Angmering Village Life

News Archive

June 2024


Artisan bakery opens

Angmering gained a wonderful new shop today (Tuesday 25 June) with the opening of The Butler's Pantry on Stubbs Hill, High Street. This is an artisan micro bakery in the heart of of our village. Owner/baker, Julia, takes pride in her carefully crafted bread, delightful pastries, and scrumptious sandwiches, all made with locally sourced ingredients that bring out the true taste of our region. The Butler's Pantry offers various cakes, scones, breads, and sweet and savoury pastries. Their specialities include a daily menu board of baguettes/ ciabatta style sandwiches, seasonal cream teas to go, ice creams, and hot & cold drinks. All food is freshly made on the premises for takeaway.

I had to sample some of these. I loved the crusty baguette, and the sausage rolls were tasty and so well filled. I reserved the Mars bar brownie for this afternoon with a cup of tea - Mmmmm! I see more visits coming on!

Opening hours are Tuesday to Friday:- 9.00am - 3.45pm; Saturday:- 9.00am to 2.00pm; Sunday & Monday:- closed. Phone: 01903-366161. Email: Website:

25 June 2024

Planning Applications

A/81/24/HH: Two storey side and single storey rear extensions, including installation of front porch canopy, following demolition of existing detached garage. 9 Ham Manor Farm Cottages West Drive

A/84/24/PL: Conversion of attached garage into habitable space and single storey extension to create annexe for family dependent. This application is in CIL Zone 2 (zero rated) as other development. 17 Lansdowne Way

A/88/24/S73: Variation of condition following the grant of A/256/21/RES (as varied by A/287/22/PL) relating to the omission of flat-over-garages balconies on plots 369, 389 and 439. Land North of Water Lane

A/89/24/HH: Erection of orangery extension to the rear elevation. 15 Darlington Close

Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 27 June 2024.

To see applications, plans, design statements, etc, type the Application Reference Number (such as those above) into Arun District Council's "Application Search Facility ", click on the Search button, and click on the hyperlink reference when selected application is returned - then select "Documents".

7 June 2024

Angmering remembers D-Day

Members of the local community attended a ceremony near the Angmering Community Centre this morning (Thursday 6th June) to commemorate the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy by Allied forces, the campaign to liberate mainland Europe. Cllr Nikki Hamilton-Street, chair of Angmering Parish Council, and Angmering 'flagmaster', Roger Miles, gave speeches providing background and context of D-Day, and the impact of troop training and vehicle mobilisation in Angmering. Angmering is twinned with the Normandy town of Ouistreham-Riva-Bella, the location of WW2 'Sword Beach', the most easterly of the five Allied invasion beaches.

The ceremony was attended by a number of parish councillors together with Sir Peter Bottomley and Dr Beccy Cooper, the Conservative and Labour candidates respectively for the forthcoming Parliamentary General Elections on 4th July. A number of local residents also attended. Following the speeches, the 80th Anniversary flag was raised by Fraser and Sophie, pupils from The Angmering School.


Later in the morning, at a further ceremony on The Green in The Square, also attended by County Councillor Deborah Urquhart, pupils from The Angmering School read the D-Day "Poem for Schools" composed by Chelsea Pensioner, Roy Palmer:

It is D-Day, the Sixth of June Nineteen-Forty-Four. Operation Overlord commenced, leaving the world in awe.
The planning started in Nineteen-Forty-three. Bringing Allies together, to make our World free.
Deception was used, codenamed Operation Bodyguard. Making rubber tanks and wooden planes as a façade.
An American unit was formed for General Omar Bradley. Then a web of lies was spread, by his Ghost Army.
Much more was done, to keep the Germans in the dark. Before the Allies on foreign shores, could disembark.
Everything was Most Secret and kept Hush Hush. As Allies gathered resources, for their big push.
The Allied Supreme Commander was General Dwight Eisenhower. With General (Monty) Montgomery as Temporary Ground Commander.
Eleven Thousand Aircraft and Gliders with Paratroopers and Soldiers. Were dropped behind enemy lines to secure the area.
More than Five-thousand ships, the biggest Armada ever seen. Sailed from British shores and our fields of green.
Monty’s battle plan was written, on one sheet of paper. Set for June the Fifth, the Day of their departure.
But bad weather, caused a Twenty-four-hour delay. Then conditions changed, and they got underway.
British, American, Canadian and many other countries, were together thrown. Going to fight a War, something many had never known.
Over One Hundred and Fifty-Thousand men of every creed. Will perform acts of courage, that must succeed.
There were Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and the Merchant Navy. Many Civilians who volunteered to fight against Nazi tyranny.
Over the English Channel and to Normandy, France will go. To land on beaches called Sword, Gold, Utah, Omaha and Juno.
Were they afraid? Yes! they most certainly were. But the world must be saved, that was their spur.
The German defences were called, the Atlantic Wall. Hitler told Field-Marshall Rommel, he must, the Allies stall.
The Allies landed Twenty-Four-Thousand troops on D-Day. Commencing at Six-Thirty, then things went into disarray.
Wind and rough seas helped landing craft, miss their mark. Putting the plan in jeopardy from the start.
Fierce resistance was put up, by Germans guarding the beaches. The time had come to fight, no further need for speeches.
Beaches were Mined, Barbed wire laid, metal tripods and many hazards. Were set to kill, maim and make things awkward.
Over Ten-Thousand casualties, the Allies had that first day. With over Four-Thousand dead, a heavy price to pay.
D-Day made Heroes, in that hell unknown. Helping turn the Tide of War, as the Enemy were overthrown

Following reading of the poem by the two pupils from The Angmering School, the girls moved to Angmering Village Hall where they raised the flag of Ouistreham.

6 June 2024

Security Course

6 June 2024

Yarnbombers D-Day homage

Here is one of Angmering Yarnbombers' clever creations celebrating the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landings on 6th June 1944. It depicts soldiers alighting from a landing craft on one of the Normandy beaches. Others can be seen in the window of the Co-Op store in The Square.

1 June 2024

June Events

June looks like being a busy month in Angmering. Here are some events during the month. Check out our Events/Diary Page for further details.

6th June - 80th Anniversary of D-Day - Raising of Flag and Poem
7th June - Bingo Night
9th June - Car Boot Sale and Health Awareness Day
15th June - Monthly Quiz Night
17th June - Oneline Safety and Cyber Security Presentation
25th June - Film Show - "One Life"
28th June - The Legends Tribute Show
29th June - St Margaret's Family 'Fun Day'

Also, don't forget the Community Cuppa days on Tuesdays and Thursdays each week.

1 June 2024