Angmering Village Life
News Archive
October 2010
A/120/10 - Conversion of existing stable building to 2 no. B1 (business) units at The Old Stables, Decoy Lane, Poling. For: Keith Langmead Limited
A/144/10/TC - Fell 1 No Lime Tree within the Angmering Conservation Area at Brocketts, High Street. For: Mrs D Dyer
Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 18 November 2010.
To see applications, plans, design statements, etc, type the Application Reference Number (such as those above) into Arun District Council's "Application Search Facility " , click on the Search button, and click on the hyperlink reference when selected application is returned - then select "Documents".
Further to my news item of 24 October, I have received the following letter from Leslie's daughter, Penny Kimmins, on behalf of all the family:
"We're very sad to let you know that Leslie Baker died peacefully at home on Saturday 23rd October.
The funeral will be on Friday 5th November at 11.00am, at Bramcote Crematorium, Coventry Lane, Bramcote, Beeston, Nottingham NG9 3GJ. Les asked for informal dress, no dark clothes or black ties etc, and donations to the mental health charity 'MIND' instead of flowers. Please let us know if you would like to attend the funeral.
We realise that Nottingham is a long journey for many people and there will be a Memorial Event organised by his friends in Angmering. This will give more people a chance to celebrate his wonderful life and will be on Sunday 5th December at 2.30pm at Angmering Community Centre, Foxwood Avenue, Angmering BN16 4FU. There will also be a tree planting ceremony in St Nicholas' Garden on the same day (time to be confirmed).
If you would like to come to this celebration, please contact Freda Smith at Lavender Cottage, Arundel Road, Angmering, BN16 4JZ, or e-mail and please also let her know if you would like to speak at the event about your memories of Les.
If you would like to write to Grace, her address is:
1, Woodleigh
Bunny Lane
NG12 5NFLastly, we are working from Grace and Les's address book and we may have missed some of Les's friends, colleagues or ex-pupils, so if you are aware of anybody who might like to know about the arrangements, we'd be very grateful if you could contact them on our behalf."
Penny can be contacted by 'phone on 0115-8469407 or by email at
A set of keys was found this morning on Mayflower Park (south of Bramley Green) and have been handed in to the Parish Council at their office in The Square.
A racing driver at the Angmering race circuit in Water Lane was taken to Worthing Hospital yesterday afternoon with a suspected broken wrist and ankle following a crash. West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service had to cut the man free from his stock car.
It is with great regret and sadness that we have learned of the death of
Mr Leslie Baker who passed away yesterday evening, aged 91. Leslie and his
wife, Grace, had moved away from Angmering earlier this year to Keyworth in
Nottinghamshire to be near their daughter.
Leslie was probably the most well-known member of Angmering's community. He moved to the village in 1955 to become headmaster of William Older's School (now the Library). When the school closed in 1965/6, he became head of St Margaret's C of E School in Arundel Road, retiring in 1982 following which he became a governor of the school. He finally relinquished that rôle in 2005 having had an association with the village schools for some 50 years. He was also a parish councillor for 31 years from 1961 to 1991 being chairman in 1977. When he retired he was made a freeman of the parish, the first person to receive such an honour.
But his interests extended far beyond the school and the parish council. In 1976, he led a delegation from the newly-formed Angmering Twinning Association to France to inaugurate twinning between Angmering and the Normandy town of Ouistreham-Riva-Bella. He was at one time a member of St Margaret's Church PCC, a teacher of conversational French, and had for many years undertaken welfare work for both St Bridget's Cheshire Home and the RAF Benevolent Fund. Until his move to Nottinghamshire earlier this year, he was president of The Angmering Society.
Two of his other loves were local history and amateur dramatics. In 1988 he produced the booklet "Old Angmering" followed by "Angmering in old picture postcards" in 2002. Both these publications are now out of print but copies are available in the Library. He was also a member and sometime director of Rustington Players from the mid-1960s to 2000, and many Angmering residents will have fond memories of his double act with Grace called "Memories of the Music Hall" - Leslie singing the songs and Grace accompanying him on the piano. They gave more than 400 performances to hospitals, nursing homes and clubs throughout Sussex over a 10 year period. Leslie had entertainment in his blood, his father, Chris Baker, performing in the music halls between 1909 and 1924.
Leslie was a major contributor to this village for more than half a century. He will be remembered with affection by all those children who passed through his schools while he was head and by all those who came into contact with him in his many other rôles and activities.
We would like to express our sincere condolences to Grace and their children Chris, Terry, Penny and Robin on their sad loss.
A/132/10 - New dwelling adjoining No 2 Meadowside Angmering. 2 Meadowside. For: Ms A Baldock & Ms L Gregson
A/136/10 - Addition of fire door and five windows to the west elevation of existing industrial building at Yarmer Barn, The Vinery, Arundel Road, Poling For: Mr M Coleman
A/137/10/T - Various tree surgery at The Firs, Roundstone Lane. For: Mr Page
A/138/10/T - Lopping of lower limbs to 1x Oak tree at Field House, The Thatchway. For: Mr Gibson
A/139/10 - Detached garage at Field House, The Thatchway. For: Mr Gibson
Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 11 November 2010.
To see applications, plans, design statements, etc, type the Application Reference Number (such as those above) into Arun District Council's "Application Search Facility " , click on the Search button, and click on the hyperlink reference when selected application is returned - then select "Documents".
Villagers may be interested to learn that Angmering's PCSO for the last 15 months, Neil Billingham, has moved on to trial a new position. Our previous PCSO, Andrea Oakley, has informed Angmering Village Life that she is returning to Angmering duties to fill in until a new PCSO has been appointed.
Budget 2011/2012
The detailed
budget was being prepared and would be completed in time for the next P&F
meeting on 29 November 2010. On a proposal by Councillor Nunn, seconded by
Councillor Mountain it was RESOLVED that the budget be prepared on the basis of
a precept that was unchanged except for an allowance for inflation. The precept
would be finally set at the Parish Council meeting on 6 December 2010.
Community Centre Play
Following unsuccessful discussions with Arun District
Council and the receipt of the final quotation it was agreed that this work
should be done as soon as possible. On a proposal by Councillor Mountain,
seconded by Councillor Turner it was RESOLVED that the company offering the
lowest price, Safeplay Ltd, should be employed to carry out the work in the sum
of £10,549.60. Necessary finance would be taken from the General Reserve
to achieve this.
Environmental Wardens
the successful operation of the wardens over the last six months, during which
time the village has been tidied considerably and information gathered on many
aspects of concern, on a proposal Councillor Turner, seconded by Councillor
Mountain it was RESOLVED that the two wardens be offered permanent contracts of
employment. It was also agreed that consideration be given to extending the
work to include day-to-day reporting of play area problems.
To read the full minutes of this meeting, click here (PDF file)
After six years of planning and designing a new post box for the High
Street, Angmering Parish Council has finally succeeded in having one erected at
the corner of the High Street and Roundstone Lane.
Several years ago, the wall box
on the corner of Rectory Lane - a George V Type C box manufactured by WT Allen
& Co - became available and the Parish Council earmarked it for
incorporation into a substantial brick and flint pillar construction to
replicate the box in the High Street (near Pigeon House) that was demolished in
At the Council's request, The Angmering Society researched box types and their specifications and drew up plans for the replacement box. Sue and the late Peter Holland of Ecclesden Manor offered to pay for the materials for the pillar. However, due to delays, building costs, and change of councillors, the project was put on the back-burner on several occasions, and the Post Office in the meantime disposed of the box.
The Parish Council has managed to obtain an identical George V box and has installed it in a more modest but pleasing brick and flint pillar construction at the eastern end of the High Street.
At the Parish Council Meeting last night, the Chairman of the Council, Cllr Nigel Nunn, proposed to invite The Littlehampton Gazette to take a photo of the Parish Council celebrating the event by posting the first letter.
Mayflower Park Pond
ISS have been
clearing the area of debris and removing any weeds on the gravel edge. The
bulrushes are now taking over the pond area and would require more specialist
work to maintain, especially with the integrity of the liner a major
Bramley Green Alcohol Restriction Area
Members discussed the event monitoring information,
collected since May this year and provided by the Environmental Warden which
then was passed to the local police. Members were also updated on other
evidence which suggested an increase in anti-social behaviour issues around the
Mayflower Open Space. ACTION: The Assistant Parish Clerk was directed by the
Chair, with the unanimous agreement of the Members, to write again to the
Police to request the implementation of an ARA.
Members discussed the
thinning of the Willows on the Community Centre Site and it was agreed that
they should be left until the spring for a further discussion. The question of
youths using the area between the shrub bed and wall to houses in Carina Drive,
and Councillor Turner suggested the grass in this area should be left uncut to
dissuade this use, a solution originally put forward by a resident of Carina
Drive. This was agreed by Members.
Water Lane Wildflower Area
Assistant Parish Clerk informed Members that progress was being made by
Brindsbury student with assistance of Culberry Nurseries. Further student
volunteers to assist with clearance shortly. Culberry Nurseries have quoted to
supply wildflower seeds and spring plants at a cost of £89 and this was
agreed. Councillor Turner raised the question of giving the Water Lane area a
name. Members considered Water Lane Garden and the need for
appropriate signage. Also under consideration was a commemorative plaque.
"South East in Bloom"
Jenny Bos referred to the attached reports and to the expenditure identified to
date of £250 in respect of entry fees, portfolio and hospitality for
judging day. The Members agreed to allocate this amount from the Environment
budget for this financial year.It was also requested Southern Water be
approached regarding the pumping station area.
To read the full minutes of this meeting, click here (PDF file)
The S.C.O.T.C.H. (Spotted Cow Organisation To Create Help) Conker Team Competition on Sunday 10th October and was the 30th anniversary of the event. Unusually warm conditions ensured a large crowd with 23 teams, of three players, entering the competition. 600 competition sized conkers were used by competitors and spectators. A similar number of conkers were taken, at the end of the day, for a competition at a pub on Exmoor. The teams competed for "The Alley Cat Cattery" Shield plus medals for the first, second and third places. There was also a plate competition for first round losers.
The competition was won by Willy Conkers (Keith Harris (aged 60), Lloyd Harris (7) and Trevor Harris (37) who beat King Kong Conkers (Jacob Morley (7), Nick Morley (38) and Olivia Bird (7) ). The third team was Team Thomas. The Plate Competition was won by The Cousins Grim (Zach Toleman (8), Chloe Osborne-Shaw (12) and Ralph Leach (6) ).
A prize is presented, annually, to The Most Outstanding Player. Candidates for this award are nominated by team mates and other members of the public. This year Thomas Bruce won - his first nomination was that "Thomas was a true gentleman and won all his games". The prize for the best dressed player went to Chris Shore.
The event raised £1330.30 on the day, for Chestnut Tree House, from entry fees, a raffle and a barbecue. The organisers would like to thank everyone who contributed to this fantastic total.
Parish Fun Day 2011
The Committee
went through the draft plan that Councillor Verrinder had circulated, some
amendments were made, Councillor Verrinder will make the necessary changes and
re-circulate the document. The event will now be called the Angmering Parish
Fete. The Committee discussed the proposed date and suggested August Bank
Holiday Monday. This was proposed by Councillor Grout and seconded by
Councillor Bos and agreed by the Committee. The working party will comprise of
Councillor Bos, Grout, Graham and Verrinder. This item will be referred to
Policy and Finance for approval.
Play Areas
Play Area
Signage - SW reported that the artwork had been received from Delta Signs
and she was just waiting on the fixings to the railings, then the order could
be placed.
Play Area Inspections - SW reported that she had received
three quotations for the play area inspections. The Committee reviewed the
details. Councillor Bos proposed to give a trial to Safeplay Ltd., this was
seconded by Councillor Grout and agreed by the Committee.
Centre Play Area - The committee discussed the quotes for the repairs to
the subsidence in the play area. It was proposed by Councillor Bos to recommend
to the Policy and Finance Committee, that the order be placed with Safeplay
ltd. The was seconded by Councillor Grout and agreed by the Committee. SW will
place the order after approval by P & F, and receipt of the terms of
business, insurance etc., from Safeplay.
Mayflower Park
Queen Elizabeth
11 Field Challenge - Councillor Verrinder discussed with the committee
enrolling Mayflower Park for the QE2 Field Challenge 2012, which would ensure
that the area remain an open space in the foreseeable future. This was proposed
by Councillor Stephenson and seconded by Councillor Bos and agreed by the full
Committee. This item will be referred to the Policy and Finance Committee for
Amenities for Mayflower Park - The Committee reviewed the
proposals and said they would like to explore further the two tennis and boules
courts on Mayflower Way open space. SW will talk to a contractor and get the
area measured up to see if there is sufficient space.
Village Christmas Tree
committee agreed that the 20ft tree supplied by The Real Christmas Tree Company
looked a good option. Locations were discussed and the committees view
was that it should be on the Village Green. SW will investigate the cost of
lights, connection to the supply and the installation on the village green to
meet health and safety requirements and report back to the committee.
To read the full minutes of this meeting, click here (PDF file)
Traffic Issues
Bramley Green
Traffic Calming - Councillor Jenny Bos reported that the Parish Council had
reported back to Halcrow with their observations and that it would now be
re-advertised. If there were no objections, Traffics Orders would be drawn up
and the adoption of the roads by West Sussex County Council could go
Civil Parking enforcement - The Senior Assistant Clerk
reported that she had spoken to Arun District Council a few weeks ago and they
had issued 1300 tickets. The aim is to target black spots. They are unable to
break the figures down to Parish level but it is known they have visited the
Parish a couple of times. If residents have concerns they can report them
directly to Arun. Our PCSO has given out two tickets to cars parked too close
to the corner at the junction of Dell Drive and Station Road, this is an area
where we have had many complaints. Our PCSO will continue to
20MPH zones and signs - Councillor Hankinson showed the
Committee a picture of a 20mph from East Preston 20 is Plenty and
suggested this may be a possibility for us. This suggestion will be discussed
at the meeting with WSCC on the 30th September, 2010.
Safer Routes to
School Downs Way/Heathfield Avenue - The committee discussed the
proposed new cycleway/footpath and agreed with it in principal but have
requested that it is only signposted to Angmering and not Bramley Green as this
forms part of Angmering. The office will advise WSCC.
High Street Post Box
Jenny Bos confirmed that the order for the new post box had been placed with
Southways Construction and work would commence in 4-6 weeks.
To read the full minutes of this meeting, click here (PDF file)
A/109/10 - Demolition of garden centre, nursery structures and dwelling house. Erection of garden centre building including ancillary A3, covered and open sales areas and car parking, service areas, hedge and tree planting and balancing pond. Roundstone Garden Centre (Haskins), Roundstone-By-Pass. For: Haskins Garden Centres Ltd
A/122/10 - First floor extension to rear of. Flat 1, 1 Church Hill, Arundel Road. For: Mr W Parrish
A/126/10/L - Application for listed building consent for installation of conservation rooflight to existing family bathroom on rear elevation at Little Avenings, Church Road. For: Dr A Kingsbury
A/131/10/TC - Remove dead boughs of 1 Cherry tree in rear garden within the Angmering Conservation Area at Dormouse Cottage, The Square. For: Mrs P Rawlins
Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 28 October 2010.
To see applications, plans, design statements, etc, type the Application Reference Number (such as those above) into Arun District Council's "Application Search Facility " , click on the Search button, and click on the hyperlink reference when selected application is returned - then select "Documents".
The 30th Annual S.C.O.T.C.H. Team Conker Competition will be held at The Spotted Cow, Angmering on Sunday 10th October at 1.30pm (registration will commence from 12.30pm). The organisers are unable to enter teams into the draw after the start time.
The competition will be for teams of three players of any age. Players under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. There will be a "Plate Competition" for all first round losers.
S.C.O.T.C.H. will provide all conkers and string for the competition which has an entry fee of £10.00 per team. Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 teams of the main competition and the winners of the plate competition as well as awards for the Most Outstanding Player and also the best fancy dress.
The Conker Competition was founded in 1980 as a singles event. In 1981 the format was changed to a team tournament. The ages of prize winners ranges from 6 to 97 years old.
There will be a Barbecue, a draw for a Magnum of Champagne (tickets now on sale at The Spotted Cow), Raffle and live Music from Peter Bennett (at 4.00pm).
Proceeds will be donated to Chestnut Tree House, for which S.C.O.T.C.H.(Spotted Cow Organisation To Create Help) has raised over £15,000 in recent years.
Click here for further information, rules, past winners, etc. [PDF file 545KB] or contact Anthony Booty on 07840978674.
The next Angmering Film Show to be screened at the Angmering Community Centre, Foxwood Avenue, Bramley Green is "TOY STORY 3" (2010). This will be shown on Saturday 9 October at 6.45pm (doors open 6.30pm).
Woody, Buzz and the whole gang are back. Andy is now 17 and ready to head off to college, leaving Woody, Buzz, Jessie, and the rest of the toy-box gang to ponder their uncertain futures. When the toys are accidentally donated to the Sunnyside Daycare Centre they're initially overjoyed to once again be played with, but their enthusiasm quickly gives way to horror as they discover the true nature of the establishment where untamed tots with their sticky little fingers do not play nice. It's up to Woody to convince the other toys that they weren't abandoned and to return home. Now, all of the toys must band together in one final, crazy scheme to escape their confines and return home to Andy. So, it's all for one and one for all as they join Barbie's counterpart Ken, a thespian hedgehog named Mr. Pricklepants and a pink, strawberry-scented teddy bear called Lots-o'-Huggin' Bear to plan their great escape. This is not just a film for children! The deeper aspects of the film involve aging, growing up, and moving on. Adults have been known to need tissues! poster
Tickets for this film show (Cert U) - priced at £5 for adults and £3.50 for children under 12 are available from the Community Centre Office, Woodies News, or Angmering Framing and Stitches.
A/124/10 - Conversion of barn into private residence for family members at Avenals Farm, Water Lane. For: Mr C Chapman
Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 21 October 2010.
To see applications, plans, design statements, etc, type the Application Reference Number (such as those above) into Arun District Council's "Application Search Facility " , click on the Search button, and click on the hyperlink reference when selected application is returned - then select "Documents".