Angmering Village Life
News Archive
October 2009
Police were called to the Co-op store in The Square early this morning (Friday) after a block of masonry was thrown at the door by would-be thieves. However, they failed to gain entrance. This is the fourth attack on the store since April this year. Additionally, as reported on our News pages, the store was closed in June for a couple of days after a cable entering the shop had caught fire.
A/120/09/ - Demolition of dilapidated bungalow and re-build to form new four bedroom chalet bungalow with larger roof & dormers and garage at Greenways, Dappers Lane. For: Mr & Mrs A Rudkin Blair
Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 19 November 2009.
To see applications, plans, design statements, etc, type the Application Reference Number (such as those above) into Arun District Council's "Application Search Facility " , click on the Search button, and click on the hyperlink reference when selected application is returned - then select "Documents".
Ham Manor Golf Club has handed a cheque for £6,614.08 to Buddys, which is located in South Farm Road, Worthing. Buddys, part of Mencap, is a drop-in centre and cafe used by people with learning disabilities and their families, friends and supporters. Buddys was selected by the Club's team captains last year as the charity they wished to support for the following 12 months. The money was raised through various activities during the year, including Captains' Days, social events and other activities.
The Yew tree near the new entrance to St
Margaret's Church has recently been identified by an expert as probably the
oldest Yew in the whole of Arun District and the oldest and most significant
tree in Angmering - at least 500 years old and possibly planted to commemorate
the building of the church tower in 1507. However, it may be even older. To put
it into context, few houses in Angmering have survived since the tree was
Earlier this year, the Church authorities, with the agreement of Arun District Council, reduced the crown of the Yew by one third. A tree expert's opinion was that incorrect advice had been given which has resulted in serious damage to the tree which will take a number of years to recover. What is of concern is that, such is the present poor state of the tree, a number of people have been overheard saying that the tree is in a sad state, or is dying, and should be removed. We must not allow this to happen. The tree has recently been added to the Tree Register of the British Isles as a Notable Tree and has been entered on the Ancient and Veteran Yew National Gazetteer.
Notwithstanding this, the tree is in danger of future inappropriate treatment if action is not taken to prevent this by placing a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) on it. Mike Pearn, a village resident with a particular interest in trees, has written a definitive article on the churchyard Yews and the need for TPOs to be placed on both the ancient tree and a 19thC one. Arun District Council for some reason does not think the ancient tree meets the TPO criteria but Mr Pearn, Dr Owen Johnson (the tree expert) and others think they are seriously mistaken. Read Mike Pearn's article by clicking here. Angmering Village Life supports Mr Pearn's campaign to have a TPO placed on these trees to safeguard them for future generations of villagers as they are part of our heritage and, after reading his persuasive article, would urge residents and Angmering organisations to write to Arun District Council as soon as possible to make their views known.
Angmering Parish Council has issued a Notice stating that: (1) There is a vacancy on the Parish Council following the resignation of Ms Alex Blue. (2) A By-election to fill this vacancy will be held if,f within 14 days (not counting Saturdays, Sundays or Bank Holidays) from 23 October 2009, 10 electors of the Parish in which this vacancy has occurred, give notice to request that the vacancy be filled by election to the Returning Officer, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex, BN17 5LF (Telephone 01903 737500) (3) The Notice must be given in writing (4) If no notice is given within the time allowed, the Parish Council will fill the vacancy by co-option.
New Parish Councillors
Chairman welcomed the five new co-opted Members: Councillors Jon Allcock, Jenny
Bos, Julia Graham, Sylvia Verrinder and Tim Walder.
Joint Downland Area Committee
The representative reported that the Joint Committee had
discussed: (i) The Angmering by-pass and access to Ford Industrial estate. (ii)
Traffic flows along Station Road Angmering (iii) Routeing of lorries through
the village (iv) The possible creation of an Arundel loop railway line to allow
access to Brighton from the Arun Valley line.
Joint Eastern Arun Area Committee
The representative reported that the Joint Committee
discussed:The dualling of the A259.
Community Centre
Councillor Steve Mountain reported that the building had
reached practical completion. The Parish Council had taken possession and had
passed responsibility to the Angmering Community Centre Association. The
project was within budget so far as could be ascertained in advance of the
final account. Arrangements were being made to draw down grant aid for various
facilities. There had been useful discussions with the trustees of the Centre
and the Parish Council and the trustees were working together to ensure the
completion of the project and its successful operation.
To read the full minutes of this meeting, click here (PDF file)
A/115/09/ - Non compliance with condition number 4 imposed under planning reference A/124/95 - Use of land as garden at 6 Horton Place. For: Mr T Sheikh
A/122/09/ - Renewal of unimplemented planning permission A/139/06 for the erection of a distribution warehouse (use class B8) in place of existing warehouse at Express Transport Services, Roundstone By Pass (A259). For: Mr & Mrs I M & A R Burton
Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 12 November 2009.
To see applications, plans, design statements, etc, type the Application Reference Number (such as those above) into Arun District Council's "Application Search Facility " , click on the Search button, and click on the hyperlink reference when selected application is returned - then select "Documents".
The decline of honey bees represents a major loss in biodiversity, as honey bees are not only responsible for producing honey, but play a vital role in pollinating plants for food and other crops. Approximately a third of our human diet is directly dependent on bees, making them central to our existence. Currently, honey bees are coming under threat from pests and diseases and we urgently need to discover what is happening to our honeybee colonies and what we can do to reverse their decline. Angmering W.I. is holding a "Bee Aware" Coffee Morning at the Angmering Community Centre, Foxwood Drive, Bramley Green, on Saturday 24 Ocober (10.00am - 12.00 noon) to support the W.I. SOS Honey Bee Campaign and raise funds for St.Banabas Hospice. Go along and enjoy a cup of coffee, delicious Honey Cake or Coffee Macaroons.
Honey Lane
The Village
Enhancement Committee would sit in October and advise if our application for
the Honey Lane improvements grant had been approved. Councillor Bicknell asked
that we ask the three contractors who had previously quoted be contacted and
asked to re-quote for work to commence in February 2010. Councillor Bicknell
requested that the money in the Honey Lane earmarked reserves be transferred
into the Village Enhancement budget, so that the Village Enhancement Budget
would have sufficient funds to pay for the new Honey Lane pedestrian pathway
irrespective of the Council receiving any grants.
Chandlers Garage
Chandlers were
arranging a meeting with their new delivery Company and the Parish Council to
discuss the early morning deliveries. Councillor Bicknell reported that
deliveries had now switched from the middle of the night to 6:45am, which is
felt to be an improvement and that he would be writing to the local residents
to get their views. He will also write to BMW to ask if smaller vehicles can be
used to deliver to Villages.
Councillor Verrinder
reported that there was a need for a lighting column at the junction of
Meadowside and Greenacres Ring, Councillor Bicknell will make a site visit and
advise if it should be put on the list for future lighting improvements.The
Committee requested that WSCC be asked to provide a design and costing for
lighting the footpath across Mayflower Way from the education ground to the
Junction with WSCC land adjoining the A259.
To read the full minutes of this meeting, click here (PDF file)
Election of Committee
Councillor Pat Turner proposed Councillor Chris
Verrinder this was seconded by Councillor Stephenson. Councillor Nigel Nunn
proposed Councillor Stephenson as Vice Chairman, this was seconded by
Councillor Turner.
Skate Park
(a) A quote for
£4700 had been received for a wind break near the Youth Shelter. The
Committee agreed to note this quotation and consider it in future budgets. (b)
The Senior Assistant Clerk reported that the repairs to the Skate Bowl had
taken place satisfactorily. Our Insurance Company have agreed to meet the
claim. (c) CCTV Advice is still awaited from the Police. (d) Councillor
Nunn visited the site of the damaged football nets and advised that in his
opinion they should be removed.
Youth Facilities
(a) The
Committee agreed to advertise in the Newsletter for Youth Councillors.
Councillor Stephenson suggested that schools talk to the Citizenship classes to
see if there is any interest. ( b) The Committee discussed The Angmering
Cup and agreed it should be a Youth Achievement award for 3 age groups.
Councillor Chris Verrinder will formulate the plan and circulate to all members
for comments.
Play Areas
The Senior Assistant
Clerk reported that she had chased up Redrow homes regarding the subsidence in
the Nursery Road play area and they will call back by Friday. Councillor Turner
also asked that our Insurance documentation be checked in the event we were not
able to claim from the developers.
To read the full minutes of this meeting, click here (PDF file)
A/117/09/T - Raise canopy of 1 no. Ilex Oak tree by 2-3 metres and thin crown by 20% at 22/23 Arundel Road. For: Ms K Ciau
Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 5 November 2009.
To see applications, plans, design statements, etc, type the Application Reference Number (such as those above) into Arun District Council's "Application Search Facility " , click on the Search button, and click on the hyperlink reference when selected application is returned - then select "Documents".
Angmering Community Centre is now up and running and is planning more activities for children and youth. They are inviting children (age guidance 0-7) to come to the Centre for some fun and activities on Wednesday 28th October between 10.00am and 12 noon. There will be a traditional Punch and Judy show, facepainting plus toys and books. Entry per child is £1.50 which includes a squash and a biscuit (non-walking babies are free), and there will be refreshments for adults (donations kindly accepted). All children must be supervised by an adult. Proceeds will go towards the running of the Centre. It is hoped that as many as possible will go along and enjoy the fun!
Plans are in place for a Xmas Fayre with Santa's Grotto (details will be announced later), along with confirmation of Street Dance dates from the Body Shock Company - details also coming soon. Anybody interested in Street Dance should leave their contact details at the Centre or email the manager, Carol Arnese, at If enough interest is shown, there may be a workshop running during the coming Half Term.
West Sussex County Council (WSCC) is seeking the views of the local community regarding their emerging proposals for a synthetic turf pitch, with associated floodlighting, on existing playing fields at The Angmering School. The pitch will provide both the school and the local community with a much needed new sporting venue.
WSCC will be holding two Public Exhibitions at The Angmering School as follows:
The October Exhibition will set out a range of potential options for the pitch location on the school site. The November Exhibition will publicise the preferred option.
It is envisaged that a planning application will be submitted to West Sussex County Council in December 2009. At this time, there will be a further opportunity to make your views known directly to WSCC.
For further information, contact Peter Kneen of Charles Planning Associates Ltd on 01489-580853, email:
A pottery workshop for experienced potters is being held in Angmering in May 2010 by John Evans from Worthing. John is looking for people with a room to spare who might fancy doing a bit of B&B (maybe evening meal as well). Itll be for 3 or 4 nights at the end of May. Nothing luxurious is needed just clean, comfortable and quiet is fine and within easy walking distance of the village. People attending will be mature adults who will be out all day at the workshop.
If you are able to help please contact John Evans - 07801 151255 -
After years of planning, Angmering Community Centre opened yesterday for its weekly booked programme of activities although Simply Sequence held its first dance session in the Centre on Saturday night which proved very successful. The Open Days last Friday and Saturday drew much interest when more than 500 people from Angmering and the local district came to see the Centre and went away very impressed with its facilities.
The Centre was first planned in the mid-1990s as part of the Bramley Green Development. It has been built by Angmering Parish Council who are leasing the building to the Angmering Community Centre Association (ACCA), an independent registered charity.
The Centre comprises a spacious main hall, two smaller activity/meeting rooms, a refreshment and display area, a manager's office, an entrance lobby, and a fully equipped stainless steel semi-commercial kitchen with industrial dishwasher, microwave oven and water boilers for tea and coffee making in addition to two electric ovens, hob, fridge and freezer. Over 40 tables (round and rectangular) and 200 chairs make the rooms in the Centre highly configurable. Toilets also include one for the disabled and for baby changing.
The building has been designed to be eco-friendly. Heating, for instance, is provided by a ground source heating system plus solar panels. An electronic board in the refreshment/display area shows how much electricity is being generated at the current time, the CO2 saved to date, and the amount of electricity generated to date. In the first week, nearly 60kg of CO2 had been saved by using solar produced power. Any electricity not used by the Centre will be exported back to the National Grid for which the ACCA will be paid.
Numerous activities are commencing from this week and these include sequence dancing, ballroom dancing, line dancing, children's disco line dancing, short mat bowls, table tennis, aerobics, pilates, yoga, keep fit, cardiac rehabilitation exercise classes, Choi Kwang Do martial arts, and a craft club. An outreach session from Angmering's Children and Family Centre also started yesterday. Other activities are also planned including adult education classes and the Citizens Advice Bureau. The Centre's management will also be working towards providing more activities for youth in the coming months such as hip hop and street dancing workshops and baby clinics.
In the next few weeks, it is also hoped to open the Centre during the daytime for the public to drop in and have a cup of tea or coffee, look at exhibited displays, and see a programme of what's on at the Centre.
The ACCA hope to use the display boards around the refreshment area for exhibiting local work which would change on a monthly basis. For the next month, The Angmering School's Art Department is displaying work produced by its A-Level students. This was much admired by visitors during the Open Days. In the photo above, Abigail Allen can be seen standing beside her own work.
Many individuals were interested in booking rooms for children's parties, but the first booking taken was for an 80th birthday party! An official Opening of the Centre is planned in November and Angmering Village Life will let you know details when available.
Details of the Centre (location, news, facilities, hiring rates, activities, contacts, etc) can be seen on ACCA's website at
( Internal photos by Norman Hadley )
The Angmering Acorns junior Cricket side have just completed another
successful season, after forming early in 2008. The side performed well this
season, winning three of their eight matches and are now showing encouraging
signs of development under the guidance of joint coaches, Robert Skinner and
Richard Gardner.
George Pierce won the Acorns best batsman of the year award for an average of 32, whilst Fin Gardner took the best bowling' award for being the Acorns leading wicket taker with 8 wickets. Doug won most valuable player - an award nominated by opposition team coaches and Jack Northeast won the players player of the year vote.
The Acorns, in conjunction with the Angmering adults side, have made substantial off the field progress as well. All junior volunteers have had CRB checks, a trained Welfare Officer is in place as is a trained First Aider. In addition to this Jim Hughes, Adrian Paul and Skinner were nominated for a Sussex Cricket Board volunteering award for their commitment to cricket in the community.
The club has also improved its playing facilities and has secured two coaching course places to take place this winter through the Sussex Cricket Board for Skinner and Gardner.
Acorns' Manager Sue Mitchell commented on the season. The juniors have put a lot of work in again this season and its been great to see them enjoy playing matches and attending coaching sessions. We are already looking forward to next season. Joint Coach Richard Gardner commented All the juniors have a great attitude and the team spirit is really good, which encourages the players to perform and enjoy participating in playing cricket. Its an environment that all juniors would enjoy to play in and we hope to see some new faces next season.
Meanwhile the adults team (the Oaks) completed their season at the end of September. Tojin Varghese was the star performer averaging just over 40 with the bat, and picked up 20 wickets. Steve Clark also impressed, scoring 404 runs in the season. Jim Hughes and Tim Pearson with 35 and 25 wickets respectivly were the side's leading wicket takers.
Anyone aged between 11 and 16 who is interested in playing for Angmering Acorns should get in touch with Sue Mitchell on 07862 281597. Any adults interesting in playing for the Oaks should contact Jim Hughes on 07778 493241.
The 2009 S.C.O.T.C.H. Team Conker Competition will be held at The Spotted Cow, Angmering on Sunday 11th October at 1.30pm (entries will be accepted from 12.30).
The competition, established in 1980, will be for teams of three players of any age. Players under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. There will be a Plate competition for all first round losers. (Click here for Rules, past winners, more information about S.C.O.T.C.H. etc (PDF file 894 kb ))
S.C.O.T.C.H. will be provide all conkers and string for the competition which has an entry fee of £10.00 per team. Teams will be competing for the coveted "Alley Cat Cattery" shield as well as medals for the top three teams and plate competition winners. There is also an award for the "Most Outstanding Player". A new prize will be awarded, this year, for the best dressed (Fancy Dress) person/team.
There will be a barbecue, raffle and live music (from Peter Bennett at 4.00pm). Proceeds will be donated to Chestnut Tree House, for which S.C.O.T.C.H. have raised nearly £15,000 in recent years. Further Information Website: Email: Mob: 07840 978674.
Summer is now over and the last of the caravans have left the coastal a roads until next year, so Angmering Raceway in Water Lane ( has decided that the best way to celebrate their departure is to host one last caravan chase around the banked West Sussex circuit on Sunday October 11th at 11.30.
The old caravans will be taking part in teams with one caravan guarded by an outriding group of bangers. The outriding cars will have to defend their team caravan from other teams' frenzied attempts to well, let's be honest about this, destroy it in the shortest possible time.
In the unlikely event that any caravans survive this 'race' they will be finished off in fine style as the day's racing closes with a last caravan and car left moving demolition derby. All a far cry, from a genteel trip to the coast.
The Caravan Chase will be supported by a full race card of both contact and non-contact oval racing, ranging from junior drivers competing in Minis through Street Stocks, Classic Stock cars from the 1950s and '60s to the screaming Hot Rods, ensuring that Angmering Raceway will deliver yet another action packed and value for money day out on Sunday, October 11th
The gates open at 8am, with racing commencing at 11.30am. Adult admission is £10; Kids, 10-14, £5, with kids under ten free; Senior Citizens, disabled and Students (with valid student cards) can also enjoy a days racing for just £5. Further information from Angmering Raceway
Angmering Gymnastics Club has been named as a lucky recipient of £1,000 worth of sports funding. They were awarded the grants from the Cash4Clubs scheme, having been selected by a panel whose distinguished judges included Dame Kelly Holmes, Olympic Gold medallist and British record holder in Athletics, and the Sports Commentator Barry Davies, MBE.
Angmering Gymnastics club caters for over 200 members who are drawn from the surrounding villages, ranging in age from 18 months to 16 years. They offer pre school, rising fives, team gym, floor and vault, artistic, boys and general classes. The club actively encourages membership within the local community, via their coaches offering breakfast, after school and curriculum gymnastics to the local primary schools.
The Cash4Clubs sports grant was awarded to the club to enable them to sponsor the training for talented children from disadvantaged backgrounds, for whom this would be an opportunity they could only dream of.
A spokesperson for the club said "We are absolutely thrilled to receive this award from Cash4Clubs, it will make so much difference and enable us to support talented children who, without this award would not be able to reach their potential within gymnastics".
The club was one on 15 winners in this round of funding. Cash4Clubs is a sports grants scheme aimed at helping community sports clubs. The scheme is funded by Betfair and is supported by SportsAid, the charity for sports people.
As indicated in our news item of 23 September, the new Angmering Community Centre will be holding Open Days today (Friday 2 Oct - 10.00am - 7.30pm) and tomorrow (Saturday 3 Oct 10.00am - 1.00pm) when you will be able to see the Centre's impressive facilities and meet trustees, staff and a number of clubs/organisations who will be regularly holding activities there. Some photos of the Centre's development will be on display.
As a bonus, the Art Department of The Angmering School is exhibiting at the Centre a superb display of modern art produced by its A-Level students which alone is worth viewing. Some of the work will be on sale to finance the students further education.
So do go along to the Centre today or tomorrow. You can be sure of a warm welcome by the Angmering Community Centre Association (a registered charity who are leasing the building from the Parish Council) and enjoy a tea/coffee and home-made cakes.