Angmering Village Life
News Archive
March 2008
Parking in The Square - The Committee discussed the email from Mr Rob Torrance of West Sussex County Council (WSCC) stating that it was not feasible to make the un-restricted parking bays, 1 hour only. Councillor Pat Turner said if this was the case, could a letter be sent to all shop keepers asking them to ask their staff not to park in the un-restricted bays all day, as it affected trade. Councillor Norman Hadley said had received a letter from a Mr Charles saying he was unable to park in the disabled bay as it was constantly used by people not displaying a sticker. Councillor Hadley said he would contact the PCSO to enforce this and the yellow line on a more regular basis.
Mobile Speed Indication Devices - The Committee discussed the email from Richard Bartram of Arun District Council regarding the hiring of mobile SIDs. They felt that the benefit was minimal and would not be pursuing the offer at this time.
A259 Crossing & Traffic Lights - Councillor Paul Bicknell said that the Angmering School was still in discussion with a local developer to provide a safe route to the Toucan crossing. Councillor Bicknell also provided a map showing the proposed road modifications and new traffic lights to be installed on the A259 at the Sainsbury retail park junction. Work will commence June/July and will last for a period of 12 weeks.
Pinch Points - The Committee discussed the letter from Mr David Coles of WSCC stating that the number of accidents had reduced since the pinch points were installed. This information confirms that the pinch points are working as far as injury accidents are concerned.
Street Lighting - Cumberland Road - Councillor Hadley has visited the area on three consecutive evenings and has confirmed that a light is needed. Options are being looked at to minimise any light pollution. Palmer Road - the new light had been ordered last month and was on a 6-8 week lead-time. North Drive - WSCC said it would cost approximately £70k and was not something they were considering. Councillor Bicknell said that the worst part was towards the end as you approached the Surgery, if one light could be put there it would help considerably, Councillor Bicknell will investigate and report back at the next meeting.
Dog Bins/Litter Bins - Councillor Norman Hadley said he had received two complaints about dog fouling along the grass verge that runs behind Cumberland Close. The Dog Warden had visited and had arranged for Verdant to clean up the area, the Dog Warden will visit regularly to monitor the situation but asked that if anyone knew whose dogs were doing this they should report them. Councillor Hadley suggested that we do a letter drop to the houses in the immediate area reminding them that this offence carries a maximum fine of £1000. The Senior Assistant Clerk reported that we had received permission to install a dog bin in Ecclesden Lane. Councillor Bicknell provided pictures of the proposed location of a dog bin near the Woodmans arms, this would now be sent to ADC for approval. Councillor Bicknell also proposed a new dog bin at the bottom of North Drive, he will investigate and report back at the next meeting.
Post Box (High Street) - Councillor Hadley said we had now received a second quote for the installation of the post box, it had come in cheaper than the first one but was still more expensive than anticipated. A third quote is expected shortly from another builder in the village who has offered to do it at cost providing a small plaque could be placed on the box. The committee agreed to this providing the cost was acceptable.
Village Gates - Councillors Hadley and Bicknell said they had looked at sites near the oval racetrack but felt they needed to do some more investigative work before this matter was considered.
A/37/08 - Proposed buildings to house in-vessel composting unit for green kitchen waste including maturation area, bio-filters, administration/canteen building and perimeter fence at The Vinery, Arundel Road, Poling. Revised application following A/191/06/ & PO/5/06/. This application also falls within the parish of Poling. This is a County Matter to be determined by West Sussex County Council. For: Vinery Management.
A/38/08 - Resubmission of A/111/07 for two rear extensions at Corona Station, Road. For: Mr & Mrs M Dyson.
A/39/08 - Variation of condition no. 1 imposed under planning permission A/117/03/ to extend the expiry date for a further statutory period. The Dower House, West Drive. For: Mr Anthony Lawson
Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 17 April 2008
DATE: 5th & 6th April
10am-5pm, Sunday 10am - 4pm
Mettle Studios & Wood Design Workshops, Roundstone
Bypass, Angmering, W. Sussex, BN16 4BD
Here's a good opportunity to visit artists' workshops in Angmering. Fleur, Lorraine and Brendan will be showing their pewterware, jewellery and furniture but have also invited other artists to exhibit so there will be a wide variety on display, something of interest for everyone with leather bound books, textiles, ceramics, prints, jewellery or rope monkey doorstops. So if you would like to commission or buy a piece of locally designed and made craft or just have a chat with the artists do go along and pay them a visit.
Mettle Studios:
Fleur Grenier -
Lorraine Gibby - Anodised Aluminium and Silver Jewellery
Guest Artists:
Glenis Boote - Jewellery
Karen Miknas - Textile Accessories
Joanna Williams - Jewellery
Alison Milner & Christiane Kirston - Ceramics & Prints
Ward-Sale - Impressed Soft leather Bindings
Sarah Loveland - Rope Monkeys
Jon & Valerie Hill - Jewellery
Maurice Young - Ceramics
Wood Design Worshops
Devitt-Spooner - Contemporary Furniture
Community Centre Sub Committee - Councillor Sue Smith reported that a meeting had taken place between Councillors Edwards and Mountain and Ms. Jerram and Mrs. Hazlehurst representing the Community Centre Association. The revised plans prepared by the Project Manager were shown and feedback from the Community Centre Association will be passed on to the Project Manager. The next meeting between the sub committee and the Project Manager is scheduled for 20th March 2008. Councillor Sue Smith made reference to an e-mail sent from Julie Hazlehurst, who is now treasurer of the Community Centre Association, to Steven Mountain, Chairman of the Parish Council sub committee. Councillor Mountain has advised Mrs. Hazlehurst that the matter she has raised, concerning funding, is a Policy and Resources Committee responsibility. Councillor Norman Hadley was of the opinion that the sub committee had acted outside their terms of reference in dealing with the amount of grant support offered towards the first three years running costs. The Chairman of the Council will speak to Councillor Steven Mountain and obtain clarification.
Devolution of Bramley Green Open Spaces - The Clerk had little to add to the report presented to the March Parish Council meeting except this very evening the land transfer documents relating to the play area in Beech Way were delivered to the office and signed off. The S38 agreements have been signed off by NHBC and are on their way to the Consortiums solicitors before going to West Sussex County Council for final sign off. Once WSCC have signed the transfer can be completed.
Grants - Angmering Sports and Recreation Association (ASRA) had applied for £1000.00 of which £250.00 had been awarded and the Committee had been requested to reconsider the application. After discussion the Committee agreed that no additional award should be made. Councillor Sue Smith suggested that when grant forms are distributed this year there needs to a criteria list to advise applicants what will be considered by the Council. For example, grants should not be given just to help fund general running costs. The list will be presented at the next P & R meeting.
Crime Prevention - PCSO Andrea Oakley had proposed a joint Parish Council/Police initiative to provide bag/purse alarms to residents. A sample alarm was available for Councillors to view and the Clerk advised that funding required would be in the region of £300.00. After discussion the Committee decided that it could not recommend proceeding as it believed that other areas of funding were available to fund these projects.
Web Site - A meeting has been held with Mrs. M. Chaffe of Arun District Council. Mrs. Chaffe is going to come up with some ideas based around the East Preston site and a sample will be available for discussion in early April.
Community Centre - Another meeting has been held with Hamson on 6th March 2008 and Hamson have produced some revised drawings which were on display. The sub committee have arranged a meeting with the Community Centre Association to discuss the drawings. Councillor Sue Smith proposed that the sub committee be given full delegated authority to make decisions as necessary. Resolved 5 votes for 1 vote against that the Community Centre sub committee be given full delegated authority to make decisions as necessary. Councillor Norman Hadley asked that his objection to this decision be recorded. Councillor Norman Hadley asked about projected running costs and was reminded that in accordance with the budget already agreed grants will be given by the Parish Council to the Community Centre Association: In Year 1 - £30,000, In Year 2 - £20,000, In year 3 - £10,000.
Devolution of Services - Councillor Sue Smith expressed some concerns with the sewer running across the Community site and that if this is not adopted then there will be a liability for the Council.
Stationery - The next time stationery is ordered a list will be given to Councillor Pat Turner to conduct a price comparison. Now that the new photocopier has been networked this should be used as the main printer for all office computers. One printer (inkjet colour) should be retained for use but Councillor Norman Hadley will investigate prices for a laser printer. There should be considerable savings on the costs of printer cartridges.
Public Toilets - Cleaning of the public toilets at the Lamb Inn will be put out to tender before the next agreement is signed.
A/33/08 - Application for variation of a condition 2 following grant of planning permission A/186/07/ that all external joinery shall be oak at Manor Farm House, Ecclesden Lane. For: Mr & Mrs Walker.
A/34/08 - Loft conversion works including new gable wall & rear dormer window at 9 Lansdowne Road. For: Mr & Mrs Barnard.
A/36/08/A - Application for 1 no. non-illuminated fascia sign at Pearl Dental, The Square. For: Miss Dipa Shah
Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 10 April 2008
This year sees the 80th anniversary of the opening of the Village Hall. To celebrate this, the Village Hall Committee will be holding an exhibition and other activities in the Hall's King Suite from morning to evening on Saturday 12 July, 2008. More details of the event will appear on this page nearer the time.
The Committee would like to display old photos of the Hall or activities that have taken place in it, and are also looking for people's memories or anecdotes of the Hall or its activities, etc. If you can provide any of these, please contact Mrs Corrie Brown (Secretary) on (01903) 787507.
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The first major element of St Margaret's re-ordering was achieved this week with the demolition of the church office (ex-vestry).
ASRA - Arun District Council had agreed to a new 99 year lease for the Palmer Road Recreation Ground and this was currently being drawn up. ADC also stated that it is not their policy to sell land.
Water Lane Site - Work on the Water Lane site was progressing well. On the 27th February 6 dead macrocarpas trees will be removed improving the look of the site.
Sycamore Trees - The Senior Assistant Clerk reported that the Council had not been able to determine the ownership of the embankment opposite the Medical Centre, so she had written to the two homeowners in Chapel Walk advising them that the onus was on them if they decided to fell the trees. So far the Sycamores have not been removed, if this does not happen by the end of the month, they will not be able to do so because of the bird-nesting season.
Skateboard Park - Big Lottery Award - A final specification had been received from Gravity and the order had been placed. Councillor Mark Edwards had identified a potential position and details had been sent to the planning department of ADC for their comments. Councillor Paul Bicknell requested that the office check if they had the drawings of the drainage basin area showing the underground works.
St Nicholas Garden - Councillor Pat Turner reported that the two bollards had now been installed at the entrance to the garden by the Lamb public house to prevent access by vehicles.
A/28/08 - 1 No bungalow Land to side of 48 Mill Road Avenue. For: Mr N Boswell.
A/29/08 - Conservatory to rear elevation at 3 Wilkinson Close. For: Miss Leonagh McCabe.
A/202/07/A - 1 No. internally illuminated main entrance sign & 1no. externally illuminated fascia sign at The Big Apple, Rustington Golf Centre. For: American Amusements. (Readvertisement due to Substitute plan - Amended location plan.)
Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 27 March 2008
Many villagers will probably recall what a huge success the August Market on Fletcher's Field was last year. Organiser, Val Jerram, has been persuaded to run a similar event this Summer which will be held again on Fletcher's Field, Arundel Road, Angmering, on Saturday 30th August 2008, from 9.30 a.m. until 2.00 p.m. Last year's event attracted about 60 stalls comprising village organisations, food & produce, craft, refreshments, plus children's entertainments. It is envisaged that this year's Market will have a similar composition.
If any person or organisation would like a stall, click here for further details and an application form. Also Poster (0.8MB PDF file).
Note: This is not the Angmering Carnival which will be held at the end of September.
The Angmering Branch of the Arundel and South Downs Conservative Association will be holding a Crafts and Produce Fair at the Village Hall this coming Saturday (8 March) between 10.30 am and 1.30pm.
Stalls will include: Jewellery, Greetings Cards, Knitwear & Fancy Goods, Beadwork, Gem Trees & Painting, Aloe Vera, Jams & Chutney, Cakes & Savouries, Soaps, RNLI, and a Tombola. Resfreshments will be available and admission is free.
(Reproduced here on behalf of St Margaret's Church)
It will have been noticed that the demolition of the office block has been delayed and this has resulted in several people asking what has happened. The delay was caused by the discovery of several skeletons as reported in a previous fact sheet. This meant rearranging our appointment with EDF to deal with the main electricity cables which had to be completed before demolition began. However, Farnrise have used the time available by beginning work on the new entrance through the Gratwicke chapel and internal work in the chapel. This means that overall the work is on schedule.
The archaeological excavations may still uncover further remains when the office has been demolished although there was only one skeleton revealed under the position for the new entrance on the south porch.
Following consultation with the leaders of SMCC, the PCC, the clergy and wardens and also the Kings Club leaders, the PCC has now agreed to the following arrangements for our services from the 26th May when the church will no longer be in use.
There has been an inevitable intermittent disruption to both power and lighting supplies to the church. This has also had an effect on the PA, so we do ask for your patience and understanding if the 'loop' system does not perform properly. This is only temporary but we know will cause inconvenience which we very much regret. Every effort is being made to keep disruption to a minimum and we ask your indulgence about cables, temporary power boxes etc. which are appearing but will be concealed when the building is completed.
The car parking arrangements appear to be working well and thanks are
due to everyone for showing tolerance in using the dropping off area. Please
can I ask again that that any questions there may be about any aspect of the
reordering are directed to me and not to the rector or site agent. Copies of
previous fact sheets are still available at the back of the
Richard Hance, Churchwarden.
Has anybody lost a pet ferret? One was found in the vicinity of The Roundstone PH yesterday. It has been caught and it is being cared for. If you have lost a ferret or know anyone who has, phone 01903-771935.
The Ward's Londis store in The Square changed hands today, the Co-op
opening in its place. Southern Co-operatives Ltd, which own 108 shops
throughout the south,
will now run the new store which may well see some
expansion. They will continue to operate the Post Office from the premises.
It is understood all the existing staff will be retained but, additionally, they will shortly be recruiting a further 4 or 5 new staff.
What is encouranging is its policy towards the local community. Its website states: "Southern Co-operatives Limited is a co-operative retailer seeking a healthy relationship with the communities in which our stores are located. We strive to maintain a healthy, self-sustaining community by working with local people. Recognising the benefits of acting co-operatively, we draw our customers, staff and members from local communities".
When I visited the store this morning, staff from other areas had been drafted in and were re-stocking the shelves with Co-op products.