Angmering Village Life

News Archive

November 2013

Parish Council Minutes

Angmering Parish Council are unable to make changes to their website or publish agendas and minutes of meetings at present. The host of their website - Arun District Council (ADC)- have had a problem in the last month in uploading the web pages/files of some parish councils to their server and, currently, are unable to find a solution. We are assured that the Parish Council have been pressing ADC to resolve the issue. If residents wish to see various minutes, they can be viewed at the Parish Office. Angmering Village Life has offered to upload minutes through its own host's server while the problem persists at ADC.

29 November 2013

Community Centre Area Enhancement

Angmering in Bloom (AIB) is looking at creating a 'Friends of Angmering Community Centre' who can be involved in providing ideas and help in enhancing the areas surrounding the Community Centre. A 'drop in for a coffee and a chat' is being held tomorrow (Thursday 28 November) from 16:30 - 17:30 and on Friday 31 January 2014 from 16:00 - 17:00 at the Angmering Community Centre. If you cannot come but are interested then please contact AIB at

27 November 2013

Christmas Market at Community Centre

A Christmas Market will be held at Angmering Community Centre on Sunday 1st December between 10 a.m. and 2.00 p.m. With more than 20 stalls and a very wide variety of goods to see, this promises to be the local market well worth a visit.

If you enjoyed looking round the craft stalls at the summer market on Fletcher's Field, you will delight in seeing some of those people plus so many more interesting items - and mainly with a Christmas theme - for presents and table decorations. Have you still got that "hard-to-buy-for" person? Looking for something for the person who has everything? An original table decoration? Stocking fillers? Or perhaps you have a Birthday present to find around Christmas too? Or why not just treat yourself?

The list of stalls and goods is inspiring: Jewellery ; books; bags; gloves and scarves; eco-friendly household, personal and pet products; corsages; candles; pot pourri; table and tree decorations; handmade soaps; beauty products; glass items; art and photographic prints; knitted products; toys; creative memories ideas; original cards; bread and cakes - and a chance to order a Christmas cake; English wines …………and much more.

Refreshments will be available - sit and have a rest after your shopping! And it's FREE to go in and look.

22 November 2013

Planners call for 600+ homes to be built in Angmering

The unelected officers of Arun's Planning Department will be recommending to the elected councillors comprising the Local Plan Sub-Committee that they make a recommendation to the Full District Council that at least 600 new homes are built in Angmering. At the Local Plan Sub-Committee meeting on Thursday 28 November, the Planners will be recommending to that Committee:

1. That Local Plan Sub-Committee recommends that Full Council resolves to endorse that the following locations are chosen to meet Arun's housing supply shortfall.

a) Barnham/Eastergate/Westergate
b) Angmering; and
c) Westbank

2. That Local Plan Sub-Committee recommends that Full Council resolves to endorse the rejection of the following locations/options to meet Arun's housing supply shortfall.

a) Bognor Regis Eco Quarter (BREQ)/North West of Chalcraft Lane
b) West of Westergate
c) Ford
d) Additions to the existing parish allocations

3. That Local Plan Sub-Committee determines the housing numbers for each selected location to meet the residual housing requirement and recommends that Full Council resolves to confirm these numbers. The numbers being at least;

4. That Local Plan Sub Committee recommends that Full Council resolves to give weight in determining planning applications that are submitted to the council to the degree in which they would contribute to the delivery of strategic infrastructure to support the site specific allocations.

5. That Local Plan Sub Committee recommends that Full Council delegates to the Assistant Director of Planning and Economic Regeneration authority to commission any further studies if options a, b and c are not chosen. These studies would be funded by the £100,000 approved by Full Council on 29th May 2013.

Save Angmering Village are asking Angmering residents to show their support against this recommendation by attending the Meeting on Thursday 28th November 2013 at 6pm at the Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton.

17 November 2103

Angmering Planning Applications

A/130/13 - Application for Approval of Details reserved by Conditions 2 and 3 imposed under A/44/13/L for details of materials and material samples at The Old Cottage, Station Road. Applicant: Sussex Oak Structures Limited.

Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 5 December 2013.

To see applications, plans, design statements, etc, type the Application Reference Number (such as those above) into Arun District Council's "Application Search Facility ", click on the Search button, and click on the hyperlink reference when selected application is returned - then select "Documents".

16 November 2013

Resurfacing at Roundstone Level Crossing - from 18th Nov

NOTICE IS hereby given that in pursuance of the provisions of Section 14(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act, 1984, as amended, the use of Old Worthing Road and Roundstone Lane, East Preston, either side of the level crossing is temporarily prohibited from 18th November 2013.

This closure is necessary to allow carriageway resurfacing and replacement of catseyes and road markings. It is anticipated the works will be completed in 3 nights between the hours of 19:00 and 06:00. Residential/Pedestrian/Emergency access will be maintained. This notice will be effective for a maximum of 5 days from the date given above.

Any queries about the nature of the works or the effect of the closure on traffic using the highway please contact the West Sussex Contact Centre on 01243 642105.
Added/updated: 7 November 2013 by West Sussex County Council

14 November 2013

Angmering Planning Applications

A/125/13 - Hybrid planning application for the development of the site to provide in outline with all matters reserved apart from access and landscaping up to 3365 sqm A1 retail use (including parking) and full planning for 3947 sqm and Sui Generis vehicular floorspace (including ancillary facilities, landscaping and parking) including workshops, MOT facility, car valeting & car storage. New access from A259 - Departure from the Development Plan. Also within the parish of Rustington. Land south of A259 and west of Mill Lane , Rustington. Applicant: Store Property Investments Ltd.

Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 28 November 2013.

To see applications, plans, design statements, etc, type the Application Reference Number (such as those above) into Arun District Council's "Application Search Facility ", click on the Search button, and click on the hyperlink reference when selected application is returned - then select "Documents".

12 November 2013

Angmering School Celebrates Summer Exam Results

On Thursday 7 November The Angmering School held their annual KS4 Presentation Evening. This evening was to celebrate the academic success of the Year 11s who completed their GCSE courses in 2013. Teachers and parents looked on in pride as the students received their certificates and prizes from Cordelia Lynch, a former student who went on to study Journalism and now works as a freelance reporter for Channel 4 news.

Subject prizes were awarded to students for a variety of reasons ranging from "Continued hard work and extreme effort with coursework" to "High commitment and enthusiasm". The Jubilee Cup was awarded to Ryan Pellett for his outstanding contribution to the life of the school and community. Matt Wilkinson received the Headteacher's Award for outstanding scholarship and contribution to the school. Matt achieved 9A* at GCSE. Well done Mat. Charity Gwennap received the Laura Robbins Shield for services to the community.

Angmering School Awards - Nov 2013

Photo: left to right Mike Hendry (Chair of Governors), Matt Wilkinson, Ryan Pellett, Charity Gwennap, Cordelia Lynch and David Brixey

Mr David Brixey, Head teacher said "A packed hall was testament to the success of the year group. It was impressive to see how many parents attended to join the celebration. I am very proud of the students who attended as they are clearly all making good progress in their chosen career paths." Sally Rowe, Year Team Leader said "It has been such a privilege to have led such an amazing group of students. This was a fantastic evening to recognise the achievements of the year group and I am so pleased to see them all moving on to such exciting futures."

9 November 2013