For people living in Downsway it is becoming increasingly difficult to get out of Downsway or return to your house in the evenings due to the inconsiderate drivers using that road since the crossing has been closed.
The problem is being caused by inconsiderate drivers that are heading west along Downsway, from the Roundstone Pub end to the Station end of Downsway. These drivers DO NOT have the right of way past the parked cars at the Station end, but today I had to wait for 15 drivers to move out of the way before I could proceed East bound(my right of way)back to my house, because they had blocked the road!!
Please, if you are driving down that road from East to West, obey the laws of the road and do not overtake the parked cars unless there is room for you to pull in or drive out of the Station end of the road.
Although the problem is much worse at the moment with the level crossing closure it is always and isue in Downsway due to the large number of cars that park there for the station.
One word in defense of the Westbound drivers is that sometimes you may be passing a very long line of parked cars hoping in get into a gap when someone travelling East enters the road. Sometimes there is no gap for a long stretch along the road and the Eastbound drivers end up stopping (particularly near the junction with station road).
Water lane congestion could be eased if chandlers didn't decide to park 12 cars along the road that was my count one day this week is that inconsiderate or just pee poor planning?