Angmering Village Life
News Archive
April 2015
If you have ever wandered across
St Nicholas' Gardens from the Library to The Lamb you have walked over the
buried remains of the ancient parish church of East Angmering. From the
beginning of June something will be going on in the gardens and you will have a
chance to be involved.
Angmering Parish Council has enlisted the help of Worthing Archaeological Society in an effort to accurately locate the position and layout of the church and to find out more about the origins and history of the building. From excavations conducted in 1974 we know that there has been a church on the site at least since Saxon times, and that there were several alterations and extensions to the building before it was abandoned in the 1570s, and its stone used to build nearby houses, when the two parishes of West and East Angmering were merged.
The new excavation is being organised as a community project lasting for two weeks or so from June 6th. During the first half of both weeks the village primary schools will be able to send groups of pupils for a session on site with the archaeologists. The children will take part in a range of archaeological activities from learning how to excavate to processing and recording finds.
On other days adults in the community who have signed up will be able to spend a day on site and receive training and practical experience. They will need to join Worthing Archaeological Society, either for the day or year, for insurance purposes - The cost is £5.00 per day There are limited places and application forms can be picked up from the Parish Office, the Library, and Woodies newsagents. Forms can also be downloaded from . There will also be guided tours for all those who want to see what is happening in the excavation.
When the dig is finished the Parish Council hope to establish a permanent record of the layout of St Nicholas' church on the ground so that everyone can see where this important Angmering building lay for so many centuries. The finds from the dig will, it is hoped, eventually form a significant part of a display about the history of the village.
A/38/15/HH - First floor extension over existing garage (resubmission following A/107/14/HH). at 5 Mill Road. Applicant: Mr J Norris.
Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 21 May 2015.
To see applications, plans, design statements, etc, type the Application Reference Number (such as those above) into Arun District Council's "Application Search Facility ", click on the Search button, and click on the hyperlink reference when selected application is returned - then select "Documents".
County Councillor's Report
Councillor Urquhart advised that from 1 April 2015 residents could have free
internet access in West Sussex County Council libraries for up to 2 hours per
session, this being offered in addition to the free wi-fi access already
County Councillor Urquhart advised that an update on the Angmering Village traffic management scheme, incorporating revisions in response to queries raised by the Parish, should be available in the guise of a revised feasibility study in mid-May. This is a slippage of around a month from the original timetable, due to the Parishs insistence on the inclusion of Roundstone Lane and various other matters in the scheme.
Ward Boundries
Mountain asked if anything could be done to rectify the needless confusion that
had been left by the ward boundary changes, which had left us with 2 wards
which the Parish did not need, and with part of the Parish area now falling
within a different District Council ward. District. District Councillor Wensley
advised that this regrettable situation was the work of the Boundary
Commission; the District Council had been, and remained, opposed to it, and had
objected to it on the basis that there was no logic to it whatsoever. In terms
of what could be done with it, the matter would have to be taken up with
whoever becomes the constituency MP, following the election. The District
Council was unhappy with the change, which had been imposed upon it without
consultation. As the matter had been voted on by Parliament, it was unlikely
that there would be much that could be done. County Councillor Urquhart noted
that a similar review by the Boundary Commission was due to be undertaken at
County Council level shortly. It might be worth representations being made as
part of this
Investment Strategy 2015/2016
Clerks report, containing proposals for an investment strategy aimed at
diversifying the Parish Councils investments, and improving their
performance, was noted. The Clerk added, by way of clarification, that all
local councils with funds in excess of £500,000 under their control are
now obliged to adopt an investment strategy and review it at least annually. On
a proposal by Councillor Phelon, seconded by Councillor Harris, it was
unanimously AGREED that the strategy be adopted as proposed, and put into
effect forthwith.
iPads for Councillors
Chairman and the Clerk explained the concept behind the proposed acquisition of
iPads for Councillors, which was to make it easier for Councillors to receive
and view their papers for meetings, e-mails, and other matters requiring their
attention. It was intended to set up Councillor e-mail addresses as part of
this, which would be operated via the Parish Offices existing Microsoft
Exchange system and which could be set up on the iOS mail client without
difficulty. It was confirmed that hard copies of papers could still be provided
if required, but the need for this would be greatly lessened henceforth. The
Clerk confirmed that both outright purchase and leasing options were being
explored, and that approval in principle of an outlay of up to £5,000 was
sought, with details to be confirmed to the Parish Council at a future meeting.
It was noted that there would also be discussion in due course with the
Trustees of the Village Hall Management Committee, with regard to the
installation of wi-fi at the Village Hall. On a proposal by Councillor
Mountain, seconded by Councillor Phelon, it was unanimously AGREED that the
Clerk be granted the authority sought, up to a maximum of £5,000.
Village Fair
On a proposal by
Councillor Oldfield, seconded by Councillor Phelon, it was unanimously AGREED
that authority be granted as sought, up to a maximum of £2,000.
Community Centre chairs
For the
acquisition of 100 new chairs for the Community Centre, with authority to spend
up to £2,000 provided that the chairs selected were fit for purpose and
that Councillors concerns were addressed via e-mail: on a proposal by
Councillor Bicknell, seconded by Councillor Oldfield, unanimously AGREED with
the abstention of the Chairman.
The full minutes of this meeting may be read by clicking here
The Annual Parish Meeting for the electors of the parish of Angmering will take place in the King Suite of Angmering Village Hall at 19:00 on Monday 27 April 2015. This is not a meeting of the Parish Council; it is a forum for ordinary electors to have their say about what is going on in and around Angmering. Presentations are being made at the meeting by:
A copy of the agenda for the meeting can be downloaded here. A copy of the newsletter that is being distributed to all households in the village in the week commencing 20 April 2015 may be downloaded here.
If you have any questions about the meeting generally, please get in touch with the Parish Council office on 01903-772124.
Angmering Parish Council is looking to employ someone to support its team on a part-time basis, from 9 am to 1pm, 5 days a week, as a Clerical Assistant/Receptionist.
To learn more about this position and to download the person specification and job application form, click here.
A/31/15/PL - Demolition of existing greenhouse & erection of 8 No. light industrial units (B1 use) at St Denys Nursery, Dappers Lane. Applicant: St Denys Nursery.
Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 14 May 2015.
To see applications, plans, design statements, etc, type the Application Reference Number (such as those above) into Arun District Council's "Application Search Facility ", click on the Search button, and click on the hyperlink reference when selected application is returned - then select "Documents".
Between 4:10pm - 4:40pm yesterday afternoon (Wednesday), a property in Mill Road Avenue, Angmering was burgled. The offender(s) gained access by smashing a patio door window and used a key left in the lock to open the door. Cash and jewellery was stolen in this short time frame which includes the following:
If anybody has any information about this burglary, please call please call the Police on 101 quoting serial "1151 15/04/15"
As there were only 9 nominations for the 11 seats for the Parish Council in the Angmering Village Ward, there will not be a contest for the positions of parish councillors in May and the Returning Officer at Arun District Council has declared that the following have therefore been elected:
BICKNELL, Paul Andrew, 6 Birch Close, Angmering, West Sussex, BN16 4HB
FRANCIS, Susan Mary, 6 Garden Close, Angmering, West Sussex, BN16 4LX
HARRIS, Don, Viskas, The Avenals, Angmering, West Sussex, BN16 4AN
HARRIS, Norma Walby, Viskas, The Avenals, Angmering, Littlehampton, West Sussex, BN16 4AN
HILL-SMITH, Mike, Mobile Home At The Acre, Dappers Lane, Angmering, BN16 4EN
MOUNTAIN, Steven Charles, 51 East Drive, Angmering, BN16 4JH
OLDFIELD, John Edward, The Beeches, West Drive, Angmering, W Sussex, BN16 4NL
PHELON, Roger John, Pippins, Ham Manor Close, Angmering, Littlehampton, West Sussex, BN16 4JD
VERRINDER, Sylvia Gladys Maude, 41 Greenacres Ring, Angmering, West Sussex, BN16 4BU
There were no nominations for the 2 seats representing Angmering South. However we are sure that the parishioners south of the A259 will be well represented by all of the above councillors as was the case before the artificial new Ward was imposed on Angmering by Arun District Council.
This is Boris, a two year old cream burmese cat, who went missing late Saturday afternoon. He loved hunting and frequented the fields between Weavers Hill, Water Lane and The Avenals.
If anyone has seen him or may know of his whereabouts please phone the owners on 01903 771767. If people living in that area could check their sheds there is just a chance that he could have got shut in.
Update: Sadly Boris did not survive a collision with a vehicle in Roundstone Lane.
It's that time again to start planning your entries for the 2015 Angmering Flower & Produce Show. This will take place on Saturday 27th June at 2.00pm at Pigeon House in the High Street.
There will be approximately 80 classes falling within various categories including Flowers, Vegetable & Fruit, Floral Art, Children's Section, Home Made Cookery, Arts & Crafts, and the Fun Section. Certificates will be awarded in all sections and there are some 20 trophies to be won. Teas and cakes and craft stalls will add to the enjoyment of the afternoon.
Watch out for the posters, schedules, and entry forms which will be out soon and available from many outlets in the village.
A/23/15/OUT - Hybrid application - Full Planning Permission for a retail unit (Class A1) comprising 1,487sqm (1022sqm ground floor and 465sqm mezzanine) with associated access, car parking, servicing, landscaping & associated works. Outline Planning Permission for a public house (Class A4) comprising 581sqm at ground floor level. Land south of New Road (A259) and East of Brook Lane. Applicant: SDB Investments Limited, CDP Ltd & Marks & Spencer Plc. This is a Departure from the Development Plan
Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 23 April 2015.
To see applications, plans, design statements, etc, type the Application Reference Number (such as those above) into Arun District Council's "Application Search Facility ", click on the Search button, and click on the hyperlink reference when selected application is returned - then select "Documents".
Angmering School student Sebastian Maxted has duly been elected to represent the constituency of East Arun, Worthing & Adur as the Deputy Member of the UK Youth Parliament (DMYP). After relinquishing his West Sussex Youth Cabinet position, having won the majority of youth votes in the Angmering constituency, and after being runner up in the Youth Parliament vote, he will serve as deputy for this year and take on the full roll of Member of Youth Parliament the following. Sebastian will continue in his role of the Vice Chair of Arun Youth Council.
The UK Youth Parliament, run by young people for young people, aims to give 11-18 year olds in the UK a voice that will be heard by local and national government, and others who have an interest in the views and needs of young people, to bring about social change.
Sebastian, who lives in Angmering, made the following comments:
"I'm really proud to have been voted in by the youth of East Arun, Adur & Worthing to represent them in the UK Youth Parliament and l can't wait to get to work on both the issues that I put forth in my manifesto and any new ones that are brought to me by my constituents. I feel The UK Youth Parliament is a wonderful opportunity which promotes an excellent forum for young people and forces those whom govern our country to recognise and consider the opinions of the our generation; a great example of where we deserve to be heard is over tuition fees and also perhaps youth services. I just want to let all those whom voted for me know I am very grateful and thankful."
Also elected from the Angmering School to serve as West Sussex Youth Cabinet members were Jake Pettman and Aaron Alexander.