Angmering Village Life
News Archive
As Christmas fast approaches, Sussex Police and the Trading Standards Office are warning householders of the following mail scam, confirmed by Royal Mail, that is currently doing the rounds again:
A card is posted through your door from a company called PDS (Parcel Delivery Service) suggesting that they were unable to deliver a parcel and that you need to contact them on 0906 6611911 (a premium rate number). DO NOT call this number, as this is a mail scam originating from Belize .
If you call the number and you start to hear a recorded message you will already have been billed £15 for the phone call.
Please advise family members/Friends.
The scheduled improvements to Honey Lane, by the allotments, have now been carried out. The bricks and large stones sticking up through the surface have been removed and all the holes have been filled. In the past, after wet weather, parts of the lane have been impassable. Additionally, it a soft surface has been laid which slopes toward the allotments. This will allow pedestrians a fairly dry and clean walkway close to the wooden fence. Hopefully these improvements, an interim measure, will last for several years.
A/122/08 - Ground and first floor rear extension with gable end, replacement of existing windows with sash/fixed light types, construction of new entrance portico at 20 East Drive. For: Mr D I Osbourne
Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 20 November 2008.
(Reproduced here on behalf of St Margaret's Church)
Work on the chancel roof has gone ahead and is ready for tiling as soon as the roofs of the extensions are ready to be tiled. The final pieces of stonework have been put in place; this has been a highly skilled and slow process. The expertise of the stonemasons is much to be admired and through the scaffolding the shape of the East end extensions can be seen.
It will not be long before the scaffolding comes down and we will be able to see the full impact of the architect's design.
It is hoped during November to fit the outside glazing so that the building is weatherproof, the art glass is now ready and will arrive here later next month. It is planned to install it sometime round the February 20th.
This month there has not been a lot going on inside the church because Farnrise have been drying out all the new concrete that has been laid in readiness for the specialist contractor who will be laying the wood floor. A red glow will have been seen inside the church, this has been from the heaters and dehumidifiers that have been on to remove the damp from the building.
Whist this drying out process has been going on preparation for installing the heating has been under way and it is expected that work on laying the floor will start very soon.
The cabinetmaker has started the work on the new furniture and the cover for the baptistry. The architects have submitted plans for the layout of the new kitchen and these have been scrutinised and approved by the wardens and Thelma Robinson as kitchen overseer. Details of other items of fitted furniture are not yet to hand from the architect.
We have received some photographs of some of the pieces of furniture that were given to the church in Chapel-en-Le-Frith. The screen can be seen in the photo on the left. More pictures can be seen on St Margaret's church website.
Thanks to everyone for cooperation regarding the car park; this has been appreciated and we would ask for your continued understanding in keeping the area clear of parked cars at all times. Decisions continue to be taken almost on a daily basis as the work progresses and the attention to detail by both our professional team and the contractors is reassuring.
If you have any questions regarding the reordering please would you
direct these to me either by email ( or by
phone 01903 788792 on weekdays.
Richard Hance,
October 2008
To see the latest photos of the re-ordering click here
New Councillors - The Chairman and Councillor Mrs. Pat Turner had interviewed Mrs. R. Lewis and were recommending her co-option to the Parish Council. RESOLVED that Mrs. R Lewis was co-opted as a member of the Parish Council. The Chairman welcomed Mrs. Lewis to the Parish Council and asked that Councillors seek applicants for the vacancies remaining.
Police Report - PCSO Oakley is having problems with cars parked in the area around Chandlers Garage. This issue will be referred to the Highways Committee with a request that they write to West Sussex County Council in support of PCSO Oakleys campaign.
Arun District Council Report - District Councillor Julie Hazlehurst advised that the co-mingling proposals for household and dog waste had now been rejected. Councillor Hazlehurst expressed concerns over the recent planning issue and possible forged letters of objection.
Community Centre - During Public Question Time, Mr. T. Langridge mentioned receiving the newsletter updating the progress with the Community Centre but felt that this should have included costings for the building work. Mr. T. Langridge is of the opinion that there are 3 alternative sites for the Community Centre and has been in contact with Arun District Council. He has a reply from Mr. Ellwood, Interim Head of Development Control that subject to planning permission being granted then other sites could be used. Mr. Langridge believes the Parish Council have been unfair in their assessment of the situation. Mr. T. Langridge also stated that the Parish Council have stated that they are legally bound to build the Community Centre on the site given but does not believe this is the case. Councillor Sue Smith said that the Parish Council are holding on file a letter from Arun District Council confirming these facts and if possible a copy will be made available to Mr. Langridge.
Skate Park - The litter problem has got a lot better and floodlights are now being considered. RESOLVED that £10000.00 be allocated from the Kick about area reserve for floodlights and other work on the skate park.
Honey Lane - Councillor Hadley said he had had contact with Mr Smith who is on the Allotment Committee. Mr Smith suggested that there were various possible rearrangements of the allotments including moving the car park to the other end of the allotments nearer the houses. This would mean that the cars would not have to drive the entire length of Honey Lane. However any rearrangement would need to be fully discussed and agreed by the Allotment Committee. In the mean time they are prepared to remove the stones and level the ground alongside the allotments to the Bramley Green entrance, the cost of this would be approximately £700. Councillor Hadley proposed we contribute £200 out of village enhancements, the committee agreed unanimously. Councillor Hadley said he would write to inform Mr Julian Shindle (Allotments Assoc) of this. He would also write to Mr David Rayment, a representative of the residents, saying that the Parish Council could not provide any funding for any improvements the residents may wish to make to their section of Honey Lane.
Footpath 2127 - The Committee discussed the email from Sarah Codd regarding the width of the path by the drainage basin. The Committees view was that this path should be widened to enable it to become a cycle path. Councillor Bicknell with take this up via the Joint Eastern Arun Area Committee.
20mph Speed Zone - Councillor Hadley said he was still waiting for a date from Ms Tracey Webb of West Sussex County Council when the meeting on current traffic issues could take place. PCSO Andrea Oakley operated the SID in various places in the village and 52 letters were sent out to offending drivers.
Dog Bins - The dog fouling issue within the Parish continues. It was agreed to talk to the dog wardens again, look at putting up further dog fouling penalty signs and put a notice on the boards.
Post Box (High Street) - Councillor Hadley said he had had a meeting with Lambs the brick manufacturer and was still not happy with their quotation. He has now written to a further 6 manufacturers for quotations and will report back at the next meeting.
Street Furniture - The Committee discussed the proposal from Andy Brookwell for the new signs for the Palmer Road Recreation Ground. It was agreed to go with the proposal at a cost of £320.
Street Lighting - Cumberland Road - The new light and shield have been installed, no complaints have been received. North Drive - The committee agreed not to proceed with proposed light at the northern end of North Drive at this stage. Downs Way - The Senior Assistant Clerk provided a plan showing the gaps in the lighting in Downs Way. Councillors Bicknell and Hadley will inspect the area and report back at the next meeting.
The planned showing of MAMMA MIA at the Village Hall on Saturday 1 November cannot now go ahead due to distribution problems outside the control of "Movies on the Move" and the Angmering Community Association. The Association has managed to re-schedule the film for Saturday 29 November at the Village Hall (7.00pm).
The Association regrets and is very disappointed at this development and also appreciates that many people have already bought tickets for the film. These tickets will be valid for the 29 November showing. Those people who have purchased tickets already but are unable to go the film on this date should contact the suppliers of their tickets for a refund.
A green Skoda and a red Toyota were involved in a collision at 12.27pm today outside The Lamb Inn. Police and an ambulance attended the scene of the accident but there were no apparant serious injuries. Traffic was disrupted for about half an hour before the vehicles could be removed.
At the Angmering Parish Council Meeting last Monday, Mrs Renee Lewis was co-opted as a new parish councillor. She has been assigned to two Committees: Planning and Conservation, and Environment and Leisure.
Women steals money from charity - Gillian Patterson (36) from Merryfield Crescent, a BA stewardess, has been found guilty of of stealing air passengers' donations to the childrens' charity Unicef.
Crash closes road - The westbound carriageway of the A259 near Sainsburys was closed after a car driving along the eastbound carriageway lost control and crashed into two cars coming from the opposite direction.
Safer Route to School - The new path from the A259 to the rear of The Angmering School officially opened last week.
Full stories on these items can be read in this week's
Littlehampton Gazette,
together with pictures of the S.C.O.T.C.H. conker
competition on Sunday at The Spotted Cow
A/126/08 - Relocation and renovation of existing industrial buildings - Use for B8 Storage and distribution at The Vinery, Arundel Road, Poling. For: Vinery Management (re-advertisement due to previous publishing error)
A/127/08 - Demolition of part of boundary wall, considered to be in a dangerous state, and rebuilding of same at The Pigeon House, High Street. For: Mr P Blake
A/128/08/L - Listed Building Consent for the demolition of part of boundary wall, considered to be in a dangerous state, and rebuilding of same at The Pigeon House, High Street. For: Mr P Blake
A/129/08/TC - Surgery to 1no. Irish Yew tree within the Angmering Conservation Area at Chaileys, Church Road. For: Mr E Grumbridge
Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 6 November 2008.
A good crowd attended the S.C.O.T.C.H. Conker Team Competiton on Sunday 12th October. 600 conkers were used by competitors and spectators. 2008 was generally a poor year for competition sized conkers. 21 teams of three competed for "The Alley Cat Cattery" Shield. There was also a plate competition for first round losers.
The competion was won by WOODPECKERS (Tina Peck, Sharon Collins and Alice Campion (aged 7)) who beat SMOKEY AND THE BANDITS. The third team was THE BURTS. All teams were presented with medals. The Plate Competition was won by THE BLUES. A prize is presented, annually, to The Most Outstanding Player. This year Katie Alden won the prize as she won all her games with the same conker.
The event raised £825, for Chestnut Tree House, from entry fees, a raffle and a barbecue.
The Lamb is re-opening tomorrow (Friday) 10 October at 6pm under new
management. Keith and Barbara along with their family and friends will be there
on Friday evening to welcome you back to the village local with a range of new
beers and wines along with a new food menu of good home cooked food and Sunday
roasts. They will commence selling meals at midday on Saturday
11 Sunday 12 October.
They hope you will notice and welcome the forthcoming changes to your pub. Once the pub management is settled in, we hope to publish a feature article telling you what they intend doing at The Lamb.
Having met Keith and Barbara, and assistant manager Natasha, we can confirm that this is a warm and friendly team who will really do their best to get The Lamb back on its feet again. This time is has been done with much support from Punch Taverns who have been criticised in the past for their lack of involvement. Angmering Village Life wishes the new team the best of luck and hopes that as many villagers as possible will visit the pub at the earliest opportunity.
A/109/08 - Extension at 43 East Drive. For: Mrs M Chambers
A/120/08 - Relocation and renovation of existing industrial buildings - Use for B8 Storage and distribution at The Vinery, Arundel Road, Poling. For: Vinery Management
A/121/08/A - Advertisement consent for one V shaped free standing illuminated sign at Angmering Manor, High Street. For: Chapman Group Ltd
A/124/08 - Proposed extension/alteration and extension of cross over & vehicular entrance at 16 Mill Road. For: Mr & Mrs W P Taylor
Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 30 October 2008.
The 2008 S.C.O.T.C.H. Team Conker Competition will be held at The Spotted Cow, Angmering on Sunday 12th October at 1.30pm (entries will be accepted from 12.30pm). The competition, established in 1980, will be for teams of three players of any age. Players under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. There will be a Plate competition for all first round losers S.C.O.T.C.H. will be provide all conkers and string for the competition which has an entry fee of £10.00 per team.
Teams will be competing for the coveted "Alley Cat Cattery" shield as well as medals for the top three teams and plate competition winners. There is also an award for the "Most Outstanding Player". There will be a barbecue, raffle and live music (from Peter Bennett at 4.00pm). Proceeds will be donated to Chestnut Tree House. Further Information Website: Email: Mob: 07840978674
Notice Boards - West Sussex County Council have denied permission to re-site the notice board on the Downs Way pocket park as objections had been received by residents. The Committee agreed to put the notice board back in its original position on the fence by the re- cycling area.
Traders' Evening - The Traders Evening will take place on Wednesday 10th December. The office have already applied to Arun District Council for a road closure order to seal off the centre of the village to traffic from 5pm 10pm.
Skatepark - The Senior Assistant Clerk reported that the two additional litter bins had been installed and the litter problem had improved however there is still some litter problems and Councillor Edwards has been going up there once a week collecting approximately two bags full. Arun District Council have agreed for the Youth Offenders team to do a full litter pick once a month which will help. The committee suggested that someone be employed to do a litter pick on a Monday for approximately one hour. The office will contact the gentlemen who offered to do this on our behalf. The Committee reviewed the safety sign and agreed it met the requirements. A quote has been received from Colas for floodlights, another quote will be requested as we already had a previous one from Gravity. The committee agreed a maximum spend of £5k on the lights and will recommend this to the full Council. Councillors Bicknell and Edwards will visit the site and review the need for tarmac around the edge of the bowl.
Bramley Green Open Spaces - (a) Trees and Fencing. The Committee requested that the tree warden visit the area and recommend a tree planting programme. The committee discussed at length how the car park could be improved and ways of ensuring that no vehicles could access the open area. It was agreed that Councillor Turner and Hadley visit the area and make a proposal to the next meeting. (b) Bramley Green Maintenance Contract. Councillor Edwards said that sometime ago ISS Waterers had quoted us £906 to clean out the drainage basin and repair the broadwalk area. The Committee asked the office to check if the price was still valid and if so to authorise the work to be carried out.
Community Centre - The Senior Assistant Clerk reported that she had started to look at Grants. For any grants from Landfill Companies you have to be registered with ENTRUST who administrate the grants. As a Parish Council we are not allowed to register, so any of these grants will need to be applied for by the Management Committee. Contact had been made with Sport England but that looked like a no go as they only sponsor high profile sports facilities to competition standard. Contact will be made with the low carbon trust to see if grants can be obtained for Green solutions. The Committee also suggested that West Sussex County Council and Barclays be contacted.
The Lamb Public House - The office had been in touch with the administrators and were awaiting a decision as to whether we could re open the public toilets. Councillor Turner also asked if a letter could be sent to Punch Taverns expressing our concern over the closure of the Pub.
Dog Fouling - The Committee discussed the on going problem regarding dog fouling and asked that the dog wardens be contacted again to see what measures could be taken. A notice will also be put on all notice boards reminding people of their responsibilities and possible fines.
Community Centre Project - The Chairman stated that the project must not exceed the agreed budget of £900,000.
IT Strategy - Councillor Hankinson suggested that a new laptop computer could be useful at meetings away form the office. Clerk will talk with Staff and advise. The long awaited improvement promised by Arun District Council to the web site has still not happened. Clerk will speak with Mrs. M. Chaffe. Councillor Hankinson will investigate improvements for Council meetings in the office.
Fletcher's Field - (1) A quotation, from Charmandean Contractors, to repair the damaged wall was circulated. The Clerk was asked to get the other and older quotes revalidated. (2) Councillors asked for our Solicitor to give an opinion on the agreement to maintain the field and walls and especially with regard to the words day to day management. (3) An insurance quote for the north and east walls will be requested.
Music lovers are in for a treat later this
month when the Horsham-based New Harmonie quintet will be telling the story of
popular music from the end of the 19th century to the music of the Beatles in
the 1960s. The musical story is called "From Tin Pan Alley to Abbey Road"
and will cover vaudeville, ragtime, swing, Gershwin, Broadway and pop
The Angmering Community Association has arranged for the quintet to play at the Angmering Manor Hotel on Sunday 19th October. The concert will start at 4.00pm and a cream tea will be provided within the ticket price of £8. Tickets are available from Angmering Manor Hotel reception, Angmering Parish Council Office, Angmering Framing & Stitches, and Angmering Library (Fridays).
Funding for this concert is being provided by the Batty Charitable Trust, DOyly Carte Charitable Trust and West Sussex Arts Partnership. The music will be played by a wind quintet from New Harmonie with Liz Burtenshaw (flute), Sarah Williams (oboe), Geoffrey Richardson (clarinet), Sue Bellamy (bassoon) and Richard Gamlen (horn). Geoff Richardson, who also tells the story, said "This is another very exciting New Harmonie project. It is going to be a lot of fun. We are very grateful to our funders who have made it possible and allowed venues that promote the event to retain most of the proceeds from ticket sales for a good local cause. So we hope there will be packed houses wherever we go."
A/107/08T - Side entrance porch/conservatory at 1 Longback Cottages, Arundel Road. For: Mrs P Redman
A/108/08/L - Application for listed building consent for side entrance porch/conservatory at 1 Longback Cottages, Arundel Road. For: Mrs P Redman
A/123/08/TC - Reduce height & width of 1 no. Silver Birch tree (Within the Angmering Conservation Area) in Car Park, St Margaret's Church, Arundel Road. For: St Margaret's PCC
Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 23 October 2008.