Angmering Village Life
News Archive
August 2009
Contractors to the Parish Council will commence on the repairs to the Skate Bowl week commencing 7th September 2009. Once the work starts the area will be fenced off for a period of 7 days.
A/72/09/ - Erecting a fence on property boundary at side of property - to include change of use from amenity land to residential garden area - at 23 Garden Close. For: Mr A Syms
Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 17 September 2009.
To see applications, plans, design statements, etc, type the Application Reference Number (such as those above) into Arun District Council's "Application Search Facility " , click on the Search button, and click on the hyperlink reference when selected application is returned - then select "Documents".
The Committee noted
the resignation of Russell Storer. Councillor Turner proposed Councillor
Verrinder as the new Vice Chairman, this was seconded by Councillor Nunn.
The Senior Assistant
Clerk reported that the newsletter would now go out in October instead of
September and asked that all Councillors get their articles in by Friday 28th
August 2009.
Village Sign
The Senior Assistant
Clerk reported that the work to repair the village sign would be carried out in
September at a cost of £400.
Signs on The Green
The Committee
discussed the request from St Margaret's Church that a sign be erected on the
village green for a period of two weeks advertising their forthcoming events.
The Committee felt that this could set a precident and asked the office to
advise Richard Hance this was not possible.
(a) The Senior Assistant Clerk reported that she had
spoken to two companies regarding a windbreak for the youth shelter. One
declined to quote as they incorporated windbreaks as part of their youth
shelters and didnt provide them separately. Monster Play Systems are
looking at a custom one and will advise us of the cost. (b) The Senior Assistant Clerk reported that she had not
been able to contact PCSO Andrea Oakley for advice on CCTV but would get
information for the next meeting. (c) Three quotes
had now been received for the repairs to the skate park and will be forwarded
to the insurance company. The Committee discussed the quotes and agreed that
the one from Midas Construction provided the best solution and value for money.
The office will clarify with them that the entire bowl will be returned to its
smooth non slippery surface after the repairs. The cost will be £2750 ex
VAT. The safety sign had also been damaged and the office will obtain a cost
for replacing it. (d) Foster Playscapes have
advised that to replace the football nets would be in the region of
£1000, even if some sort of weldmesh was used instead the cost would
still be £700. The Committee discussed removing the nets completely.
Councillor Nunn will visit the site and advise.
Youth Facilities
(a) James Stephenson (potential Youth Council member)
gave a presentation on how to make the Youth Council more appealing to young
people. He gave copies of flyers bookmarks that he believed would appeal to the
young. It was agreed that these should go in the next Parish Newsletter in
October. The intention in the long term is to circulate the flyers to Schools,
youth organisations and the Library. Councillor Verrinder will also create a
form registering interest and parental consent. (b) Councillor Turner confirmed she is currently working
on the proposal for the Angmering Parish Cups plus a list of
organisations that would be included. She will report back at the next
Adult Exercise
Councillor Nunn said he had checked the grants
situation and could find nothing available therefore he suggested this item be
postponed for the time being. The committee agreed.
To read the full minutes of this meeting, click here (PDF file)
Following the road protest on 12 August (see news item below), the school building site contractors decided to abandon routing lorries through Nursery Road and Rowan Way. Instead they sent letters to residents of Bramley Way stating that lorries would use that road in future. While this route is shorter, arguably the road is even more unsuitable than the previous route. This site activity will continue for 12 months.
As a result, some two dozen residents of Bramley Green decided to stage a road block today on Bramley Way to prevent that route being used by the 35 tonne lorries. It's not just the size of the lorries and the mess they leave, but the dangerous speed which they use the roads and the language used by drivers when asked by residents to slow down. Residents who have met the main contractors, W Sirland Ltd, have found them to be both reasonable and cooperative but the lorries are operated by their sub-contractors over which they may need to exercise more control. The main issues, however, can only be resolved by West Sussex County Council who residents believe are fundamentally responsible for the problems.
While the road block was set up at 8.00am this morning, no lorries appeared. The reason given by the contractors was that they were not required today as only "setting out" was being carried out on the site. However, residents were not dismayed and plan to set up more road blocks at times next week. The local press were present this morning as were Sean Killick and a cameraman from BBC South Today. Mr Killick, the programme's Sussex reporter, conducted interviews with several residents and children, including one with Phil Leverick, one of the protest group's organisers.
Following residents' attendance at the last Angmering Parish Council meeting to voice their concerns, organisers and residents were pleased to learn that the Council wrote to West Sussex County Council (WSCC) on 19 August asking numerous questions on both the building site access situation and the problem of adoption of the development's roads. Among the many questions asked, the Council required to know what monitoring arrangements are in place regarding the contractor's use of the roads, how and when were the February 2009 proposals communicated to local residents, and when would the WSCC be able to attend a meeting hosted by Angmering Parish Council to address residents' concerns.
A/81/09/T - Light topping to remove one season's growth to row of 6 tall Cupressus Leylandii and 10 smaller of same species at Blue Cedars, Blue Cedars Close, Ham Manor Way. For: Mr A W Evans
A/85/09/ - Single story extension to the left side of property at Littlefield, West Drive. For: Miss S Blaney
A/88/09/T- Reduction of approx 30% in spread & crown lift approx 1m of Copper Beech. Reduction of approx 20% inspread of Magnolia. Felling of 6x Leyland Cypress. Reduction of approx 30% in spread of Cedar at Flint House, Mulberry Hollow, West Drive. For: Mr S Harrison
Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 10 September 2009.
To see applications, plans, design statements, etc, type the Application Reference Number (such as those above) into Arun District Council's "Application Search Facility " , click on the Search button, and click on the hyperlink reference when selected application is returned - then select "Documents".
The Mettle Studios and Wood Design Workshops on the Roundstone By-pass (near the Roundstone PH) are holding Open Workshops this weekend (Saturday 22nd 10am - 5pm, and Sunday 23rd 10am - 4pm). These will consist of an exhibition and sale of local crafts and you will be able to see the resident craftsmen at work. Admission is free.
You will also be able to see Fleur Grenier's contemporary pewterware, Lorraine Gibby's Anodised Aluminium & silver jewellery, and Brendan Deviitt-Spooner's contemporary furniture. Additionally, guest artists will be displaying glasswork, ceramics, pewter repouse, wooden boxes, other jewellery and metalwork, and Windsor chairs. Poster
(26 members of the public attended the meeting)
The Chairman
reported the resignation of Councillor Sue Smith. In response to a query during
Public Question Time, the Chairman stated that notice of casual vacancies was
posted at the Parish Council Office and consideration would be given to
advertising on Parish Council notice boards.
Bramley Green Roads
The Chairman
stated that West Sussex County Councils Cabinet Member for Strategic
Planning and Transport, Derek Whittington, had written to the Council to give
an explanation and update on the proposals to use roads on the Bramley Green
estate for access to the site of the Angmering School extension and the
adoption as highways of roads on the estate. The Cabinet Member explained that
in a transfer of land in 2008, rights had been granted over the estate roads to
enable access to the school site and Minutes of Angmering Parish Council 10
August 2009 2 the County Council would ensure that any damage to the roads
would be made good by the County Council. It was the intention of the County
Council to adopt the roads on the estate but this depended upon the
satisfactory completion of works to make the 20 mph speed limit self-enforcing.
Discussions with the developers were continuing. The Chairman stated that the
Parish Council would continue to monitor progress with the works and to press
West Sussex County Council for full explanations. He would ensure that West
Sussex County Council was informed of residents concerns.
(During Public Question Time, many questions were addressed to the Chairman - Editor). To these the Chairman responded by drawing attention to West Sussex County Councils statement. Further clarification would be sought and a meeting arranged if appropriate.
(During Public
Question Time, many questions were addressed to the Chairman - Editor.) To
these the Chairman responded stating that quotations for cleaning the pond were
being sought, confirmed the Parish Council ownership and occupation of the
park, stated that the facility was open to all, confirmed that floodlighting
was installed for health and safety reasons and to prolong hours of usage and
that footpath lighting was being considered, agreed that policing could be more
responsive, said that standards of maintenance would be looked at and thanked
those who were volunteering assistance and said that the use of volunteers
would be researched.
Community Centre
Councillor Steve Mountain reported that the building
programme was due to be completed on 18 September 2009, which was two weeks
later than anticipated, owing to the delayed delivery of the ground heat source
pumps. The project was within budget. There had been useful discussions with
the trustees of the Centre and the Parish Council and the trustees were working
together to ensure the completion of the project and its successful operation.
The site of the ground heating works would be levelled, treated and seeded
within the next two months. In answer to a query at Public Question Time, it
was stated that the site of the ground heating works would be levelled, treated
and seeded within the next two months.
Councillors' Allowances
The Clerk
reported that in July 2009 the Parish Council had agreed the payment of parish
basic allowance and parish travelling and subsistence allowance. However, there
appeared to be lack of clarity about those decisions. The legal basis set out
in the Local Authorities (Members Allowances) Regulations 2003 (as
amended) was explained. Parish basic allowance was payable to the chairman
and/or elected members and travelling and subsistence to both elected and
co-opted Members. Reference was made to the Parish Remuneration Panels
report of July 2007 (to which the Parish Council had to have regard in setting
its levels of allowances). In its 2009 report the Independent Remuneration
Panel had recommended the payment from September 2009 of an increased basic
allowance of £4,870 to district councillors and therefore parish
councillors should receive of 10% of this sum as the parish basic. The
reimbursement of travelling by car was recommended at 40p per mile and
reimbursement of subsistence up to the level set by the NJC for local
government staff. Sufficient budgetary provision had been made for the payment
of allowances at £487 per Member.
It was resolved: That with effect from 11 August 2009: (a) Parish basic allowance be set at £0 (b) Parish travelling allowance be set at 40p per mile for cars (c) Parish subsistence allowance be set at the NJC for local government staff.
Co-option of New Parish
It was reported that there were currently four
vacancies on the Parish Council. Applications had been received from four
individuals who were qualified and not disqualified. It was resolved: That
subject to the completion of the necessary formalities, Jonathan Allcock,
Jennifer Bos, Julia Graham and Timothy Walder be co-opted to the Parish
To read the full minutes of this meeting, click here (PDF file)
Angmering Village Life is pleased to announce that our new Weather Station went live at the weekend.
This new weather station will give us significantly greater accuracy readings for temperature, windspeed and rainfall. Rainfall is now measured to the nearest 0.2mm rather than just whole mm as before, and the wind speed is recorded 3 times more often per minute. The monthly graphs will take a whole month to re-adjust but, as part of this release, the Wind Chill readings have been immediately re-instated.....just in time for winter!
Details and photos of the new weather station can be found on our Weather Station page (see navigation bar on left).
To view the latest readings, forecast and general summary click on the link in the left-hand navigation bar.
The Trustees of Angmering's impressive new Community Centre, which is due to open its doors in October, are looking for an enthusiastic and committed Manager to handle administration and promotion of the facility along with a Caretaker who will be responsible for the maintenance and security of this prestigious building, powered as it is by solar electric panels and ground source heating.
Adverts have been placed this week inviting applications for these jobs. For the Manager it will be an exciting opportunity for someone with vision; for the Caretaker, a varied and rewarding jobs. The closing date for the receipt of applications is the 22 August.
Those appointed will find a warm welcome from the groups patiently waiting to start their dance, sporting, keep fit, and craft activities. Additionally, the West Sussex Adult Education Service is looking to start classes in French, Spanish, IT and Art.
For more information about both the above jobs and the Angmering Community Centre and activities available to you, go to their new website at
Older's Trust has been contributing to the cost of education in the Ecclesiastical Parish of Angmering for over three hundred years.
The trustees consider applications for grants from young people under the age of twenty-five who live in the Ecclesiastical Parish. To be considered for a grant a young person could be going to university/college, doing a gap year possibly to undertake voluntary work, a musical or sporting activity away from home.
Gifts and bequests to the trust from those who have concern for the future development of young people in Angmering are the life-blood of Older's Trust. These help in maintaining the financial security of the trust so that it can continue it's work and satisfy the requests it receives for grants from young people in Angmering.
Applications for grants should be sent to the secretary who will be happy to provide more information about the trust.
All details from the Hon. Secretary:
Mrs Sue
60 Roundstone Crescent
East Preston
BN16 1DQ
01903 773504
Charity registration no: 306424
Residents of Bramley Green are up in arms about the heavy lorries that have started to drive through the development to the site of the new Angmering School 6th Form block which is due to start construction shortly and will not be complete for another year. At present, the contractors are laying an access road from the site to the south of Rowan Way. Already, 35 tonne lorries are thundering through the narrow estate roads at speeds of up to 35mph totally ignoring the 20mph speed limit that has been imposed on the roads by the developers. Some residents who have approached lorry drivers on the site have been met with foul and abusive language and the contractors seem to have little ability to control drivers.
What is worse, these lorries are being directed around a long route,
from Roundstone Lane, via Nursery Road and down Rowan Way. Heavy
lorries travelling at speed would have little chance in breaking swiftly or
effectively at the speeds being travelled. Noise and road debris (such as mud)
are also an issue. Residents have achieved no satisfaction from the Bramley
Green Consortium (who still own the road), the West Sussex County Council (who
are building the school block), and the site contractors. As a result, and
fearing that there will shortly be a casualty on the estate, a number of
residents today started to take action by staging a road block for lorries
coming through the development.
Bramley Green residents only learned a few weeks' ago of the site access required for the new school building. The Bramley Green Consortium never consulted residents, and gave their permission to West Sussex County Council for lorries to pass over the development's roads. Residents contest that if they had been made aware of proposals last year, then perhaps a safer and less contentious route to the site could have been chosen. They have suggested that access via Mayflower Way would have solved most of the problems.
Residents are also concerned about the non-adoption of the development's roads which has reached somewhat of an impasse as the developers have imposed a 20mph speed limit on the roads and the West Sussex County Council are not prepared to adopt roads where such a speed limit has been applied as it appears to be unenforceable.
Nearly 30 residents attended the monthly Angmering Parish Council meeting last night and voiced their opinion that the Council had done nothing to prevent the access situation or assist in getting the Bramley Roads adopted. The chairman of the Council however made it clear that they were not party to these specific issues and had not been consulted themselves, but offered to liaise with residents to ascertain their needs and write to the parties concerned strongly representing the views of all Bramley Green residents. However, there is also disagreement between residents themselves over whether to have the speed limit raised to 30mph to achieve road adoption by the County Council.
Following the success of previous art exhibitions held in the village library and the Village Hall, The Angmering Society warmly invites you to participate in this larger and more ambitious village event. They want to motivate the creative people in the village to share their artwork with us in order to encourage others to develop their creative talents.
This exhibition of original artwork will be held in St Margaret's Church in the village on 10, 11, 12 September 2009. Opening times: 10 am-4 pm on Thursday 10th and Friday 11th, and 10 am to 3 pm on Saturday 12th
Who can participate?
Any one who
is resident or working within the Parish of Angmering or who is a member of a
village organisation.
What work can be submitted?
may submit any artwork in any media of any reasonable size which can be hung
for display on a vertical surface or displayed, uncounted, in cradles.
work must be the original work of the artist completed within the last two
If you have any queries or wish to obtain an application form, contact Terance Kay, 27 Lansdowne Road, Angmering, BN16 4JX, or phone: (01903) 786493, or e-mail:
Angmering raceway ( ) serves up another helping of caravan chaos on Sunday August 16th when the caravans take to the track for what will be their final ride, hitched to Angmering's hugely destructive nudge and spin bangers.
The resulting carnage has to be seen to be believed as caravans explode into pieces, or are reduced to little more than wheels and a floor section as they are raced without mercy around the West Sussex track. Any that survive the 'racing' will face total annihilation in the last car and caravan combo left moving demolition derby. The nudge and spin bangers will also be in action without caravans, ensuring a steady supply of smashed cars to keep the spectators happy.
Fans of racing that does not involve the total destruction of the cars in action will be thrilled with the fast and furious non-contact Hot Rods that can reach speeds of up to 80 mph at Angmering. With just inches between the cars this makes for some breathtaking racing action. The stars of the future will be in action in the Junior Production Stox and Rods as well as full-on rubber burning racing from the front and rear wheel drive saloon rods, street stocks and classic stock cars. While many people consider Stock Car racing to be a very macho sport, there are plenty of women who take to the track on a regular basis as well as those who want to try their luck on the banked oval circuit.
With caravan and banger racing, plus rapid hot rod and classic stock car action, Angmering Raceway will deliver another great action packed and value for money day out on Sunday, August 16th.
The gates open at the Water Lane circuit at 8am, with racing commencing at 11.30am. Adult admission is £10 kids, 10-14, £5, with kids under ten free. Senior Citizens, disabled and Students (with valid student cards) can also enjoy a days racing for just £5. Further information from Angmering Raceway: or Tel: 01903 859807 during office hours, out of office hours (01243) 268887.
A/73/09 - Construction of two storey and single story extension, roofing over of area between existing bungalow and proposed extension, replacement of existing timber windows with PVCu at Tall Trees, High Street. For: Mr Michael Wiggins
A/73/09/CA - Application for Conservation Area Consent for demolition of outbuildings and demolition of flank wall at first floor level at Tall Trees, High Street. For: Mr Michael Wiggins
A/78/09- Outline application for terrace of 4 no. 2 bed houses - resubmission following A/75/08/ 101 - at Lloyd Goring Close & land to rear of 7-15 Lansdowne Way. For: Mr Leete & Mrs Walker
Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 27 August 2009.
To see applications, plans, design statements, etc, type the Application Reference Number (such as those above) into Arun District Council's "Application Search Facility " , click on the Search button, and click on the hyperlink reference when selected application is returned - then select "Documents".
The Parish Council has today posted to their website the following statement on the Community Centre Ground Source Heating Pipes Area Ground Restoration:
The work to restore the land as above is still on schedule to the original seeding time already given. The ground was tidied up in July as detailed and various rubble removed which gave a much improved appearance to the area. The fencing has to remain as this is required for the machinery to be used to prepare the ground for seeding.
The process of the ground levelling has been delayed because the area has to be sprayed before it is dug over and levelled. Due to the poor weather and especially the high winds of the past few weeks it has not been possible to carry out the spraying on the grounds of safety and effectiveness especially taking account of the concerns of those using the childrens playground .
The result of this is that the work on levelling and grading of the ground to enable seeding to take place should now happen in August but even if this timetable slips it will not affect the eventual seeding of the area in mid September as detailed in the previous news release on the Parish Council web site.
Angmering Parish Council, Community Centre Sub Committee, 31st July 2009
The Chairman
reported the resignation of the Clerk Mr Ray Huskisson due to personal reasons.
The Chairman reported the resignations of Councillors David Kimmer and John
Travellers had moved
onto the open space in Mayflower Way a week ago, half had moved on yesterday
and the balance were leaving today. The Parish Council had arranged for the
remaining rubbish to be removed. There was also some rubbish on Hargreaves land
and the relevant authorities would be informed.
Councillors' Expenses
Nunn presented the (Policy & Finance Committee) minutes of the 1st
June 2009. Councillor Hankinson queried minute ref: 10/09, he felt that there
was a two tier system for elected and co-opted members when it came to
allowances. Councillor Steven Mountain said that currently there was a
discrepancy in the information that had been received by the Parish Council,
this would be investigated and reported back on at the next meeting.
Councillor Nunn tabled the minutes of the
meeting held on 8th July 2009. Minute ref: 1313 Community Centre Lease
was read out by the Chairman as follows:
"The Chairman gave a brief résumé of the discussions, which had taken place with representatives of the ACCA at a private meeting held on 30th June 2009. The ACCA had been represented by Stephanie Linham from Community Matters. Arising from the discussion and verbal agreements reached on the night, it is RECOMMENDED to full Parish Council THAT: (1) A peppercorn rent should be charged in respect of the Community Centre for the term of the lease. (2) The Parish Room within the Community Centre now be included in the lease. (3) The Parish Council notes that the ACCA may permit use of the Community Centre or parts thereof on a charge free basis, if they consider that the use to which the Parish Council puts it aligns with the objectives of the ACCA. (4) That subject to legal advice the Council is prepared to consider inserting a break clause within the lease i.e. The ability to terminate the lease with due notice. Notice to be agreed.( 5) The split of responsibility for repairs and maintenance should be: External Parish Council Internal - ACCA . (6) For the avoidance of doubt, the Parish Council re-iterates its contributions to the ACCA as (a) For the first year a maximum of £64k to cover set up and running costs (this may reduce when grant applications are known). (b) For the second year £20k to contribute towards the running costs. ( c) For the third year £10k to contribute towards the running costs. (d) After year 3 no contribution towards running costs."
Councillor Steven Mountain reported that the outside
scaffolding and the scaffolding in the hall had now been taken down. The
handover will take place on 7th September 2009. The project will remain within
budget. The ground where the ground source heat pumps have been installed has
now been strimmed and will be seeded mid September. The Heras fencing around
this area will remain in place.
To read the full minutes of this meeting, click here (PDF file)