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Forum Owner / Moderator

United Kingdom
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Posted - 01 Oct 2009 :  06:42:53  Show Profile
Angmering Community Centre will hold its first official activity this Saturday evening after the Centre was handed over on Wednesday to the Angmering Community Centre Association (ACCA) - a registered charity - who are leasing the building from the Council.

However, the ACCA will be holding Open Days tomorrow (Friday) and Saturday. These will be held as follows:
  • Friday - 10.00am to 7.30pm
  • Saturday - 10.00am to 1.00pm
Everybody in Angmering and neighbouring towns/villages is warmly invited to come along to the Centre and see the impressive facilities that are now available. As many people are aware, the Centre was built by the Parish Council which means that all Angmering residents are paying for its build through the parish precept element of their Council Tax!

During the Open Days, you will be able to meet both members of the ACCA and their new staff plus a number of the organisations who will be holding their activities there. You could also sign up for some of those activities if you are interested!

For more information about the Centre, location, hiring, activities, etc., go to its website at:

Incidentally, the ACCA itself will be hoping to run a "social" table tennis afternoon each week. More details can be found on its website.

Senior Member

United Kingdom
104 Posts

Posted - 01 Oct 2009 :  09:14:27  Show Profile
I am looking forward to seeing the Community Centre tomorrow.I live about 2 mins from the building and have been watching it go up over the past few months.I also sponsered a brick in memory of my wonderful grandparents.They very much loved people having a good time and getting together and my nan used to describe a good solid relaible person by quoting'' they are a brick''.So I think a brick in their memory is a fun way to remember them !!Good Luck to Val and all the team who run it.
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United Kingdom
2623 Posts

Posted - 02 Oct 2009 :  07:53:43  Show Profile
At the Community Centre Opens Days - today and tomorrow - there is a superb display of modern art by A-Level students from The Angmering School, some of which will be on sale to finance students' further education.

There will also be a small display of photos recording the stages of building of the Centre.

Also try your hand at short mat bowls!
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Forum Owner / Moderator

United Kingdom
2623 Posts

Posted - 04 Oct 2009 :  07:43:19  Show Profile
It's estimated that over 500 people went to the Community Centre Open Days on Friday and Saturday. Many seemed to be signing up for activities that were on offer.

What do people who went think of it?
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Average Member

United Kingdom
65 Posts

Posted - 04 Oct 2009 :  18:12:11  Show Profile
It looks really good. The main hall is a very good size and I expect the meeting rooms to get a lot of use.

Good to see 15 groups looking to use the centre. I hope they don't all just move from the Village Hall. I'd really like to see both venues full utilized.

I like the idea of a bit of table tennis of an evening. Pool table next:).
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Average Member

United Kingdom
81 Posts

Posted - 10 Oct 2009 :  22:51:00  Show Profile
I was very impressed with the size, brightness and the airy feeling of the whole place. The kitchen is excellent, better than mine at home, and for a childrens' party it would be excellent. Well done everyone involved, let's use it.

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Average Member

United Kingdom
65 Posts

Posted - 10 Jan 2010 :  15:28:59  Show Profile
I can't access the Community Centre's web site. Any one else having this issue?
Comes up:
Directory Listing Denied

This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed.
I was trying to find some things for my kids to do in the evening. Thought I'd get them in to a bit of table tennis.
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Forum Owner / Moderator

United Kingdom
2623 Posts

Posted - 10 Jan 2010 :  16:01:15  Show Profile
Community Centre website is currently suspended until the ACCA sorts out all of its internal problems. Manager has resigned.

Kids table tennis and other activities were abandoned a while ago because of bad behaviour. However, you could check with Russell Storer (Tel: 850127) who may be able to tell you whether he is going to start again - I think he was planning to.

For other activities at the Centre, refer to page 7 of the "All About Angmering" which was delivered to all households recently.
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Advanced Member

484 Posts

Posted - 11 Jan 2010 :  10:28:31  Show Profile
I understood the Angmering Community Centre Association was having a meeting, before Christmas, to sort out all the problems and issues, did this meeting not take place?
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Forum Owner / Moderator

United Kingdom
2623 Posts

Posted - 11 Jan 2010 :  11:03:39  Show Profile
You're unlikely to get a response from the ACCA, Bert. Parish Council will know all what has gone on, but it is unlikely that you will get a response from them either! Be prepared for the big silence!
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Posted - 11 Jan 2010 :  11:35:33  Show Profile
So, almost £1million is paid to build the centre and over £60,000 has been put into the running costs for the first year, all at Angmering Residents Council Tax payers expense.

There are obviously problems and issues, which I understand have been brewing for a few weeks which can happen with a new project and committee.

The Chairperson of ACCA has posted on this site many times. She has a responsibility, not to go in great detail to create more problems, but to provide an explanation of the issues, to the people who are paying for this project, and the way forward.

If she is not willing to do this, the Parish Council have an obligation to let the residents know what is going on.

Inaction or "silence" is not an option.
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59 Posts

Posted - 12 Jan 2010 :  18:39:38  Show Profile
I entirely agree with Bert - in this occasion, 'silence is not an option'.

Withdrawing a website without an explanation seems an extremely immature way of dealing with issues. This (AVL) website lists the name of the Chairperson. Whilst the problems encountered may not be her fault, surely as Chairperson she has an obligation to keep Angmering villagers appraised of issues.

These 'closed door' tactics will just ensure that the local press get involved

If, as Neil suggests, APC are aware of the problems, we will just have to hope that Patty will keep us informed !!
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Mr Growser
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United Kingdom
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Posted - 12 Jan 2010 :  20:18:37  Show Profile
Maybe it`s time to involve the Media/Press as I smell a rather big Rat here!
Public Money involved on what seems to be an unaccountable basis.
Am I right to be concerned?
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United Kingdom
35 Posts

Posted - 12 Jan 2010 :  21:46:45  Show Profile
Deb8: Absolutely agree with you that withdrawing the website does seem an extremely immature way of dealing with issues. But this is out of my hands.ACCA trustees were as surprised as you and very disappointed.

There has not been a wall of silence. If questions are asked they can be answered. Someone actually phoned me this evening to alert me to your questions.I do not monitor this forum all the time.

Greenfields - I'm delighted to tell you that there is a Table Tennis opportunity for your children.The schools have been notified for their newsletters and posters are up in the village (hope the PC has put them in their boxes for me). We are advertising that Ray Forder a qualified ETTA Coach will start sessions in February at the Centre. Fridays 4 p.m.for 8+ to 15 yr olds. Please contact the Centre on 773982 or phone me on 774247 for information. Sadly it will cost a bit more - £4 for one and a half hours but it will be expert tuition and the possibility of going on to League teams.I must add that Russell did a great job as a volunteer and it is because the children enjoyed his sessions so much that I have hunted for an alternative. It was Russell's changed circumstances that brought the sessions to an end - not bad behaviour.

Another youth opportunity is Junior Short Mat Bowls on a Wednesday at 7 p.m. with Goring SMB group for 12+ £1.50 for this with coaching in how to play.Many of the children who came in on our Open days were very keen to have a go at this.A grant has also been obtained for a youth project and there has already been a meeting of young people to discuss what they would like at the Centre.

So - never fear, the project marches on. We had a meeting of volunteers today to discuss starting a Lunch Club for Seniors and watch out for an exciting "Fit as a Fiddle" project about eating healthily if we can get the funding.

There should be someone new starting in the office next week and any "issues" ACCA had have been resolved. Rather a snide comment to say that you will not get a response out of ACCA. However, as you so rightly and sensibly understand, Bert - I cannot go into detail.

Finally, perhaps if you all ask Neil, he will re-instate our lovely website and we can see that you are all well informed again.

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410 Posts

Posted - 12 Jan 2010 :  22:48:25  Show Profile
Websites going down, internal problems, staff resignations and more are all things that can and do happen to businesses all the time and sometimes all at once.

But it seems that the show is going on - the centre can still be booked and used and is being.

So, that conceded, what's the problem - the website? That's what kicked this off. So, OK find a new web designer - I can recommend a corker.

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United Kingdom
2623 Posts

Posted - 12 Jan 2010 :  23:02:23  Show Profile
That does not answer Bert's question in any way, Val.

As Val chooses to escalate the matter, the people of Angmering need some answers. Why did the manager resign in such bitterness? Why have approx 22 people resigned from the ACCA in about 3 years (not my figures but those of a current trustee)? Why are Angmering Council tax payers giving nearly £100,000 to the ACCA over the next 3 years but the APC have not been allowed any representation on that committee. What exactly did happen at the ACCA meeting on 21 December (referred to in the APC minutes of meeting)?

The ACCA website was only suspended for a few days while I was preparing to hand over the site to the ACCA after which they must determine what to do with it. They need to appoint a webmaster. These postings unfortunately occurred while I was preparing an email to Val which also included restoring the site. I've tried to be helpful and have spelt out some options to assist in their decision making. I'm pleased BFA can recommend a replacement webmaster.

When I first built the website, I asked Val on numerous occasions to come and look at it. It took her four months to do so as she said she was too busy! When the CC started to be operated by the ACCA in September/October last year, the website was considerably enhanced with activities and photos of the Centre. I asked Val on a couple of occasions whether she had looked at it. She said she had been too busy. It took her another month on that occasion to look at the site. Lovely website my foot!

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Advanced Member

United Kingdom
410 Posts

Posted - 13 Jan 2010 :  01:03:58  Show Profile
Originally posted by neil

the people of Angmering need some answers.

Where's the questions? Not on the village grapevine, trust me.

Send a handful of people out to knock on say 200 peoples' doors around the village, better still, the Parish, to ask 'What do you think of recent developments at the new community centre'?

Most wouldn't even be able to tell you where it is.

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Forum Owner / Moderator

United Kingdom
2623 Posts

Posted - 13 Jan 2010 :  08:54:12  Show Profile
Many things expressed here have got a bit personal and I apologise for my shortcomings in this matter - these personal remarks by Val and myself only obscure the real issues. I now do not have any association with the ACCA other than a user of the excellent Community Centre which I would urge Angmering residents to use. As Val points out there are many current and forthcoming activities that Angmeringers, young and older, can enjoy.

Back to basics. It was Bert who picked up the fact from the Parish Council minutes of 14 December that the APC had some concerns with the ACCA. However, anyone of the approx 20 members of the public who attended that meeting will recall that what was actually aired by councillors and the new Parish Clerk were concerns surrounding the signing of the lease and conditions of providing grant money to the ACCA.

If the APC has concerns, then they are also the concerns of all of us Angmering Council Tax payers. If the APC no longer has concerns, that's fine - let everybody get on with their jobs. Perhaps the APC can confirm that everything is now OK.
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Posted - 13 Jan 2010 :  11:13:03  Show Profile
BFA. We do not want to blow this out of all proportion, I stated on my original posting that new projects and committees can have internal issues and problems.

But your suggestion, "Where's the questions, not on the village grapevine, trust me," is entirely missing the point.

That would have been relevant some years ago before easy access to the internet and this excellent website. We are now in the world of information overload.

Any issue relating to Public money / Council Tax money, is an issue for some residents, probably a small proportion of residents I accept.

I was against the CC, but it is now built, up and running and a very nice building with good facilities, so it must be made to work, I have no problem with that.

It was and continues to be very expensive. Some residents are perfectly entitled to question things relating to public money when it is clear there are problems.

All that was required once the issue was raised on this website, was something to the effect:-

There have been some internal difficulties whilst this project is in its early stages, they will be resolved as soon as possible, ACCA and APC are working to achieve that, a new manager will be appointed, activities at the Centre should not be affected, the website will be re-instated as soon as possible.

How difficult is that???

Instead we have to plead to ACCA and APC for some information.
Again we have been let down, a little forward planning and thought can resolve most problems.
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Average Member

United Kingdom
35 Posts

Posted - 13 Jan 2010 :  23:30:26  Show Profile
Bert. Sorry - I wasn't aware that there had been reference to the signing of the Lease at the PC Meeting referred to by Neil above. A quick explanation. We (ACCA) are refusing to sign the Lease until the PC has ensured that their Project Managers and Architect - who are the parties at fault - do something about the poor acoustics in the Hall at the Centre. The solicitor acting for us has suggested an "Agreement to Lease" which would mean that once the work has been carried out to our satisfaction so that the Centre is fit for purpose, we would then sign the Lease.We are waiting to put in a PA system but really need to wait until the acoustics are sorted out. Meanwhile we are losing possible income because dance groups that would like to come to us won't consider it and groups which would require a microphone can't be booked.

But the PC is working with us on this. They want to get this sorted out as much as we do - even if only to get us off their backs!
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