Angmering Village Life
News Archive
November 2009
Notification has today been received that the long-awaited volume of the Victoria County History covering the parish of Angmering (Volume V.ii) has now been published. The volume also covers the histories of Burpham, Ferring, Goring, Kingston, Littlehampton, Lyminster, Poling, East Preston, Rustington, North Stoke and Warningcamp.
The Victoria County History (VCH), the greatest publishing project in English local history, was founded in 1899 and dedicated to Queen Victoria. It was created to produce an encyclopaedic national history in a series of volumes which cover, county by county, and parish by parish, the general and detailed history of England from earliest times to the present. The first volume for Sussex (Vol. I) was published in 1903 but the initial parish coverage for Sussex, Vol. IV, did not appear until 1953. Since then, Angmering historians have been awaiting for our parish history to be published.
In the VCH, each parish is structured in a similar manner. For Angmering, there are major sections on general history, landownership, economic history, local government, religious history, and education together with numerous maps and photos.
The new Volume V.ii is only available in hardback form and comprises 394 pages, 131 b/w illustrations, and. 31 line illustrations. The normal cost is £95 but, readers of Angmering Village Life, are able to purchase this at a 25% discount reducing the cost to £71.25. Postage is £4. When ordering, quote the special offer code of 09338 which is valid until 31 March 2010.
As mentioned in our news article of 20 November, the election to fill the vacant seat on Angmering Parish Council will take place on Thursday 10 December 2009 at various polling stations within the parish or by postal vote.
The two candidates are Mr Paul Dean and Mr Philip Leverick. Click on the links below to see their electioneering leaflets.
- Mr Paul Dean, 3 Ferndale Walk, Angmering -
- Mr Philip Leverick, 3 Wayside Road, Angmering -
A/130/09/A - Various illuminated & non-illuminated signs at Worthing Ferring Garden Centre, Littlehampton Road, (Ferring). For: The Garden Centre Group
Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 17 December 2009.
To see applications, plans, design statements, etc, type the Application Reference Number (such as those above) into Arun District Council's "Application Search Facility " , click on the Search button, and click on the hyperlink reference when selected application is returned - then select "Documents".
Honey Lane
The Senior Assistant
Clerk reported that the Parish Council had been awarded a grant from West
Sussex County Council for £2142 for improvements to the Honey Lane right
of way. Councillor Bicknell will prepare a detailed spec to be approved by
WSCC, this will then go through the tendering process. Councillor Bicknell also
said that there was a need for two additional street lights and he will
incorporate these as part of the overall project.
Chandlers Garage
Bicknell said he had written to BMW thanking them for arranging a later
delivery (6.45am) for their car parts. He also requested smaller delivery vans
be used within the village. BMW have replied saying that smaller vans are not
an option due the large delivery round.
Meadowside/Greenacres Ring - Councillor Bicknell
said he had look at the requirement for a new light at the corner of Meadowside
and Greenacres Ring. He felt the existing lights were probably adequate but
appeared to be very dim at the moment, he asked if WSCC could have a look at
the exisiting lights then the need for a new one could be
Mayflower Park - The Senior Assistant Clerk reported that
WSCC had advised that it would take approximately 10 lights at a cost of
£15k to light the area from the education land to WSCC land at the A259.
The committee asked if WSCC could look at alternative low level lighting such
as lights in the footpath or adjacent to it as this could be less intrusive and
might be a less expensive solution.
Honey Lane - The lights for
Honey Lane will be reviewed as part of the Honey Lane project under
Rights of Way 09/65 (b).
To read the full minutes of this meeting, click here (PDF file)
A 19 year old girl fell in front of a train at Angmering Railway Station just before midnight last night (Saturday) and was killed. Her death is not being treated as suspicious at this time but police as calling for witnesses. (News source: Chichester Observer).
The girl has now been named as Megan Moore from East Preston who was 16 years old and not 19 as previously reported.
We have been informed that the article on the front page of the Parish Council's December Newsletter (delivered to all households this week) contains an incorrect telephone number for the Angmering Sports & Social Club. This has led to the owner of the published number being inundated with calls as the article has generated quite a lot of interest. The correct numbers of the Club and officials are as follows:
For Clubhouse - 01903 850031
For Trina - 07761 222382
For Ron Hanmore - 01903 721088
A fire at a workshop at St Denys Nursery in Dappers Lane in the early hours of this morning (Saturday) necessitated the evacuation of nearby residents as the fire services were concerned that gas cylinders, close to the source of the fire, might explode. Four fire engines attended the scene and a 200 metres exclusion zone was set up.
At 1.50am, police woke up Village Hall officials, Fred and Jane Rowley, and asked them to open the Hall as an eveacuation centre, the first time it has been used as such although registered for that purpose. Arming themselves swiftly with tea and coffee, Fred and Jane had opened the Hall by 2.00am to receive the evacuees - 13 adults, two children and a cat!
After an hour, the fire services managed to get the fire under control and reduced the radius of the exclusion zone allowing the residents (and the cat!) to return to their homes. Several vehicles were destroyed or damaged by the fire, the cause of which is unknown.
An election to fill the vacant seat on Angmering Parish Council will take place on Thursday 10 December 2009 at polling stations within the parish. Residents have been notified of their specific polling station unless they have made arrangements for a postal vote. The polling stations are:
- Angmering Community Centre, Foxwood Avenue, Angmering
- Angmering Village Hall, Station Road, Angmering
- East Preston Fire Station, North Lane, East Preston
- St Margaret's Church, Arundel Road, Angmering
The two candidates seeking election to fill the position are (in alphabetical order):
- Mr Paul Dean, 3 Ferndale Walk, Angmering
- Mr Philip Leverick, 3 Wayside Road, Angmering
The last date for receipt of new applications for postal votes and changes to cancellations of existing postal or proxy votes to be effective for these elections is 5.00 p.m. on Wednesday, 25 November 2009. Any new applications for proxy votes (except for medical emergencies) must reach Ian Sumnell (Returning Officer) at the Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton by 5.00 p.m. on Wednesday, 2 December 2009 if they are to be effective for these elections. In the case of unexpected physical incapacity, an application for an emergency proxy may be considered from 3 December 2009 until 5.00 p.m. on polling day. The main issue of postal votes will commence on Friday, 27 November 2009.
A/129/09/L - Application for Listed Building Consent for new timber beams & struts to provide support to a failing valley beam to the main roof, steel beam over ground floor lounge to provide support via existing wall to new beams supporting roof at Conyers, 9 Church Road. For: Mr I Clough
Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 10 December 2009.
To see applications, plans, design statements, etc, type the Application Reference Number (such as those above) into Arun District Council's "Application Search Facility " , click on the Search button, and click on the hyperlink reference when selected application is returned - then select "Documents".
Festive Lights
Councillor Chris
Verrinder advised the members that earmarked funds for the year 2009/10 for the
festive lights of £500 would be used towards the maintenance costs for
this year which includes loosening all cables to allow for tree growth.
Palmer Road Pavillion
Verrinder stated that it was proposed that £8,000 would earmarked again
for the 2010/11 budget year. This is towards a replacement Pavilion.
Water Lane
It was proposed that
£1200 from this years budget would be earmarked to enable funds to
build up for the clearance and replanting of the site. Current estimates have
been around £6000, but members are hoping to use the services of the
Payback Scheme to keep the costs down.
Environmental Warden
committee proposed to Policy and Finance Committee the consideration of
employing one or two environmental wardens, funded from the budget held by
Policy and Finance, at a wage of £6 per hour for a maximum of 16 hours
per week on a budget cost of £5000.
To read the full minutes of this meeting, click here (PDF file)
It is with great regret that we learn of the death of Eric Grumbridge last Thursday (12 Nov) in Worthing Hospital. He would have been 90 in January. Eric was well known in St Margaret Church circles although ill-health in the last year had prevented him from attending services. He was a vice-president of The Angmering Society and, until last month, had been chairman of its village planning sub-committee for many years. Further, he was a holding trustee of the Village Hall until he stepped down a couple of years' ago. Eric will be remembered by all those who knew him for his superb memory, incisive mind, his care for others, his humour, and the energy which he expended on any project or task with which he was involved. Many of these involved saving features within the parish from damage or destruction. We will miss him greatly.
We would like to express our sincerest condolences to Eric's widow, Irene, and their children and grandchildren. There will be a private funeral for family members only on 30 November. However, Eric's family would very much like for all those who knew him to join with them in a Service of Thanksgiving at St Margaret's Church at 11.45am on Monday 30 November.
A red Volvo and a refuse collection vehicle were in collision early this afternoon by the footbridge at the south of Station Road on the A259. The car sustained serious damage along the driver's side. Police and an ambulance attended the scene but it is not thought the driver of the Volvo was badly injured.
Committee noted the resignation of Alex Blue. Councillor Nunn reported that a
by-election had been called for the vacancy and would be held on 10th December
Appointment of Parish
Councillor Nunn said there were no recommendations from the
Panel and another meeting of the Policy and Finance Committee would be called.
Councillor Nunn asked if the Committee would empower the Policy and Finance
Committee to make the appointment prior to the next Parish Council Meeting. The
Committee unanimously agreed.
Financial Report to 31
The report was noted by the committee. Councillor Pat
Turner asked that it be minuted that the figures were totally unacceptable and
she wanted them reviewed. Councillor Nunn said that in view of comments made
about the accounts he would contact Trevor Leggo of SALC and ask if he knew of
anyone suitable.
Training for
Councillor John Allcock said that currently training
was done on an ad hoc basis. He presented a report to the Committee giving his
views for on going training. Councillor Nunn said he had spoken to Sue McCloud
of Arun District Council and she was happy to do a training Session for the
entire Council.
To read the full minutes of this meeting, click here (PDF file)
A/124/09/ - Rear extension & convert loft to bedroom, ensuite & store at 20 East Drive, Ham Manor. For: Mr D Osborne
A/126/09/ - Proposed alterations to existing garage Somerset House, High Street. For: Mr & Mrs H Lilly
Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 3 December 2009.
To see applications, plans, design statements, etc, type the Application Reference Number (such as those above) into Arun District Council's "Application Search Facility " , click on the Search button, and click on the hyperlink reference when selected application is returned - then select "Documents".
St Wilfrid's RC Primary School in Arundel Road, this afternoon announced a citizenship award scheme in memory of a much loved volunteer, Oliver Powell, who died a year ago today. For 17 years, although wheelchair bound, Oliver helped pupils of the school by listening to their reading.
In the school hall, attended by the school's pupils, Oliver's widow Marion, and many friends, Mr Ken Palmer, chair of St Wilfrid's School governors, gave an eulogy to Oliver telling the children that it was important that Oliver was remembered for all the voluntary work he did. A number of Year 5 children provided some touching reflections on Oliver's life and a well delivered reading was given from 1 Corinthians 13 by one of the children. Prayers were led by headteacher Mrs Mariana Emery. What was also displayed in the hall and in the hall's entrance lobby were hundreds of cards sent to Marion after Oliver's death, a testament of so many people's love and regard for him, for the courage he bore after 19 years in a wheelchair, and the kindness he showed to others despite his disability.
In announcing details of the annual "Oliver Powell Citizenship Award" cup, Mrs Emery told the children that a good citizen works for others. Pupils in Year 6 were encouraged to participate in the scheme and the one achieving the most points would be awarded the cup next June. She said that the school would would award points for children who helped others in the school itself, in the community, in the parish of Our Lady Star of the Sea, fundraising for the less fortunate in countries abroad, representing the school in competitions, sports, or helping at the school's fêtes, etc.
Susan Smith of Palmer Road was the worthy winner of the 2009 Herald/Gazette "Star of the Community" award. Susan was nominated for the award by Brian White, a friend and neighbour. She won the award for her dedication after fostering 18 children during the last 28 years. Susan can often be seen around the village with a pushchair and a number of kids in tow!
The award was presented by Meridian TV's Fred Dinenage at the award ceremony at Worthing Assembly Hall on Sunday. Susan said she was surprised at the nomination and had started fostering children after her own two daughters had grown up. She found the most daunting aspect was to walk up to receive the award.
For further information, photo, and video of the presentation and interview with Susan, visit Littlehampton Gazette's news article.
It will be a full day of action-packed racing at Angmering raceway in Water Lane ( to blast away the winter chill on Sunday November 8th when the drivers take to the track to begin chasing points in the winter season championship.
The oval racing stars of the future will be taking to the track in the junior formulas, competing in Minis (engine sized at 1000cc for 10 to 16 year olds) and up to 1200cc cars for those aged 12 to 16.
The adult formulas will deliver racing action from a wide range of cars with engine sizes ranging from 1300 to 1600cc and connecting to the track via front or rear wheel drive. At the top end of the power scale, the Saloon Rods, driven by 1600 and above cc engines will be burning rubber on the banked Angmering circuit as their drivers push the high-powered cars to the limit.
The nudge and spin Bangers are firm crowd pleasers, as the old MOT failures are thrashed mercilessly around the track, with those that survive the racing being sent to the great scrap yard in the sky in the fender-bending demolition derby that closes the meeting.
With an impressive grid of cars, offering something for every race fan and the drivers determined to put the pedal very firmly to the metal as they start to amass points in the Winter Championship series, Angmering will deliver a great action packed and value for money day out for all the family on Sunday, November 8th.
The gates open at 8am, with racing commencing at 11.30am. Adult admission is £10; kids, 10-14, £5, with kids under ten free. Senior Citizens, disabled and Students (with valid student cards) can also enjoy a days racing for just £5. Further information from Angmering Raceway Tel: 01903 859807 during office hours, out of office hours 01243 268887.