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579 Posts

Posted - 03 Dec 2008 :  16:31:17  Show Profile
Is the Tricolour light display in The Parish Council offices a tribute to our French Twin? Nice touch!

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Posted - 03 Jul 2009 :  14:41:47  Show Profile
Angmering residents who have (or have had) dealings with the Parish Council in recent years may wish to be informed of the following item that the chairman of the PC has today posted to their website's News Desk:
It is with regret that our Clerk, Ray Huskisson, has tended his resignation with immediate effect due to personal reasons. We would like to thank him for his sterling work in his years of service with this Parish Council. We wish him every success for the future.
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484 Posts

Posted - 11 Oct 2009 :  13:27:48  Show Profile
I was rather surprised that the advertisement to fill the vacancy for Angmering Parish Council Clerk recently, is for a full-time post of 37 hours per week.

The previous post was a part time appointment and although I am sure the position has been reviewed, to warrant a full time employee, I remain surprised, although I do appreciate the Clerk is expected to attend some evening committee meetings.

There are additionally, two part time assistant Clerks.

I am sure the Community Centre project has been time consuming, but now that is complete, I would have thought the amount of administrative work would reduce rather that increase.
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Posted - 11 Oct 2009 :  20:19:16  Show Profile
Hopefully, these minutes may explain the reasons Bert.

If this link doesnt work, please go to the PC web site, under Council meetings and then P&F for 09.09.09.

any comments and views listed above are those of myself personally and not as a Parish Councillor, and in no way reflect opinions of the Parish Council or any other professional bodies
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Posted - 12 Oct 2009 :  08:54:13  Show Profile
Thankyou for that explanation Patty.
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Posted - 12 Oct 2009 :  09:56:55  Show Profile
While the PC has been heavily involved with the Community Centre over the last couple of years, a lot of the input and time spent has been by parish councillors which has not always involved the office staff.

Additionally, most of the time consuming grant applications were not put together by the PC at all but by Val Jerram of the Angmering Community Centre Association.

What I am saying, Bert, is that even without the Community Centre work, there appears to be an underlying growth of work for the office staff, hence their justification for increased hours. As you point out, their Community Centre work will decrease but there are still contractual obligations for the PC to maintain aspects of the exterior of the Centre and some internal systems.
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Posted - 12 Oct 2009 :  11:25:23  Show Profile
Many thanks Neil, I understand the points made.
I was not being critical, it was just something that occurred whilst the forums were suspended, and affects us all.
It was of interest to me and possibly many other residents who take an interest in local matters.
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373 Posts

Posted - 12 Oct 2009 :  13:30:10  Show Profile
In your posting of 20/7/09 on "Parish Council-time to reduce spending" you said:
"The PC continues to press ahead with some projects that would be "nice to have" but cannot be justified in these dire financial times. They really do have to put a break on spending for the next year or two and concentrate on repairs and adopt a "make do and mend" attitude for a while."

In your latest posting of 12/10/09 you appear to have softened your attitude.

I would be interested to know how many parishes the same size as Angmering have full time parish clerks with 2 support staff or indeed own 3 properties - parish ofice; village hall & community centre but still avail themselves of church hall & library to hold council meetings.

APC has managed with reduced parish councillor numbers & part time staff for some considerable time but now with a full complement of councillors I fail to see how such expenditure can be justified in this way. I applaud the introduction of IT although sufficient & adequate use of the website remains to be seen.

Nigel Nunn stated during public questions at the APC meting of 10/8/09 that finances would be a problem in coming years (although somehow this was not reported in the minutes). However APC seem intent on pushing ahead with spending despite the ongoing economic recession & financial squeeze that taxpayers will inevitably face which suggests an empire building attitude at our expense.
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Posted - 12 Oct 2009 :  16:21:27  Show Profile
BRAM, I'm not sure I have really softened my attitude that much. It's the PC's justification for increased hours and not mine. Personally, I'm sceptical whether all this agreed time is necessary but I do have an open mind on it. Much of the PC's unnecessary time over the past couple of years has been spent fire-fighting reaction to their ambitious projects. With no large projects on the horizon, like you, I thought the office staff would be able to cope with their existing hours, particularly if they recruit a really capable new Parish Clerk.

Having said that, one advantage of the increased hours is that the office would be open all day which would be a benefit to villagers.

What we must see (with a full complement of parish councillors and increased office hours for their staff) is greater efficiency and providing information to villagers as and when required.
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Posted - 12 Oct 2009 :  21:59:43  Show Profile
BRAM - sorry but you got some facts wrong there.

The Parish Council do NOT own the Village Hall and never have done.

Full Council meetings were always held in the Library, and it was only moved to the Church Hall when the library was unable to accomodate due to the new families centre being built there.

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Posted - 13 Oct 2009 :  11:31:09  Show Profile

Aplogies for my wrong assumption but if they do not own it then they certainly appear to manage, control & mainain it.Village halls usually imply that they are owned by the village.

By the way, out of interest who does own it?.

APC do however have the use of the 3 buildings & yet still rely on the church hall for meetings.

My point was that other parish councils manage on far less staff & buildings so why do APC feel the need to squander council taxpayers money.
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Posted - 13 Oct 2009 :  12:54:31  Show Profile

I have found from the charity commission website ( that it is in fact a charitable trust established by trust deed dated 14/6/1928 & run by a management committee of officers representing the various classes that use the hall plus 4 "elected" members - with oficers being elected from the membership of the management committee. Much like the community centre then.
I see that amongst its objects is "the provision of the hall as a permanent communal facility" which would presumably include holding parish council meetings.Perhaps with the proposed calendar of meetings that APC are introducing then alternate use of both village hall & community centre will provide convenient meeting venues for residents from both sides of the village.
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Posted - 13 Oct 2009 :  14:14:49  Show Profile
Where do you get your information from?
The PC have never managed, controlled or maintained the Village Hall.
It has always been a seperate entity run by trustees.

On speaking with one of the trustees of the CC, I understand that all future PC meetings have now been booked at the CC...........and I believe, at no charge.

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Posted - 13 Oct 2009 :  16:03:48  Show Profile

If you read my subsequent posting I stated that I had found out that it was managed under trust by worthy volunteers.

Like many residents I know in the area I have not found anything of interest on offer at the village hall & so have never booked it or attended any classes/exhibitions. I do however feel that if it was originally designated as a communal facility then perhaps it should cater for the majority of villagers not just a minority.

The recent re-ordering of the church now provides a great venue for recitals, art displays etc & with the shift of classes from the village hall to the CC it is possible that the village hall may be underused in future which seemed to beg the question why APC do not use it more but if,as you say,future APC meetings are to be held at the CC I welcome that & I certainly would not expect any charge to be levied.

Edited by - BRAM on 13 Oct 2009 16:04:58
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Posted - 13 Oct 2009 :  21:20:49  Show Profile
BRAM, which classes have switched from the Village Hall to the Community Centre? I'm not aware of any. Neither is it the policy of the ACCA to poach hirers from the Village Hall. The hirers of the CC are all new activities to the village I believe. There is room for both venues in Angmering which was one of the justifications for the CC.

Clueless is quite correct. In view of the contribution of the APC, the ACCA have agreed that the APC will not pay hire charges for their meetings at the CC. However, a meeting at the Village Hall would attract a charge.
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Posted - 13 Oct 2009 :  21:32:00  Show Profile

I understand that Pilates with Pippa & short mat bowls, both advertised at the CC, were formerly at the village hall. I also believe that Rosemary Conley class used to be held at the church hall.
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Posted - 13 Oct 2009 :  23:37:41  Show Profile
BRAM, there have various pilates courses in Angmering - there are even two different classes at the CC. Are you 100% sure that "Pilates with Pippa" was at the Village Hall? If so, are you sure that she is not still holding classes there with additional classes at the CC?

Karen Cahill's Rosemary Conley franchise did not operate from the Village Hall or the Church Hall. She runs Wednesday evening classes at St Wilfrid's school hall. She will also be running Tuesday morning classes at the CC. Karen also operates classes in East Preston, Rustington, Littlehampton, various locations in Worthing and Lancing.

Short mat bowls has NEVER been run at the Village Hall as it is not big enough to do so. A brand new short mat bowls club has been set up at the CC. However, a totally different carpet bowls club operates from the Village Hall and will continue to do so.

Spreading this false/misleading information helps nobody!
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81 Posts

Posted - 14 Oct 2009 :  00:18:57  Show Profile

St Margaret's Church Hall has never been used for a Rosemary Conley slimming class. BUT...... about 2 or 3 years ago Rosemary Conley came IN PERSON to one of the Church 'Listen and Lunch' meetings. She told of her life as a Christian in business and how she began her exercise and sensible eating regime because of her own serious health issues. She's a lovely lady in every sense of the word. Maybe we can get her down here again, she was a very interesting speaker.

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484 Posts

Posted - 31 Oct 2009 :  22:06:25  Show Profile
I see on the Angmering Parish Council website news desk, of which there is a link from this website:-

A Notice of Vacancy for an Angmering Parish Councillor, which was re-issued on 23/10/09 due to a previous dating error. The notice is in some detail.

In addition, there is a:-

Notice of Election of Angmering Parish Councillor, which is clearly an official notice, in considerable detail, issued by Ian Sumnall, Returning Officer, (who I believe is Ch. Exec. of Arun DC) dated 5th November. This date is a little strange, in that I am looking at it on 31st October.

I am sure, irrespective of the dating issues on both notices, that this is the correct method of notifying parishioners of a vacancy and the correct method of indicating the issues involved in an election, should sufficient applications come forward.

The notice is quite lengthy and involved in all the relevant dates that pertain to the election, should one be required.

I have not, since living in Angmering, ever seen such notices issued by APC and ADC, for a Parish Council vacancy in this form.

I assume this not to do with the new Clerk, as we have had a number of vacancies in the last couple of months, and I did not see such public notices, but a fairly straightforward co-opting of a number of new Councillors.

Is anyone aware of why, on this one occasion, all the notices by APC and ADC, have been issued?


If they should have been in this format for all the previous vacancies, of which there has been many, during this current Council period?
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Posted - 31 Oct 2009 :  22:30:13  Show Profile
Hi Bert.

yes it does come over as slightly confusing, but I will do my best to explain:

Neil kindly posted a copy of the vacancy on his website :

Vacancy for Parish Councillor
Angmering Parish Council has issued a Notice stating that: (1) There is a vacancy on the Parish Council following the resignation of Ms Alex Blue. (2) A By-election to fill this vacancy will be held if,f within 14 days (not counting Saturdays, Sundays or Bank Holidays) from 23 October 2009, 10 electors of the Parish in which this vacancy has occurred, give notice to request that the vacancy be filled by election to the Returning Officer, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex, BN17 5LF (Telephone 01903 737500) (3) The Notice must be given in writing (4) If no notice is given within the time allowed, the Parish Council will fill the vacancy by co-option

You will see from this that if 10 electors of the Parish give notice to Arun that they require this vacancy to be filled by an election, then so be it, an election must be held.

So, consequently, it appears that 10 people of this Parish have declared their wish for an election for the vacancy of a Parish Councillor, and so for the first time that probably any of us can remember, it appears we will be having an election (rather than the usual co-option).
So, anyone wishing to stand for this position, needs to contact Arun as per the notice in the PC window and request their applicaiton forms. This all needs to be done by certain dates over the next few weeks so there is not a lot of time to loose if you want your name on the ballot paper.

I would add though, that if only ONE person stands for this election, we will not have to turn out and physically vote as that person will be deemed to be elected and will therefore become a councillor. We will only have to vote if there is more than one application.

Are you going to stand Bert??

any comments and views listed above are those of myself personally and not as a Parish Councillor, and in no way reflect opinions of the Parish Council or any other professional bodies
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Posted - 31 Oct 2009 :  22:32:14  Show Profile
I would add, Bert, that in the past, when vacancies have occurred, there has never been a request for an election. Hence why they have always been done by co-option.

any comments and views listed above are those of myself personally and not as a Parish Councillor, and in no way reflect opinions of the Parish Council or any other professional bodies
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172 Posts

Posted - 31 Oct 2009 :  23:03:24  Show Profile
I would urge anyone thinking of putting themselves forward to be a member of the Parish Council to give it a go.
It is an interesting and worthwhile thing to be involved in, and I am pleased to see so many more people now taking an interest.

My main reason for leaving (in case anyone is bothered to know) was mostly caused by the fact that I have a young family and my partner unexpectedly had to start working far from home not long after I joined the council, which made it very difficult to attend meetings.

hello nice to meet you ;o)

Edited by - 240felicia on 31 Oct 2009 23:04:04
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Posted - 01 Nov 2009 :  09:53:49  Show Profile
Many thanks Patty. Yes, I appreciate from the wording of the ADC notice that ten or more parishioners must have contacted them in order to request an election.

My point is, I do not recall APC providing an official public notice in this format, on the APC website and on PC notice boards, irrespective of whether Neil replicates them on this website.

When there have been one of the many previous vacancies, (I believe five were co-opted very recently, at one meeting) I have seen a very brief typed note on the window of the PC office, certainly not in the format we see here, which explains the procedure of seeking an election.

Doubtless, the fact that the public notice has been in the required format, ie. explaining the procedure, is the reason ten or more have requested such an election, for this one vacancy, irrespective of whether any actually apply.

It suggests that if the required public notice had been displayed on the many previous occasions over the last two and a half years, we would have had a similar response.

It appears most strange, that suddenly, "for the first time anyone can remember" the procedure has been made subject of a full public notice, in the required format, and you have had a full response.

Hence my question:- should the many previous vacancies have been subject of this format, rather than an informal note on the window of the office?
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Posted - 01 Nov 2009 :  10:42:47  Show Profile
If the procedure we are seeing now is the correct one then it suggests that APC have been remiss in previous years.

Since parish council elections have not been held for some considerable time it might be an ideal opportunity for all AP councillors to stand,together with any new contenders (always assuming that there are any). If an election is then held the results may indicate just how many Angmering residents are happy with decisions made by the incumbents over recent years & provide APC with a proper mandate.
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Posted - 01 Nov 2009 :  10:57:10  Show Profile
I think that the answer to your question, Bert, is that probably the current temporary Parish Clerk (a solicitor) has identified the correct procedure for advertising vacancies for councillors. This suggests that in recent years there the PC may have inadvertently strayed from the correct procedure. Don't expect them to admit that here on the Forums as it might have implications. I do seem to recall that, several years' ago, vacancies were advertised in the format of the latest advert.

The most interesting aspect of the latest situation is that 10 residents have requested an election. This suggests that one or more residents wishes to stand for the 13th and last position on the Council. I certainly do not know the reason for this, but one scenario could be, say, a previous applicant within the last few years who has been rejected by the PC interview committee for some reason.

I have said here on the Forums several times in the past that, if someone is elected to the PC, they do not go through the interview / screening process whereas those co-opted have done for some years, which seems an anomaly. All that an elected councillor needs to do is to sign a statement(s) stating that he/she meets certain laid down criteria.
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Posted - 01 Nov 2009 :  11:02:13  Show Profile
Someone in the village pointed out to me yesterday that the September edition of the Parish Council Newsletter has not been issued.

Perhaps somebody on the PC could update us on the situation. Is it the intention to continue the Newsletter?
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Posted - 01 Nov 2009 :  15:47:48  Show Profile
Hi Neil & Bert

I think I can pretty confidently say that the vacancy was advertised this time exactly the same as previous ones have been.
The current clerk had not discovered any incorrect procedures from the past.
Each vacancy notice states about 10 people calling for an election.

The only difference this time is that 10 people DID call for an election, hence the second notice going up in the window explaining the formalities, which came from Arun.

It does not even mean that anyone is willing to stand for an election, or is intending to, it just means that 10 people have declared that they wish this vacancy to be filled by electon rather than co-option.

Possibly in the past, people have not called for an election as they realised that the Parish has to pay for it, costing around £4000, whereas a co-option costs nothing.

That in turn just about writes off the money we tried to save this year by refusing our allowances, but there you go, this is a democracy.

any comments and views listed above are those of myself personally and not as a Parish Councillor, and in no way reflect opinions of the Parish Council or any other professional bodies
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Posted - 01 Nov 2009 :  15:52:02  Show Profile
Re the newsletter, they missed the deadline for the printer, so decided to wait till the next slot as it could then also include the new Comm.centre opening.
I believe it will be out very shortly.

any comments and views listed above are those of myself personally and not as a Parish Councillor, and in no way reflect opinions of the Parish Council or any other professional bodies
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Posted - 01 Nov 2009 :  16:42:04  Show Profile
Thanks Patty, but I do not share your confidence that every individual vacancy on APC during this Council alone, which must have had at least ten vacancies during this period following resignations, have been the subject of the official public notice, as we have this time.

That is, worded in this format to comply with the Local Government Act 1972.

I regularly look at the APC website, the APC notice board at your office and in the village, in addition to this website which usually repeats any such official public notice.

I do not recall ever seeing such a notice, in this format, on public display, but perhaps I have just missed each of them on each of the websites and notice boards.
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Posted - 01 Nov 2009 :  16:53:46  Show Profile
No Bert, this notice is the official notice from Arun because an election HAS been called.

It has been put on the PC news page and you will see that it starts off ; - an election is to be held.........

You would not have seen this before because we have never had an election called for before.

Does that help to explain?

any comments and views listed above are those of myself personally and not as a Parish Councillor, and in no way reflect opinions of the Parish Council or any other professional bodies
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Posted - 01 Nov 2009 :  17:01:21  Show Profile

That is as you say democracy.

Perhaps people may feel that the £4,000 is better spent on an election rather than a windbreak or cctv for the skatepark.

As Neil points out there is an anomaly between elected & co-opted councillors & it certainly seems less than democratic for co-opted councllors to screen,interview & decide on whether or not to accept even more co-opted councillors.

If APC had shown themselves more open to public opinion then perhaps residents would have had more confidence in them but either way council taxpayers have to pay & this way at least some have a say in how their money is spent.

I repeat my earlier comment that all positions on APC should be up for election & challenge the incumbents to face their constituents & explain why they think they should be elected.

Edited by - BRAM on 01 Nov 2009 17:02:18
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Posted - 01 Nov 2009 :  17:20:16  Show Profile
Patty, in my initial posting I made reference to the Arun Notice, in addition to the Angmering Parish Council Notice, advertising the vacancy, which having read again is perfectly clear.

What I have been referring to in my most recent postings is the notice by APC, advertising the vacancy, which is on the APC website (as well as the Arun Notice) and which you yourself have replicated and highlighted on your posting of 31/10 at 22.30.
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Posted - 01 Nov 2009 :  17:41:13  Show Profile
Sorry Bert, misunderstood.

As far as I remember, the advert for when a vacancy occurs has always been the same format.
Certainly over the last year.
In fact wasn't Neil complaining over one of the last ones as he felt they were not consistently placed.

I seem to recall some years ago, when a vacancy occured it was also advertised in the local press, and I actually asked the (then) clerk about this. He checked and said that so long as it was advertised on their board, this was sufficient.
Probably a good thing as the advert was very expensive and the rate of resignations at the time would have drained funds quite considerably.

Have I understood correctly now or am I still being a bit thick?

any comments and views listed above are those of myself personally and not as a Parish Councillor, and in no way reflect opinions of the Parish Council or any other professional bodies
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Posted - 01 Nov 2009 :  18:02:18  Show Profile
Originally posted by BRAM

///I repeat my earlier comment that all positions on APC should be up for election & challenge the incumbents to face their constituents & explain why they think they should be elected.

There is only one vacancy, so why should those that have been elected, and those that have gone through a co-option process, stand at this time? In parliamentary terms, if there is a bye-election, the whole house does not stand for election and this is similar.

Perhaps you are one of bgresident's select group who "I along with 2 maybe 3 other Angmering residents are seriously considering putting ourselves forward as candidates for Angmering Parish Council. If I count those who are just tempted at present, the number is greater." This was posted by bgresident on 20 Nov 98, and despite there having been a number of vacancies since then, there has been little sign of these rushing to join the PC. If that constitutes "seriously considering", then perhaps it is better that they have not joined the PC.

Can I remind you that at the last election, despite similar claims that there were hoards of potential councillors waiting in the wings to take office, they vapourised when push came to shove and it was left to a small group to take on the responsibilites.

I wait with interest to see how many actually stand for this single vacancy.
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Posted - 01 Nov 2009 :  18:31:38  Show Profile
Democracy is something we don't have in an election. How can you say that if only one person stands that they are elected without a vote. If two people stand, you have a vote. It is between candidate 1 and candidate 2. There are two boxes and no means of saying you don't want either.
That's the system so we have to go with it, but it doesn't make it right.
Perhaps time for another topic of discussion.

Never judge what you don't understand.
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Posted - 01 Nov 2009 :  19:18:54  Show Profile
Interesting point there Nigel.

Tell me , something I have often wondered.......
when you co-opt someone to the council, do you have to accept each person that applies (so long as there is a vacancy of course)?

For example, if someone applied, went through all the formalities, and then at their 'interview', something came up that made you think they may not actually be suitable.
Does that count? or is it as with an elected memeber, so long as they satisfy the criteria of living in the Parish etc etc, thats it, they are in?

Just one of those silly little things that I have wondered about for a long time.
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Posted - 01 Nov 2009 :  19:37:15  Show Profile
If the co-opted councillors think that they have the support of the majority of Angmering residents or that their version of democracy is acceptable then they are sadly deluded.The fact that,for whatever reason, people do not stand or indeed vote does not mean that we should have to accept just anybody foisted on them.
The screening,interviewing & appointment by a cabal who achieved the position similarly is certainly not transparent in modern society.
Nigel is correct in saying the fact that we cannot say we don't want the one on offer does not make it right but the number of votes cast would certainly send a clear message to the candidate(s) that they are not representing a majority of constituents & I assume that every councillor would welcome knowing how effective (or otherwise) they are in their work.
Continued co-option of councillors will only serve to detach voters from the process & create an attitude of apathy with the feeling that nothing changes & that politics at all levels is nothing more than a private members club.

Why so anxious to change the topic of discussion?

I am not "one of a select group" of anything except the Human Race & subscribe to free speech.
Your implication that BG residents are some sort of subversive group is laughable & if the date you quote of 1998 was the last election in Angmering then it seems high time for a further election

Edited by - BRAM on 01 Nov 2009 19:38:39
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Posted - 01 Nov 2009 :  20:07:04  Show Profile
BRAM, please read the post fully before posting. I made a comment about democracy in reply to a previous post but then added that the subject should perhaps be another topic of discussion so that we didn't get off topic.
The last Parish Council Election was in May 2007 and was uncontested.

Never judge what you don't understand.
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Posted - 01 Nov 2009 :  20:22:45  Show Profile
Didn't get off topic?!!!

So, was the Tricolour light display in The Parish Council offices (in Dec last year!) a tribute to our French Twin or what?

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Posted - 01 Nov 2009 :  20:26:44  Show Profile
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Posted - 01 Nov 2009 :  20:30:37  Show Profile
Originally posted by BRAM

The fact that,for whatever reason, people do not stand or indeed vote does not mean that we should have to accept just anybody foisted on them.

If people do not stand, vote, attend PC meetings or otherwise show any interest in village affairs unless maybe they are personally affected, who exactly are 'we'?

I'd say 'we' are a very small minority and a fair % of that minority are probably on the Parish Council.
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