Angmering Village Life
News Archive
December 2007
As we all know, there are one or two Brits who have emigrated to Australia! Some of them have been asking for a link up with the UK for the last couple of years and this Christmas it became a reality when, in the 'Breakfast' programme last Friday, GMTV (in association with The Adelaide Advertiser) did a broadcast from Glenelg beach, Adelaide. You can see a clip from the broadcast by clicking here. Ray Whitehouse, from Angmering, tells me that his daughter, Alison Sargent, was on the beach with her children Laura & Jonah.
On the right is a picture of a scene on Genelg beach where a "Home and Away" actress is interviewing some of the ex-Brits. This is a photo which Ray took from the TV screen. In the background is a banner made by Alison and her friend (who also has Angmering links) reading "Hello Angmering". Alison is the lady immediately to the right of the "Santa hat".
For all those ex-Brits from Angmering or with relatives in Angmering, we wish you a Happy New Year!
Have you forgotten to send someone a card? Feeling a bit homesick this Christmas or a bit nostalgic? If so, don't forget that you can send electronic cards direct from this site containing your message and a picture of Angmering from a selection of 16 photos.
You can customise your own cards by following the simple instructions, previewing them, and them emailing them. Not only that, you can add a tune to your card to give it a bit of life. We've today added a further 30 classic tunes (60 now available) which include:
Annie's Song, Autumn Leaves, Big Girl's Don't Cry, Day Dream Believer, Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue, English Country Garden, The Entertainer, Feelings, Greensleeves, I Will Always Love You, Lady in Red, Sealed With a Kiss, Make It With You, Minuet in G (Bach), Moon River, Mr Tambourine Man, Nobody Does It Better, Piano Man, Power of Love, Somewhere Out There, Sound of Silence, Spring Song, Summer Place, Summertime, Time Goes By, True Love Ways, Try to Remember, You've Got a Friend
The link to the eCards is in the left-hand navigation bar or go direct to the page by clicking here.
OK, it wasn't deep and it wasn't even snow but it will probably be the closest you will get to it this Christmas. This was the frosty scene in Greenwood Drive, Angmering, on a crisp and sunny day - taken at 10am this morning:
To find out when Arun District Council will collect refuse and recycleables click here. Refuse is limited to 5 sacks or an equivalent 240 litre (wheeled bin) per household per week. Excess recyclable material will be collected if in a secure cardboard box, at the side of the recycling bin. You will not be able to dispose of your fir or pine Christmas tree as refuse unless you are a member of the Green Waste Club, services of which will resume on 7 January.
Shops open in the village will, of course, be limited over the Christmas/New Year holiday. Here are the opening times of a few shops and the Library:
Lloyds Pharmacy
Woodies News
Angmering Library
Big Fry
Xmas Eve
Monday 248.30am - 6.00pm
8.30am - 7.00pm
6.00am - 2.00pm
11.45am - 2.00pm &
4.45pm - 7.30pmXmas Day
Tuesday 25CLOSED
(Duty Chemist: Boots, Rustington
11.00am - 12.30pm)CLOSED
CLOSED (no papers)
Boxing Day
Wednesday 26CLOSED
(Duty Chemist: Boots Littlehampton
11.00am - 12.30pm)CLOSED
7.00am - Midday
Thursday 27
8.30am - 6.00pm
8.30am - 8.00pm
6.00am - 2.00pm
10.00am - 1.00pm &
2.00pm - 5.00pmCLOSED
Friday 28
8.30am - 6.00pm
8.30am - 8.00pm
6.00am - 2.00pm
11.45am - 2.00pm &
4.45pm - 8.30pmSaturday 29
9.00am - 5.00pm
8.30am - 8.00pm
6.30am - 2.30pm
10.00am - 1.00pm &
2.00pm - 5.00pm11.45am - 2.00pm &
4.45pm - 8.30pmSunday 30
9.00am - 4.00pm
7.00am - 1.00pm
New Year's Eve
Monday 318.30am - 6.00pm
8.30am - 7.00pm
6.00am - 2.00pm
10.00am - 1.00pm &
2.00pm - 5.00pm11.45am - 2.00pm &
4.45pm - 7.30pmNew Year's Day
Tuesday 1CLOSED
(Duty Chemist: Arcade Pharmacy, Littlehampton
11.00am - 12.30pm)10.00am - 5.00pm
7.00am - Midday
Wednesday 2
9.00am - 6.00pm
8.30am - 8.00pm
6.00am - 5.00pm
11.45am - 2.00pm &
4.45pm - 9.30pm
A warm welcome awaits you at the special services hosted by St Margarets Church to mark the Christmas season.
At the Parish Church
Sunday 23 December 10am Family Carol Service (ideal for people with children under 11)
4pm Traditional Carol service - Followed by mince pies and mulled wineMonday 24 December 4pm Crib service. People (both adults and children) are invited to come dressed as a shepherd, angel, king or animal! Great fun for children of all ages!
11.15pm Midnight Communion serviceTuesday 25 December 8.00am Christmas Day Formal Communion service (BCP)
10.00am - Christmas Day Family Celebration
At the Community Church (meeting at St Margarets School, Arundel Road)
Sunday 23 December 5pm In the safest place Come and join us as we journey together with the lamb to find the baby Jesus. An all age celebration of Christmas, followed by mulled wine and mince pies Tuesday 25 December 10.30am - Informal Christmas Day Family Service
For more details, please see our website []. Come and join us at any of
these events as we explore together the enduring appeal of Jesus
the reason for the season!
Canon Mark Standen (Rector)
The new recently advertised traffic orders become enforceable in Angmering on Monday 14th January. These specifically relate to the various "1 hour bays" in The Square area and to the yellow lines from the bottom of The Square into the High Street (opposite the Parish Council's office). Additionally, it will now be illegal to park in the disabled bay outside Londis unless displaying an approved disabled badge. It is understood that the police will be active in the first few weeks and will target serial offenders - so you have been warned!.
As readers may have noticed from our December 14 news item (see below), also from Monday the 14th January, the church car park will be closed for public parking for almost the whole of 2008 due to the church re-ordering work.
A/181/07 - Landscape for the front garden & dome light at Arlington, The Thatchway. For Mr & Mrs Wood
A/182/07 - Rear extension at 2 Bentley Close. For Mr Steven Bennett.
Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 10 January 2008
The Angmering Day Nursery in Station Road has raised a magnificent total of £1789.65 for the BBC 'Children in Need' appeal! This year all the children at the nursery took part in a bounce-a-thon!. The children were sponsored for the number of bounces on a trampoline that they could do in a minute!!!! All had great fun...and was good exercise! On the day of the appeal, the children all dressed up and had their face painted (again for a small donation to the appeal).
Congratulations to all those who organised, participated in, and contributed to this wonderful effort.
Angmering Public
Library opened its doors again this morning after having been shut for 3 weeks
for refurbishing and changes to accommodate the new Children's Centre in part
of the south wing which is due to open in a few months time.
Regular visitors will immediately notice some improvements. Wide automatic opening doors have been installed which will be a boon to disabled users of the library. New lighting has been installed and toilets are now available for users of the Library/Children's Centre; this includes a toilet for the disabled. New shelves and radiator arrangements mean that, although all books are now only in the west room, there is actually more shelf space than previously without the area looking cluttered. A small selection of new books will be introduced over the coming months. Two PCs for public use were also up and running this morning as was the photocopier. Area Librarian, David Nye, was on hand today to assist with the re-opening and answer any questions from the public.
Opening times are currently the same as they have been for the last few years but these will be extended when the Children's Centre eventually opens. Christmas opening arrangements for the Library and some other shops in Angmering will be published on this News page in a few day's time.
Parish Precept - It was RESOLVED to set the precept for 2008-09 at £199725.00. This relates to £61.91 per band D house. (Editor's Note: This is an increase of £2.78 on last year's precept or an increase of 4.70% per P&R committee minutes of 26 November 2007).
Proposed Community Centre - (a) The Community Centre will be funded from £297256.00 in earmarked reserves and the balance by the loan from the Public Works Loan Board. (b) After three interviews, the P & R committee interview panel recommended to accept an offer from Hamson Partnership Ltd based on their experience and expertise in the type of building the Parish Council are looking to have constructed, the size of their company ensuring continuity of manpower support, their total in house capability for all main support services, and the fact that they were the best prepared and gave the most professional presentation. RESOLVED to accept the offer from Hamson Partnership Ltd., and appoint then as Project Managers for the Community Centre Project.
Bramley Green Devolution of Services - The Bramley Green Consortium are now awaiting a meeting with WSCC to clear outstanding issues on the Section 38 agreement before signing off the transfers.
Skatepark Project - RESOLVED that the skate park project should proceed in order to meet the deadlines laid down in the Big Lottery award.
Arun Eastern Parishes Group - Councillor Steven Mountain had attended the meeting held on 6th December 2007. The final plans for the Sainsburys roundabout are being drafted. There have been some discussions concerning S.I.D. (speed indicator device) but little progress is being made.
The £800,000+ project
for the reordering of St Margaret's Church, Angmering, will commence next
month. The following statement has this evening been issued by the Church:
"We have now received the Chancellor's approval to start the reordering project and the rector and churchwardens have given Farnrise Construction Ltd a letter of intent prior to the signing of a formal contract next month.
This means preliminary site work will commence on January 14th with the main work starting on the 28th of January. From Monday the January 14th , the church car park will be closed for public parking. There will only be a small number of spaces available and these will be required for church use and contractors.
The contract is due for completion so that the church is back in use for Christmas 2008."
(Artist's Impression: Courtesy of the Lee Evans Partnership & St Margaret's Church)
A/181/07 - Proposed east extension & modifications to north & south gables & dormer windows at Forest Leas, 22 East Drive. For Mr D Osbourne.
A/182/07 - First floor extension at 25 Ashmore Avenue. For Mr & Mrs J Langley
A/184/07 - Conversion of redundant piggery/stable into garage & demolition of existing garage. Removal of unstable redundant building wall forming boundary & reinstatement with new boundary wall to same height. Installation of new boundary fence to private drive. Associated works to approval A/120/07 at Littlefield Manor & Flint Cottage, Golfers Lane. For Mr Stuart Langmead.
A/186/07 -The re-ordering of the internal layout of the house to provide improved accommodation, involving the removal & replacement of the glazed link & the addition of an enclosed porch. Minor landscaping & additional car parking at Manor Farm House, Ecclesden Lane. For Mr & Mrs T Walker.
A/187/07/L - Application for Listed Building Consent for the re- ordering of the internal layout of the house to provide improved accommodation, involving the removal & replacement of the glazed link & the addition of an enclosed porch at Manor Farm House, Ecclesden Lane . For Mr & Mrs Terry Walker.
Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 3 January 2008
Three fire appliances attended a fire which broke out at St Wilfrid's RC Primary School in Arundel Road shortly before 3.00pm this afternoon. The fire was in the school hall but the damage is not believed to be serious.
ASRA - ASRA are looking to design a logo to promote awareness within the Village. Councillor Mark Edwards reported that the Finance Committee required a business plan from ASRA to finalise the budget. The Committee requested that the Clerk check with Arun District Council regarding the progress on the extension of the lease for the Palmer Road Recreation Ground.
Newsletter - The December Newsletter had been completed and distributed by the 27th November. Included with the newsletter was a flyer promoting the Council's lottery bid on the 28th November. A request has been made by the ACA asking if they could include a flyer in future newsletters. The Committee discussed this issue and felt that if it was permitted it could set a precedent and other organisations could request something similar in the future. It was concerned that the Parish News could be regarded as junk mail and would not be read if flyers were included. The only exception to this would be Parish Council associated projects such as the Lottery Bid and the Community Centre.
Proposed Community Centre - Interviews for a Project Manager had taken place and that a recommendation would be made to the Full Council on 10th December. The plans are being amended to include the additional 3 metres and should be received in the next week.
Water Lane Site - Mr Derek Whiting had been working on the Water Lane site for the past month and already people were seeing a dramatic improvement. Councillor Peter Logan said he would approach Manor Nurseries to see if they were prepared to donate seeds and plants.
Christmas Decorations - Councillor Pat Turner reported that she had spent the £500 on additional lights for the trees on the village green. An inspection of the existing lights took place at the same time.
Big Lottery Skatepark Bid - Councillor Mark Edwards reported that £1250 had been spent on leaflets and advertising to promote our lottery bid on 28th November. Leaflets will also be handed out in Tesco and Sainsburys on the 28th.
St Nicholas Garden - The Committee discussed the quotation for a manual road closer for St Nicholas Garden. They considered the two options to be quite expensive and asked the Senior Assistant Clerk to get two more quotes. Councillor Pat Turner will contact Mr David Kay and discuss what other options are available.
Once again, there was a very successful Traders' Evening in The Square on Wednesday evening with hundreds of families from the village enjoying themselves on a night that mercifully stayed dry after a very wet start to the day. With all of the roads into The Square being closed for the first time, it was much easier to move around this year without the congestion on the pavements. Amusements for the children, of which there were more this year, were able to take place in the road.
Closing the roads was undoubtedly a success although abused by some motorists who endangered life by pushing down the barriers or driving around them only having to turn back later. Some incidents, however, were quite amusing. One person came through the road closure and tried to get up Arundel Road, stopped and asked the fairground people if they could just slide the giant bouncy slide across the road so she could get through! A coach driver with a load of children going to a party tried to force his way through the closure, insisting he had to go through the centre of the village because his SatNav told him to go that way!
Anyway, congratulations to Pat Turner and all those who assisted her in making this another very enjoyable family evening. And if you missed it, make a mental note that you really must go next year! Below are a few pictures of the fun .........
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(Photos courtesy of Ray Whitehouse) |
A/178/07/T - Fell one diseased Beech tree at Beech Glade, Blue Cedars Close, Ham Manor. For Mr Richard Fox.
A/179/07/TC - Fell group of Sycamore trees within the Angmering Conservation Area on the Embankment R/O 1 & 2 Chapel Walk, Mill Road Avenue. For TT Davies/Mr & Mrs Wakefield. (Readvertisement due to additional applicant and amended site address)
A/180/07/ - Replacement pre-fabricated garage at 22 Greenacres Ring. For Mr B Milne.
Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 27 December 2007.
We are sad to learn that Saturday's Village Market was the last one that would be held. Val Jerram has done a fantastic job in organising them this year but increasing apathy among Angmering residents has led to insufficient people attending and more and more stall holders have pulled out as a result. Notwithstanding that, Val thanks everyone who has supported the markets regularly and hopes that they enjoyed them. I for one certainly did!.
A raffle was held at the final market in aid of St Barnabas Hospice which raised an excellent £110. The winner was Val the "pie lady" from Hempstead Foods, Eastbourne who was a fitting winner as she has not missed a single market at the Village Hall.
Angmering Parish Council has issued the following statement:
Thank you to everyone in the Parish who helped us to win the £80k ' Big Lottery' grant to provide a skateboard park for young people. It was a real team effort and we couldn't have done it without you! It just shows what we can achieve when we all work together as a Community!!!
Ken Penny, Angmering's Tree Warden, tells me that Angmering has also just secured a grant for £448.00 from the West Sussex County Council, together with a £200 grant from the Body Shop and a further £71 (plus assistance in construction) from the Arun District Council. This is a grand total of £719.00 to plant some of the "Trees 4 Life" that we have grown here in Angmering on the Recreation Ground. A further £144.40 received from the West Sussex County Council has gone to the St Wilfrid's School tree planting programme which has just been completed. Thirty-three pupils from the school took part.
Apologies to all those people who regularly look at our weather forecasts and statistics. There has been a failure of the BT line serving our weather station which means that the weather data cannot be uploaded. BT engineers have been investigating the problem for a couple of days and, as soon as the problem is resolved, we will recommence uploading the weather data every 20 minutes.
We are also sorry that we were unable to immediately notify you of the Lottery Bid result as the servers of our hosting company failed on Thursday afternoon, the first time we have experienced problems in the last two years! However, readers of the Forums were able to access an emergency lottery news page immediately ITV broadcast the result.