Angmering Village Life
News Archive
February 2007
As many of you will know, an enquiry has been continuing for the last couple of years into designating much of our downland into a South Downs National Park. All of North Angmering would be incorporated into the Park and organisations such and The Angmering Society and the Ferring Conservation Group, etc have suggested that Highdown also be included.
Ahead of the South Downs Campaign's appearance on the Politics Show this Sunday on BBC1 at 12.00, the BBC is running an online poll on whether there should be a South Downs National Park. If you click on the link below and scroll down to near the bottom of the page, there is a small blue and beige box asking you to vote on the South Downs National Park. The South Downs Campaign are asking for as many local people as possible to cast their vote. The link is:
A/16/07/L - Application for Listed Building Consent for extension to form conservatory at rear of premises & extension to front to form meeting room at Angmering Manor, High Street. For Chapman Group Ltd.
A/23/07 - 2 no. garages 8 & & 9 Red Admirals at 24 Water Lane. For Roffey Homes Limited.
A/24/07/L - Application for Listed Building Consent for extensions/alterations comprising of single storey playroom, new dormer to match existing and new front entrance door and side lights at Malt Barn Cottage, Weavers Hill. For Mr C Fogg & Ms M Leech.
Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 22 March 2007.
There are two community events taking place this coming Saturday, 3 March.
In the morning, the monthly Village Market returns to the Village Hall and its car park. Anybody who went to last month's market will confirm that it was an outstanding success. Stall holders from both West and East Sussex will be selling some fantastic produce - meats, pies, bread, cakes, quiches, cheese, jams & chutneys, beers, plants, etc. Additionally there will be a wide range of craft stalls providing added interest. Refreshments will also be available. Car parking spaces for buyers will be available in the Angmering Medical Centre. The Market opens at 9.30 am and continues to 1.30 pm. Admission to the Market is free.
In the evening, the Angmering Community Association continues its monthly film shows. The film on Saturday will be the acclaimed "The Devil wears Prada" starring Meryl Streep and Anne Hathaway. It was for her powerful performance in this movie that Meryl Streep received a nomination for "Best Actrees" in the 2007 Oscars. The show starts at 7.00 pm and doors open at 6.45 pm. Tickets are priced at £4.50 and available in advance from Woodies News or Angmering Framing & Stitches. Tickets may be available at the door but are subject to availability as numbers are limited. Last month was a sell-out and no tickets were available at the door so it is strongly advised that you purchase yours as early as possible to avoid disappointment. Refreshments (drinks, sweets etc) will be on sale and there will be an intermission when reasonably priced ice creams, tea and coffee will also be on sale.
Ooops! So tell me, when did you say they put this build-out there? Wasn't here when I last came down this road five years ago!
West Sussex County Council are planning roadworks in The Square at the bottom of Arundel Road (Church Hill). The work is programmed to start at 8.00am on Wednesday 28 February and could last for three days. Temporary two-way traffic signals probably operating 24 hours per day will be put in place for the duration of the work. The reasons for the disruption is gas and electric connection to Blaber House.
Anybody contemplating travelling to European countries may be interested to learn that they can now buy Euros over the counter at the Post Office in Londis Stores in The Square. The daily exchange rate is displayed. Other currencies can be ordered from the Post Office.
A/21/07 -Single storey rear extension at 7 Water Lane. For Mr & Mrs Collyer.
A/22/07 - Single storey front extension at 41 Mill Road Avenue. For Mr & Mrs Edwards.
Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 15 March 2007.
Address by Mr D Brixey, Headteacher of Angmering School - Mr. Brixey was concerned that a few students were giving the impression that the school was not a good school when it was a good school with good examination results. Everyone at the school was aware of some problem areas and there were being addressed. The new perimeter fencing should help to resolve some of the truancy problems, which were also being closely monitored by the Education Welfare officers at County. Re-siting of the Walkway fence if permission was given by WSCC - would help in that area. The Police Intervention Officer has been particularly helpful. The recent alleged stone throwing incident had horrified everyone at the school and this was being investigated by the Police. Replying to a question from Councillor Nunn, Mr Brixey said that it was proposed to keep gates in the perimeter fencing locked except at arrival and departure times. It was expected that the perimeter fencing would be completed by end of February. [See also AVL News item report dated 16 February (below)]
Police Report - PCSO Andrea Oakley reported that in the period 1st January 31st January 2007 there had been 125 calls to the Police advising incidents in Angmering. Of these 37 were crimes and 27 were reports of anti social behaviour. Police have been targeting the theft of car badges and arrests have been made.
Proposed Community Centre at Bramley Green - Councillor John King presented the minutes of the Working Party meeting held on 30th January together with provisional costings and plans for the Centre. There had been a meeting on 9th February with people who had volunteered to help run the Centre and another meeting was planned for 16th February. Councillor Richard Hance proposed and it was agreed that the Parish Council room in the Centre could be let to raise revenue when not needed for Council business. Councillor King stressed that this was an interim report and that a final report with final costings would be submitted as soon as possible.
Public Question time - Mr. Neil Rogers-Davis asked if the Community centre plans will be made available for public comment. Councillor King replied that the plans will be made available in the office and also put on display in the library. Mr. Rogers-Davis thought this advisable, especially in the Library. The plans would be put on display and comments asked for within 14 days.
May Elections - The Chairman asked all Councillors to consider ways of attracting new Councillors. The Chairman will prepare a statement for the web site giving details of the work load for a Parish Councillor. All potential Councillors will be advised that they will probably have to undertake a CRB check. Clerk will obtain nomination forms from Arun District Council.
It is with great sadness that we have learned of the death of Mrs Adrienne Reeve after a short illness. Mrs Reeve (43) was the deputy headteacher of St Margaret's CofE Primary School in Arundel Road. The announcement was made by the Rector of St Margaret's Church at his morning service yesterday. We wish to express our sincere and heartfelt condolances to Mrs Reeve's husband and her parents.
Although Chris Hughes resigned as Chairman of Angmering Parish Council last month, he is still very committed to carrying out fund-raising for his chosen charity, Chestnut Tree House, for a year from the date he originally announced his intention to support the hospice.
St Margaret's Church has very kindly agreed to allow him to use the church for a concert by The Edwin James Festival Choir on Saturday 17th of March at 7.30pm. Admission is free with a retiring collection in aid of Chestnut Tree House.
*Car Damaged - Last week, a car parked in its owner's garden in The Walkway, Bramley Green, had its windscreen smashed by stones and tarmac thrown at it from the alleyway leading to the rear entrance to the east of The Angmering School.
*Hypnotherapy Services - Julie Cleasby D.Hyp, NLP Prac, RN, MSSHA , a hypnotherapist, is now offering her services at the Angmering Medical Centre to treat conditions such as phobias, anxieties, and other stress related illnesses.
Headteacher addresses Council - David Brixey, headteacher at The Angmering School, addressed the Angmering Parish Council at their monthly meeting on Monday evening and then answered questions on school related matters presently causing concern in the community. He said that, despite the school's recent adverse publicity, its last exam results were the third best in the county. The school is one of the county's larger comprehensives with 1470 students. Truancy, although an improving situation, was still too high but it was hoped that there would be an improvement when the school has finished erecting its secure £60,000 perimeter fence in a few weeks time. The school has faced a fairly unique situation in not having a perimeter fence and he regretted that it was now considered necessary to put one in place. The ultimate sanction in disciplining children was to exclude them from school in serious cases, but headteachers were under much pressure not to take this action. The school was also working towards closing the gate that leads into The Walkway and moving it about 100m south but this will take a little time to achieve. Mr Brixey stated that he was absolutely determined to restore the good name of the school and he believed one of the ways to achieve this was to help students develop a pride in their school.
* Greater in-depth information on this news item can be found in this week's Littlehampton Gazette.
A/17/07/T - Removal of branches and surgery to 1 No. Monterey Pine tree at 33 East Drive, Ham Manor. For Mr Douglas Kenneth Yeomans.
A/19/07 - Demolition of garden store. Extension to provide bedroom and kitchen extension at Winchester House, High Street. For Dr Simon & Charlotte Woodhams.
A/19/07/CA - Conservation Area Consent for the demolition of a garden store at Winchester House, High Street. For Dr Simon & Charlotte Woodhams.
Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 8 March 2007.
Last night PCSO Andrea Oakley found two stolen motor vehicles in Palmer Road. One was a Mercedes flat bed truck and the second a white transit van. She would be interested in any information on them, how they got there, how long they have been there, or if anyone has been seen around them. All calls will be treated in confidence. PCSO Oakley can be contacted on 0845 60 70 999 Extension 20528.
The next community film will be the "THE
DEVIL WEARS PRADA" (PG), the award
winning film that that shows Meryl Streep at her very best. Streep plays the
all-time most impossible boss in the history of impossible bosses. For this
powerful performance, she has been nominated for an Oscar in the Best Actress
While the film is essentially about the fashion industry, both women and men will enjoy the sharpness, emotions, and humour of this film. Andy Sachs (Anne Hathaway), a small-town girl fresh out of college, is hired as the assistant to Miranda Priestly (Streep), the high-profile, fabulously successful editor of Runway magazine, in a world populated by impossibly thin, heart-wrenchingly stylish women and beautiful men clad in fine-ribbed turtlenecks and tight leather pants that show off their lifelong dedication to the gym. With breathtaking ease, Miranda can turn each and every one of these hip sophisticates into a scared, whimpering child.
The film will be shown on Saturday 3 March at Angmering Village Hall at 7.00pm (doors open 6.45pm). Tickets are priced at £4.50 and available in advance from Woodies News or Angmering Framing & Stitches. Tickets may be available at the door but are subject to availability as numbers are limited. Refreshments (drinks, sweets etc) will be on sale and there will be an intermission when reasonably priced ice creams, tea and coffee will also be on sale. This intermission gives filmgoers the opportunity of stretching their legs, going outside for a cigarette break, or having a chat with other villagers. When the Angmering Community Association (ACA) announced "Prada" at this month's sell-out performance of "The Queen", there was immediate interest in next month's film, so the demand for tickets is likely to be very high again. Many people were disappointed to be unable to purchase tickets for "The Queen"; so the message is "Get your tickets as early as possible to avoid disappointment".
As first reported on the AVL Forums, a two year old boy was allegedly attacked by two 15-year-old boys from The Angmering School last Friday while he was sitting in his pushchair near the pond at the south of Bramley Green. Stones were said to have been thrown at the child, one of which hit him on the head causing a lump and bruising which is still evident. The pupils from the school were playing truant at the time the little boy was hit. The frightened mother said they went away laughing after the assault. This shocking and deplorable event caused outrage from many members of our Forums. Angmering Village Life relayed the contents to the Headteacher, David Brixey, who responded as follows:
"I have taken internal action with the students concerned. Like all of your correspondents, I deplore any sort of bullying behaviour and will take action whenever it happens with our students. I am also aware of concerns regarding our students truanting in and around Bramley Green. It is a priority for us to solve this problem - our new fence will help and we are working hard with parents and the police and Education Welfare Officers to curb truancy. On a related front, this morning one of my colleagues took a student out to the playground, cleared the litter and removed as much of the graffiti as he could. We have many well-behaved students who are as shocked as we are by the behaviour of a small minority."
It is now understood that the pupils concerned have been excluded from the school for a "significant period".
Greater details of this assault and further comments by the Headteacher and the child's mother are published today on the front page of the Littlehampton Gazette and the incident features in its leader article.
A/8/07 - Room in rooof at Manor Barn, Ecclesden Lane. For Mr & Mrs Lower.
A/12/07 - Single storey extension at rear of 2 Grooms Close. For Mr & Mrs Oatway. (Resubmission following A/180/06)
A/13/07 - Proposed extension/alteration at 12 Mill Road. For Mr P Burrows & Mrs A West.
Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 1 March 2007.