

Posted - 10 Nov 2009 :  16:37:15  Show Profile
APC & "good value for residents in Angmering" are a contradiction in terms.

Even our former councillor seems to have reached the opinion, after her short stint in office,that "they waste money on stupid ideas"
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Advanced Member

484 Posts

Posted - 10 Nov 2009 :  16:58:11  Show Profile
I agree BRAM.

240felicia has made a number of interesting comments on this forum subject, since she recently resigned from APC. "Democracy" being one of them.

Clearly she was not able to "persuade the Council to stop wasting money on stupid ideas..."

I do not know her personally, but I felt she made a lot of sense in many of her postings on these forums, and it is a shame she has had to resign.

Back to the subject of "wasting money on stupid ideas..." I have re-read Neil's posting on 20th July, under "Parish Council - Time to reduce spending? Impacts?"

It is well worth re-reading this, if APC are thinking of a bmx track as suggested by 240felicia.

What are they doing with our money????
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Average Member

United Kingdom
51 Posts

Posted - 10 Nov 2009 :  23:01:07  Show Profile
240felicia - are you saying that they are planning on spending 4000 on that lump of dirt down by the skatebowl?
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Senior Member

172 Posts

Posted - 12 Nov 2009 :  13:40:44  Show Profile
Oopsie, perhaps I have been confusing... sorry, the £4k was what someone here suggested that having an election requested was going to cost the taxpayer.
Before I left, some members of the APC had suggested putting a full size BMX dirt track off Dappers Lane near ASRA's building.
Apparently it is an idea they have for how to use all the earth from the work planned at the Angmering School?
They have not said they are definitely doing it at this stage.
It is an idea.
I hope they do a lot more research before they commit any funds to such a project.

hello nice to meet you ;o)
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Average Member

United Kingdom
51 Posts

Posted - 12 Nov 2009 :  21:23:29  Show Profile
Now I am confused.
Asra's buiding is no where near Dappers Lane, so are you meaning perhaps the scout hut/camp at Dappers Lane?

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Forum Owner / Moderator

United Kingdom
2623 Posts

Posted - 13 Nov 2009 :  17:01:04  Show Profile
Following my posting on 9 November, congratulations must go to the PC for the rapid issue of this month's minutes of meeting.

As for content, however, the temporary Parish Clerk (a solicitor) seems to have left a legacy where the minutes tell the reader little or nothing in many cases! More and more matters refer to a report which the minutes state is attached although it is not appended to the website version! Members of the public attending the meeting would probably receive a copy. The PC needs to address this matter.
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Advanced Member

265 Posts

Posted - 13 Nov 2009 :  18:55:12  Show Profile
Is the BMX track a waste of money because those comments are made by people who would not use it!!!
I am sure some of the monies spent by APC seem a waste of money to differing groups within the village.
Views are individual, but thought in to the greater good should be considered.
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Advanced Member

484 Posts

Posted - 13 Nov 2009 :  21:50:57  Show Profile
Neil, I agree with your comments about the PC minutes.

Minutes are a difficult science, and the constructor is criticised if they are too lengthy, or too brief. Getting them just right is difficult, and these are a draft, but the APC draft minutes rarely change in content.

I appreciate they cannot please everyone all of the time, but there is an example in these minutes, on the APC website, of a need for a couple of additional sentences to briefly explain an issue, that I am sure caused many an eyebrow to be raised.

The Vice Chairman found the figures in a financial report to 31st Oct, which I assume is the half year accounts report, presented to the full council, "totally unacceptable."

This is a very strongly worded reservation, concerning some matter or matters in the report/accounts.

Some discussion must have taken place within the Council meeting as a result of her comments as to what the issues were.

The Chairman, quite rightly, agreed to arrange a review, of the report/accounts via SALC (Sussex Association of Local Councils.)

This is not something done without good reason, and a brief explanation of the issues, in the minutes, of the discussion which must have occurred, should have reflected that discussion.

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United Kingdom
738 Posts

Posted - 13 Nov 2009 :  22:17:24  Show Profile
Agree with what both Neil & Bert are saying, all I can say is that we are working very hard at getting this right and we will get there.

As far as my comments about the accounts, it is such a shame that we had no public present at the meeting to confirm what happened.
There actually was not any discussion on this matter as one would think.
One member started off saying they did not understand something, and I did my Ninja Warrior job and insisted it be minuted that they were unacceptable.
The problem was they were muddly, unclear and confusing and as such caused too many queries if you studied them. Totally unecessary and I felt this was something very important, and so made my protest.
(unfortunately, as Neil will confirm, when I get my Ninja head on, no-one really gets a chance to say much at all, and in this case it would have been pointless anyway!)

The Chairman acted with great speed which is to be congratulated and today I spent a long session with our accountant (who was not responsible for this I hasten to add). He sees the points I have made to him and agrees and is going to get the accounts into a satisfactory condition acceptable and understandable by all.
I feel a weight has been lifted from my shoulders and can now get back to my own business.
To also pre-empt you also picking up my minutes for Environment meeting, you will see I had many issues over the accounts that even extended to that committee where I did detail my concerns in a bit more detail. Hopefully you will see from that, that concerns are genuine with or without the threat of this website.

any comments and views listed above are those of myself personally and not as a Parish Councillor, and in no way reflect opinions of the Parish Council or any other professional bodies
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United Kingdom
738 Posts

Posted - 13 Nov 2009 :  22:21:59  Show Profile
PS Has anyone heard if we will be having an election?
Not that I have received my voting card yet.

Has anyone put themselves forward for the vacancy??

any comments and views listed above are those of myself personally and not as a Parish Councillor, and in no way reflect opinions of the Parish Council or any other professional bodies
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484 Posts

Posted - 14 Nov 2009 :  14:25:00  Show Profile
Thankyou for that explanation Patty, in respect of the accounts.

Are you saying; that the half year accounts, were presented to APC in a form that you found "totally unacceptable," by the same person, as prepared the review of the role of APC Clerk, that increased the post to full time, at a full time salary?
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United Kingdom
738 Posts

Posted - 14 Nov 2009 :  18:10:24  Show Profile

But can I add Bert, please, that this was not the half year accounts. It was a financial statement up to 31st October, based on budgets.
It did not contain balance sheets etc. purely budgets for this year, what had been spent and what was left.
As you are probably aware, all committees are currently drawing up their budgets for the coming year which have to be finalised by end of this month to be able to get them in to Arun Council in time for their deadline.

any comments and views listed above are those of myself personally and not as a Parish Councillor, and in no way reflect opinions of the Parish Council or any other professional bodies
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Average Member

United Kingdom
51 Posts

Posted - 17 Nov 2009 :  19:19:11  Show Profile
I see a notice has gone up in the Parish Council window detailing 2 people who are standing for election.
Are we going to have a campaign on this site for them both.
Does anyone know who they both are?
I made a very mental note of their names at the time of reading it, but have to admit I cannot remember them now.
Be pleased to hear why they are standing to help me decide who to vote for.
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Average Member

United Kingdom
37 Posts

Posted - 18 Nov 2009 :  19:10:53  Show Profile
The two candidates listed are Paul Dean and Philip Leverick. One is from the Dell and the other from Bramley Green.
I would like to know much more about each candidate before I cast my vote so I hope both candidates will come forward and introduce themselves.
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Senior Member

United Kingdom
238 Posts

Posted - 18 Nov 2009 :  22:41:49  Show Profile
Stonechipper, sorry to correct you, but Mr.Dean lives in Ferndale Walk, off of Merryfield Crescent, not on The Dell.

Never judge what you don't understand.
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Average Member

United Kingdom
37 Posts

Posted - 19 Nov 2009 :  17:23:52  Show Profile
I stand corrected. I'll go and correct the wife now.
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Average Member

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99 Posts

Posted - 19 Nov 2009 :  17:57:11  Show Profile
I'll be voting for the one who lives in the village
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Forum Owner / Moderator

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2623 Posts

Posted - 19 Nov 2009 :  18:21:57  Show Profile
Not quite sure how you meant that comment Beernard.

If it was a serious remark then how do you define "the village"? The Square area? A radius of X number of metres from The Square? The geographical centre of housing in the parish which approx in the location of the Community Centre?

Don't forget all the Angmering voters who for nearly half a century have lived south of the A259!
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373 Posts

Posted - 19 Nov 2009 :  19:57:10  Show Profile
It's not Paul Dean, the renowned psychic, is it? If so would it be a fair contest as he already knows the outcome.
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373 Posts

Posted - 21 Nov 2009 :  22:04:50  Show Profile
Just received the Angmering Parish News - only 2 editions this year!
Have APC perhaps realised that these publications are really not worth the effort or cost of publishing & distributing.
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Forum Owner / Moderator

United Kingdom
2623 Posts

Posted - 24 Nov 2009 :  15:03:18  Show Profile
The two candidates for the APC election on 10 December have now published their electioneering leaflets and these can be seen by click on the following links:


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Average Member

United Kingdom
99 Posts

Posted - 24 Nov 2009 :  19:01:27  Show Profile
My vote will be going to the man who lives in Angmering village. Mr Paul Dean. He is local and seems to want to help the local people, Mr Phil Leverick, in my opinion,only wants this post to assist the residents of bramley green. Ask someone who lives in Angmering where they live and they will say Angmering, Ask someone who lives on Bramley green where they live and they say Bramley Green!!!

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265 Posts

Posted - 25 Nov 2009 :  07:23:00  Show Profile

Most people who chat in the village give the name of the road where they live, or say "up by the green" , "by the shops" or so on. I live in Angmering on the Bramley Green estate.
I am however interested to see, if by popular demand residents of Bramley Green are to be classed as non Angmering - that APC refund the monies they draw from our council tax.
My vote goes to who can bring more to the table for all Angmering residents.
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Forum Owner / Moderator

United Kingdom
2623 Posts

Posted - 25 Nov 2009 :  08:27:43  Show Profile
It was unfortunate that the Consortium (of developers) who built the Bramley Green estate put up a sign at its entrance which implied BG was a separate entity - which it is not. Perhaps the APC should consider removing that sign!

But, as compost says, other areas are given names by residents for ease of describing the general area where they live. If they are large developments, the builder's name for that development often remains. For example, I live in Greenwood Drive on "The Dell" which is where I would say I lived if I was speaking to someone who did not know Angmering well. Then there is Ham Manor. The estate south of the A259 is known as the Downs Way area. In our neighbouring villages and towns there are the Willowhayne estate, the Martlets, Ruston Park, Parklands, Poets' estate, Beaumont Park, Elysian Fields, Eden Park, etc. Nobody would suggest that these are not part of their respective villages, and neither should Bramley Green.
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579 Posts

Posted - 25 Nov 2009 :  08:33:01  Show Profile
See that Paul Dean says he wants better traffic control in the village. If that means getting rid of the pinch points he has universal support. Perhaps he means even more restrictions. Clarification would be welcomed.
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484 Posts

Posted - 25 Nov 2009 :  10:30:26  Show Profile
I think you will find the pinch points, roads, highways etc. are a matter for WSCC.
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579 Posts

Posted - 25 Nov 2009 :  11:22:05  Show Profile
I realise that. So what exactly does he mean by better traffic control?
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