Angmering Village Life
News Archive
December 2014
Marks & Spencer are proposing opening an M&S Simply Food store in Angmering next to where
Chandlers BMW will be opening their garage and showrooms on the Rustington
By-Pass (A259). The land is in the parish of Angmering although inevitably, if
it comes to fruition, it will be called "Rustington M&S". Commercial
Development Projects Limited (CDP) have drawn up the scheme on behalf of
M&S who are proposing the following for the site:
The family pub / restaurant would be in a separate building from the food store. Access to the site would be via a new entrance off the southern (east-west) carriageway of the A259 at Brook Lane on the By-Pass. Traffic exiting from the site and wishing to go east may well have to travel down to the Bodyshop roundabout before returning on the west-east dual carriageway.
Prior to submitting a formal planning application, and as part of their work evolving the proposals, CDP/M&S are keen to engage with the local community and provide an opportunity to view, discuss and comment upon the plans. As a result, they would like to invite you to a public exhibition where the proposals will be on display with members of the project team also in attendance. The event will be held at:
John De Bohun Room, Woodlands Centre, Woodlands
Avenue, Rustington, BN16 3HB
Friday 5th December 2014, 4pm - 7:30pm
Saturday 6th December 2014, 11am - 2pm
For more information on these proposals, including a diagramatic layout plan, visit the CDP/M&S website by clicking here.
Angmering Cycling Club has recently been formed and the Committee is in the process of establishing themselves as an affiliated cycling club with British Cycling. They will be launching the Club to all on the 16th January 2015, at 7.30pm at the Angmering Community Centre, when all are welcome to attend and join. They are catering for all levels of ability and all forms of cycling, i.e. on and off-road, for adults and children.
For anyone requiring more information, the Club has established a website and a Facebook page.
30 November 2014
Nearly 70 people went to Angmering in Bloom's Blooming Quiz Night in the Village Hall on Saturday (22 Nov) and were welcomed by Chairman, Julia Phelon. Questions were set by Phil Leverick, and covered topics such as 'Entertaining Politicians', 'All About Dogs', as well as the usual picture round.
The Quiz was won by a team calling themselves "The Incomers", and the evening raised nearly £430 towards Angmering in Bloom projects.
Angmering Village Hall will be holding its Christmas Market on Saturday 6 December from 10am - 12 noon.
There will be a large variety of stalls, raffles and refreshments with the usual the Grand Tombola and Silent Auction which have, as usual, been supported with prizes donated by local traders. This year there will also be a special raffle with a prize from Chandlers BMW - 'Win the Use of a BMW for the Day'. Last year Mother Christmas came to see all under 6s and she enjoyed herself so much that she asked to return this year!
The Village Hall Committee hope that villagers and their families and friends will turn up in force to support this event which helps to raise money for the upkeep of this valuable village hall building.
It is learned with much regret that Lady Anne Cowdrey, 14th Lady Herries of Terregles, died today (Tuesday), aged 76. It is understood that she had been in ill-health for some time. Lady Anne, the widow of Lord Colin Cowdrey of Tonbridge (England cricketer, d.2000) lived and trained racehorses at her home in Angmering Park, and was renowned as a fine judge of equine talent. In a career as a racehorse trainer over the last 40 years, she achieved countless wins, 286 alone in the past 25 years.
Lady Anne was the daughter of the late Bernard, 16th Duke of Norfolk and the late Hon. Lavinia Fitzalan-Howard (née Strutt). We wish to express our sincere condolences to her sisters, Lady Mary Mumford, Lady Sarah Clutton, and Lady Jane Ancram. Having no children, the title now passes to her sister, Lady Mary Mumford.
A/143/14/L - Application for listed building consent to change 3 No. windows from aluminium to hard wood at White House Cottage, High Street. Applicant: Mrs A Shepard.
A/154/14/OUT - Outline Application for the erection of 18 No. dwellings at Pound Place, Roundstone Lane. Applicant: Mr & Mrs Atkins.
Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 11 December 2014.
To see applications, plans, design statements, etc, type the Application Reference Number (such as those above) into Arun District Council's "Application Search Facility ", click on the Search button, and click on the hyperlink reference when selected application is returned - then select "Documents".
Are you missing a small turquoise trampoline? One was found on the Angmering School site yesterday. To reclaim it, phone Fiona Moppett at the school on 01903 778362.
Future School provision
Clerk, the Chairman, Councillor Bicknell, and Councillor Mountain had on 6
November 2014 attended a meeting called by Arun District Council on possible
future school provision in Angmering. A note of this meeting, which was
necessarily confidential, would be circulated to all Councillors in due
Councillor Mountain noted that it should be kept in mind that education is not within the gift of the District Council. The Chairman noted that the Parish Council would go on record as being broadly supportive of a new school to be provided in the south of the village.
PCSO Bryant introduced
PCSO Bernier, who will shortly be taking over responsibility as PCSO for
Angmering.PCSO Bryant asked the Parish Council to note that the weekly
bulletins sent round did not give details of all crimes recorded in the area,
just those of most note.
The Clerk noted that Katy Bourne, Police & Crime Commissioner for Sussex, had agreed to attend an annual Parish Meeting on 20 April 2015 to discuss crime matters.
District Council
Councillor Wensley advised that, at the full District Council meeting last
week, in the absence of Councillor Dougal Maconachie through ill health, which
absence is likely to be prolonged, District Councillor Cooper had been elected
Chairman of the District Council for the remainder of the year, with Councillor
Stephen Hames as deputy.
Broadlees, Dappers
Councillor Francis reported that, at its meeting on 4
November, the (Planning & Conservation) Committee had received a
presentation from Frontier Estates concerning a possible care home development
on the Broadlees site in Dappers Lane. This was not yet a formal planning
application and the feasibility of any development was still being evaluated,
but it was apparent that the matter was being considered with greater care than
had been the case with the previous outline planning application, which had
been refused by Arun District Council at the beginning of the year.
Parish Council
Councillor Graham asked whether there were any plans
to revive the preparation of Parish Council newsletters. It was noted that the
Parish Council had previously had an Editorial Committee, which had concerned
itself with the production of such newsletters, and the Chairman noted that
Councillors needed to give some thought to possible content of a future
Parish Council Website
Graham asked what had been done about inappropriate use of information on
websites and upgrading the Parish Councils own site. Councillor Mountain
noted that a lot of the information on the Parish Council home page was out of
date and needed to be removed or updated as a matter of priority. The Clerk and
the Committee Clerk noted that enquiries of web design firms were ongoing. The
key aspect was that any website created for the Parish Council needed to have
sufficient capacity to hold the large amount of PDF documents that required to
be made available to the public, which rendered some proprietary platforms
The full minutes of this meeting may be read by clicking here
Its good to see that the "Margaret Butcher" memorial seat on The Green
has been repaired, restored, and repositioned at the instigation of the Parish
Council who deserve some credit for their actions. Along with the "Francis
Campbell Norbury" memorial seat - repaired earlier this year - The Green is
looking its old self again. But who were the Butchers you may ask?
Margaret Butcher, who died in 1950, was the wife of Walter Butcher, who owned Eccesden Manor. Walter, from a wealthy banking family, purchased the Manor c1912 and lived there for over 40 years. Both he and Margaret were great benefactors of Angmering, building the Village Hall for villagers in the 1920s. Although a self-effacing couple, without children, they supported many village events financially and allowed the use of their land at Ecclesden on occasions. At the villages peace celebrations in August 1919, Margaret provided a splendid display of fireworks, which hundreds of people gathered to watch in the meadow next to the Angmering Club. Following the 1919 Armistice Day silence all the children at Olders Charity School and St Wilfrids RC School were given a bright new sixpence which the Butchers had provided.
Margaret Butcher was also vice-president of the Angmering, Patching and Poling Red Cross and had a soft spot for the "Girl Guides" as they were then known. She allowed them to camp at Ecclesden and, even in her eighties, was known to have taken a small party of them up to see Ecclesden Mill and then show them around the Manor garden and downstairs of the house before giving them tea.
After his death in 1953, Walter left considerable sums for annual prizes for the pupils of both schools and an even larger legacy to the Village Hall for the upkeep of its garden. Neither did the Butchers forget their sevants, all of whom were left generous sums.
Mindless vandals attacked several properties on The Dell last night. Wooden posts supporting link chains around front gardens were booted down and irrepairably broken. Dozens of plant pots were also smashed. Additionally, the old cast metal "Station Road" sign in the village centre was kicked in and will not be repairable.
West Sussex Fire & Rescue crews from East Preston and Worthing were called to Mayflower Way at about 3am yesterday (Sunday) morning after a motorhome had deliberately been set alight. The crews, using breathing apparatus and thermal imaging cameras, extinguished the fire but not before 70% of the motorhome had been severely damaged with the remainder damaged by heat and smoke. It is understood that a 40-year-old man and a eight-year-old girl were sleeping in the motorhome at the time but were not injured. A Red Cross Support Unit was also in attendance.
Police are investigating the incident. DC Emma Cruise of Sussex Police said: "We are appealing to anyone who might have seen someone acting suspiciously in the area or anyone who might have information. Please contact us on or 101. Alternatively contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111."
Angmering-based Gavin (G. J.)
Crowhursts first novel Lost Souls: The
Nightwalker was published this week after a year of juggling a full
time role as Director of English at Sir Robert Woodard Academy in Lancing and
raising three young boys with his wife, Kirsty. They have lived in Angmering
for the last eight years, having moved from South London, and have embraced the
community lifestyle.
Gavin has had a varied career, serving in the Metropolitan Police at Kennington Station, before focussing on his passion, literature and drama. For several years he acted, wrote, directed and produced theatre and film before becoming a teacher of English and drama in 2000.
He attended The London Academy of Performing Arts in Fulham where he studied acting, later gaining a Bachelors degree in Literature at The University of North London and a Masters degree in Literature at Kingston University. He has performed as an actor in many theatre productions and is about to play the title role in Macbeth at The Angmering Village Hall on 24 January as part of a tour. He has written one screenplay and two plays which have been produced, but now focuses on fiction writing.
Hes about to leave teaching to concentrate on his writing, whilst also running the not-for-profit companies The Passionate Pilgrim Theatre Company and The Acting Arc drama school. The novel ( ISBN 9781326065775 ) is the first in a trilogy, whose central character, Talia Simone, is a vigilante vampire with a vendetta to settle. To find out more, visit his Facebook page.
The burgeoning Mountain Warehouse chain opened a shop in Angmering on Friday (14 November). This is located in the Haskins Garden Centre complex on the A259 adjoining Hobbycraft. The chain currently has a 50% offer off all their stock but it is understood that this offer is due to close tomorrow (Monday).
Bramley Green verges
The Clerk
had circulated a draft survey for distribution to all Bramley Green houses. It
was AGREED that this form could be used for this purpose provided it offered
the chance to drop the completed ones into the Community Centre or Parish
Council office, the words plant more bushes/shrubs become
replace and a further column be added next to the tick boxes for
Youth Bus access to Mayflower
The Parish Council had considered a report from the Youth
Forum, requesting permission to let the bus drive through the Park and come to
rest at the Skatebowl area. An alternative suggestion had been to put some
hardstanding in the car park and to let the bus use that for its weekly visits.
It was AGREED that there would be a need to ensure that the roadway was cleared
of the trees, for which contact would need to be made with adjoining
landowners, and that the entrance into the site would be strong enough to take
the weight of a double-decker bus. There was also a need to look at the
material that would be needed for the surface of the car park. The Clerk would
work up a scheme with various options contained within it to make this proposal
Seat on The Green
The second seat
had now been refurbished and was awaiting an opportunity for the contractor to
return and refix it. The committee believed that the flooding around the seat
could be left until it was evident again and its extent could be monitored, as
the estimate to hand indicated a cost of around £1,000.
Christmas Tree
The Clerk had
written a letter to the Angmering Park Land Agent requesting a tree of around
20-25 feet in height. The Land Agent had emailed and written back explaining
that, despite their best efforts, no such tree existed on the estate. Further
enquiries to more than one company had indicated that even a 15 foot tree would
cost around £1,000 to deliver and erect, which had seemed a lot of money.
Further efforts would be made to obtain better prices, and the Clerk would
report back.
The full minutes of this meeting may be read by clicking here
The Out of Bounds Entertainment Centre opened on 4 November. This bright and exciting family centre is located next to the Rustington Golf Centre and Virgin Active in Golfers Lane, Angmering (off the Windmill Bridge roundabout on the A259). Activities and facilities include:
- 12 lane Brunswick ten-pin bowling
- Clip'n Climb challenge course
- Soft play structure for juniors, toddlers and babies
- Laser Tag sessions for juniors up to 13 years of age
- Pizza Oven and Coastal Coffee
- Party Area and Event/Meeting Room
The Centre is open from 10am to 10pm for 364 days of the year.
This was Cow Lane yesterday (Tuesday) after recent rains. Cow Lane adjoins the east side of the new developments (including Swanbourne Park) now commencing construction off Roundstone Lane.
Photo: © Derek Dainton, 2014
These photos were taken today of the first showhouse on Swanbourne Park, Roundstone Lane, indicating that it is under rapid construction as the roof timbers are lowered into place by crane. It is apparent that this is a timber-framed property.
Photos: © Philip Rogers-Davis, 2014