Angmering Village Life
News Archive
August 2019
Local residents and visitors will have the chance to learn more about the life-saving work of Air Ambulance Kent Surrey Sussex (AAKSS) and win a brand new Mini when the charity brings its annual car raffle roadshow to Angmering.
Members of the AAKSS fundraising team will be at Haskins Garden Centre on 28 and 29 September to meet the public and explain how the raffle is helping support vital life-saving time critical emergency care for people who live, work, or travel through the area. The winner will be able to choose from one of five Mini models, supplied by Barretts Mini, based in Canterbury, with the runner-up winning £1,000 and £250 for the third prize.
The air ambulance is almost entirely reliant on support from the public in order to fund its round-the-clock operations. Last year its crews of pilots, doctors and paramedics flew nearly 2,500 missions with more than 90 per cent of its £11million a year operating costs raised from donations, legacies, and fundraisers such as the Mini raffle. Tickets will be priced at £5 each. Last year, the car raffle raised more than £220,000.
If residents are not able to get there on the day, they can still support the air ambulance's work by entering online at The draw will take place on 20th November 2019.
A new retail shop has just opened in Bank Chambers in The Square. Margaux David is selling high quality crystal, lamps, and mirrors.
Angmering South Ward
Oldfield explained that 1 candidate had withdrawn so only 2 candidates would be
standing. Cllr. Oldfield explained the background behind the Co-option process
and what each candidate had needed to do. He then invited both candidates to
address the committee, which they both did. A show of hands was then asked for
each candidate and both candidates were unanimously voted on to the APC as
Councillors. The new Councillors are Alison Reigate and Frank
Carr. They were invited to sit at the table, which they both did.
Honey Lane & Allotments
Clerk reported that she had spoken with the Chairman of the Allotment
association and updated him on the current situation regarding the decision not
to purchase the allotments. A discussion then took place. During discussion it
was confirmed that APC would always be required to provide allotments within
Angmering and that the Allotments are registered as a community asset.
Angmering Library
It was
confirmed that ideas for the use of the Library building would be discussed at
the next CLT meeting. It was also reported that there is Public interested
throughout the village on what will happen should it close as a Library, any
ideas are welcomed. Cllr. R Evans commented that the building itself will be
saved its more what it will be used for. Cllr. N Hamilton-Street commented that
the next meeting with West Sussex County Council (WSCC) will be pivotal. A
discussion then took place regarding potential new uses. The Clerk commented
that she had seen that a Community Hub was to open in Littlehampton and would
report back on how it was being used. Action: Report back on Littlehampton
Community Hub. Action: Ideas on use for the Library building to be given to the
Angmering Community Centre
Verrinder gave an update on the Community Centre and advised that Val would be
standing down as Centre Manager. The Trustees would like an APC Councillor as a
representative for the Community Centre but there was still a question that the
representative would also have to be a Trustee. Ideally, the APC Representative
would have no voting rights and would not have to be a Trustee.
The full Minutes can be read here
Walkers going up to Highdown may have seen that a mast was erected just inside the Angmering boundary. A planning application (SDNP/19/03349/FUL) for this is currently being considered by the South Downs National Park Authority.
The intention of this mast is "To provide superfast broadband coverage for the local area covering Ferring, Goring, Angmering, Hangleton, Patching, East Preston amongst others".
Blenheim Play Area, Bramley
A lengthy conversation took place regarding the use of the
play park and the plans for improving this area. Four representatives of the
houses surrounding the play area attended the meeting and each had the chance
to speak and have their views heard. It was agreed by all that regardless of
the outcome that all children need a safe place to play that it is fit for
purpose. Cllr L Hamilton-Street suggested that to move things forward that an
on-site meeting should be arranged so all concerned could meet in situ and
discuss the options available. All present agreed that this would be a good way
forward. (This will be taking place on Wednesday 14 August 2019 between
17:30 & 18:30 at Blenheim Play Area.)
Macmillan Coffee
Macmillan Coffee Morning This will take place on Friday
27 September in the Village Square, all Councillors to attend.
Red Lion Notice Board
discussion took place around the offer received to take over the as the
custodians of this noticeboard. Due to the recent investment made to replace
the noticeboards around the village it was felt that the Parish Council did not
require an additional board plus also the location of the board is very close
to the APC Office where all notices are already posted. There was then a show
of hands and all Councillors present agreed not to adopt the noticeboard. The
representatives from A.I.B then requested the opportunity to adopt the board
for their use. Action: APC to clarify that this is acceptable and to let A.I.B
know of the outcome.
Remembrance Day Parade - 11th
The Parish Council have been contacted and asked to take
over the running of this event. A lengthy discussion took place to decide if
this would be possible. Cllr N Hamilton-Street asked if the APC Office could
investigate further and report back at the next meeting.
The full Minutes can be read here