Angmering Village Life

News Archive

May 2024


Tree felling in Station Road

West Sussex County Council has issued the following roadworks notice:

NOTICE IS hereby given that in pursuance of the provisions of Section 14(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act, 1984, as amended, the use of (and parking on) Station Road, Angmering from junction with Mill Road to East Drive is temporarily prohibited from 03/06/24 until 06/06/24. The restriction will be in place off peak only between 0930-1430hrs. This closure is necessary to allow Balfour Beatty to undertake & essential tree felling works on behalf of WSCC.

Emergency vehicle, Residential and Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times The alternative route for traffic will be signed on site.

It is anticipated that a number of the old Monterey pines lining Station Road will be felled.

29 May 2024

2025 Calendar Competition

For the first time ever, Angmering Parish Council (APC) are looking at producing a calendar and are asking you to send them your pictures for a chance to feature in the Angmering Calendar for 2025. They would like to showcase all that Angmering has to offer, so get searching for the photo you’re most proud of and email it to them at with 2025 Calendar Competition in the subject of the email.

They need pictures from all seasons, all parts of the village, events you have been to, basically anything as long as it’s from Angmering. Please also include the photographers name so they can be acknowledged in the calendar if chosen. You can submit up to three photos for consideration. Let them know when and where they were taken and, if your photos feature a private property or person, please get their permission to submit the photograph.

Closing date to receive your photos is by midnight on Monday 5 August 2024 and APC will start to sell copies at Angmering Revealed on Saturday 21 September 2024. Each calendar will be sold for £5 with all monies raised going towards APC's chosen charity of the year, which this year is The Lavina Norfolk Centre based at The Angmering School.

The rules for Angmering Parish Council's 2025 Calendar Competition can be found on theirr website or a printed copy can be obtained from the Parish Office.

27 May 2024

Water Lane road closure

Water Lane will be closed from 28 - 31 May 2024 to facilitate a new foul water connection. The road will be closed from the junction with Arundel Road to the junction with A280, with works taking place at the junction with Dappers Lane.

19 May 2024

Planning Applications

A/68/24/HH: Conversion of part of garage to form study. 4 Sage Place.

A/83/24/HH: Two-storey side extension. 101 Lloyd Goring Close

Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 20 April 2024.

To see applications, plans, design statements, etc, type the Application Reference Number (such as those above) into Arun District Council's "Application Search Facility ", click on the Search button, and click on the hyperlink reference when selected application is returned - then select "Documents".

19 May 2024

Comedy night in Angmering

A charity fundraiser in aid of The Lavinia Norfolk Centre at The Angmering School which supports young people who have a physical or sensory impairment. Saturday 14 September 2024.

Visit for further details

15 May 2024

Angmering Parish Council latest

At last night's Parish Council AGM, Cllr Nikki Hamilton-Street was re-elected as Chair of of the Council. Cllr Alison Reigate was re-elected as Vice-Chair.

At the earlier Annual Parish Meeting, Eric Holmes was the recipient of the Fred Rowley Award, which recognises the valuable contribution residents have made to the village. The Volunteer of the Year Award was presented to Emily Moore by Cllr Hamilton-Street (see photo).

14 May 2024)

Angering Medical Centre & Coppice Monthly data

8 May 2024

Snippets from the draft minutes of Angmering Parish Council meeting of 8 April 2024

New Parish Council Buildings- NEW BUILDINGS DEVELOPMENT GROUP. The Clerk talked through the supporting paper and the changes that had been discussed and agreed by the group to be put forward at todays meeting. To get to this decision an overview of the meetings with the BAQUS and the Architects was given plus the processes the group had taken up to this point. It had been decided that the risks were too high to move forward with both the café and the new office building, as originally planned plus funding would be difficult to get at this time for the café. Whereas funding for the new office building/meeting space/youth space would be easier to secure and a more achievable project with a range of advantages for all. An alternative for the café was discussed and APC hope to have a plan of what this could look like in the next week or so. More information will follow when available. After discussion the following was agreed. RESOLUTION: Cllr. Verrinder PROPOSED that work be halted on the original plans for the café, but proceed with the new office building as previously agreed. The office will progress the café idea separately, Cllr. Hall SECONDED and ALL AGREED

Community Grants- One grant request was submitted for consideration this month - Angmering Yarn Bombers – £250. After discussion, which included a suggestion of increasing the grant amount to be offered the following option was put forward and agreed. Cllr. Verrinder PROPOSED that a sum of £300 was granted to the Angmering Yarn Bombers. Cllr. Hall SECONDED and 6 AGREED and 1 ABSTAINED

The full Minutes can be read here

5 May 2024