Angmering Village Life
News Archive
November 2006
The next community film show will be "The White Countess" (PG 12) starring Ralph Fiennes, Natasha Richardson, Lynn Redgrave and Vanessa Redgrave which will be shown at Angmering Village Hall this Saturday 2 December at 7.00pm (doors open 6.45pm).
Tickets cost £4.50 and are available from Angmering Framing & Stitches, The Big Fry and Woodies News, all in The Square. Tickets will also be available at the door but are subject to availability as numbers are limited. Refreshments (drinks, sweets etc) will be on sale and there will be an intermission when ice creams, tea and coffee will also be on sale. This intermission gives filmgoers the opportunity of stretching their legs, going outside for a cigarette break, or having a chat with other villagers.
On the Parish Council questionnaire earlier this year, hundreds of people in Angmering asked for village film shows. It is hoped therefore that Angmering residents will make the effort to support these shows in the centre of the village; otherwise they will disappear for good. I think people will be surprised at both the quality of the film, the sound quality, and the size of the screen. So why not go along and see for yourselves.
You can read more about this film by going to the Association's website at
Bramley Green (The Walkway) / Greenwood Drive Fence - The committee discussed the current position regarding the fence that is covering the footpath. Councillor Bicknell said he believed that it was not safe to open the pathway as it is 1 ½ metres further south than the house, so does not align. The Senior Assistant Clerk will write to Arun District Council and West Sussex County Council to check current position.
Parking Restrictions The Square - Mr Turner (a resident) voiced his concerns about the number of people who work in the village parking their cars in the restricted and disabled bays. He asked that an additional disabled bay be added and that all bays be restricted to one hour. The Senior Assistant Clerk will write to Mr David Coles of West Sussex County Council to ask if these measures can be included when the parking area is re-marked.
Speed Indication Devices - The committee noted the letter from CI Bracher regarding the provision of a SID for the Arun District. The committee agreed to look into purchasing two permanent SIDS for the village for the 2008-2009 budget. Councillor Hughes stated that the 20mph speed limit in the village should be enforceable and asked that the Senior Assistant Clerk writes to MP Nick Herbert to gain his support.
Downs Way Parking - The committee discussed the complaint from Mr & Mrs Manley regarding the high level of parking in Downs Way. It was agreed that the Senior Assistant Clerk would write to WSCC requesting that Downs Way have a no parking restriction between the hours of 11am-1pm and permits to be issued to the residents.
Street Lighting - WSCC have confirmed that the work on the upgrading of the lights in The Cottrells was still on their schedule for the coming year and would be done by the end of March at the latest. Councillor Kearney-Pateman reported that there insufficient street lighting where Palmer Road joins with Arundel Road. The suggestion was that there should be a light on the site where the phone box used to be. The committee discussed the request from Mr Anthony requesting a new streetlight in Weavers Ring. WSCC will be requested to inspect the site and give their views.
Ashurst Way / East Preston Footpath over railway - The committee proposed that the footpath across the railway at East Preston be closed and diverted via the level crossing. The Senior Assistant Clerk will contact the relevant people and report back at the next meeting.
Co-mingling of public waste - The committee noted the email from Cllr Julie Hazelhurst regarding the co-mingling of public waste but understood the idea had now been shelved
High Street Letter Box - Councillor Mike Hill-Smith reported that he had located the old letterbox that was originally in the High Street and it was now in the Rustington Postal compound. It was agreed to have it flint faced in keeping with the local houses (in the High St). Councillor Hill-Smith will get local quotes and advise the committee at the next meeting
Parish Policing - PC Dave Banham-Brown gave a report: 156 reported incidents since the October Council meeting there were 164 in the same period 2005. 50 reported crimes of which 37 were actual crimes these included 13 criminal damage, 6 theft from vehicles, 12 anti social reports. An incident reporting form is now available on the Angmering Village Life website.
Community Centre Working Party - Councillor John King reported that he had attended a meeting earlier in the day with the Angmering Community Association when Charity Status was discussed and the new regulations coming into force. Most of the quotes for changes to the original plans had been received.
Carina Drive Verges - Mr. Paul Hankinson (a resident) asked if there was any more information on the grass verges at Carina Drive. Councillor Mike Hill-Smith has been in touch with Hargreaves and is waiting for them to reply. Mr. Hankinson had seen the reference to co-mingling waste bins on the Angmering Village Life web site. He offered to post the Councils opposition to this idea on the site.
Joint Downland Area Committee - Councillor Mike Hill-Smith reported that WSCC are considering a 20 mph speed limit outside all schools and making the yellow zigzag line areas no stopping zones, provided that the school has submitted an acceptable Travel Plan.
Xmas Lights on The Green - Councillor Jeni Black asked if new lights in the Lime trees on the Green were insured for public safety. Clerk will check with insurers. Councillor Nigel Nunn asked that a letter be sent to Mrs. Pat Turner thanking her for organising the lights. Councillor Mark Edwards has raised £700.00 from local traders for additional lights.
A/176/06 - Planning Application to create additional leisure facilities at Rustington Golf & Leisure Centre, Golfers Lane (Rustington). For Rustington Golf Centre.
A/180/06 - Single storey extension at rear of 2 Grooms Close. For Mr & Mrs Oatway.
Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 21 December 2006.
A/155/06 - Conservatory and alteration to garage at Laynes Mead, West Drive ). For Mr & Mrs Tolhurst.
A/173/06/L - Application for Listed Building Consent to replace existing rear (south) window with french door set to fully match existing at Salters Cottage, High Street. For Mrs M Leach.
A/175/06 - Single detached dwelling and garage at Land adjoining Grey Barn, Rectory Lane. For Mr & Mrs Osborne-Shaw.
A/179/06/A - 1 no. non-illuminated applied lettering to front elevation at Syon House High Street. For the Chapman Group.
Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 14 December 2006.
Some thirty members of the St. Margaret's Church, Angmering Evergreen
Fellowship Group were entertained this afternoon by a choir of 9 to 11
year old pupils from St. Margaret's CE Primary School, Angmering. The choir,
under the direction of Ms. Janet Ayre, sang a collection of Christmas and
African songs and gave their senior citizens audience an exerpt of their
forthcoming school concert. After the concert, the children had the opportunity
to chat to the members of Evergreen over tea and cakes. The afternoon was a
great success and was very much enjoyed by everyone present. Afterwards Peter
Sanders, Evergreen organiser, thanked the children for a splendid afternoon's
entertainment and complimented them on their excellent singing which greatly
cheered a lot of elderly people.
The Evergreen Fellowship Group is organised by St. Margaret's Church, Angmering and meets once a month in St. Margaret's Church Hall for fellowship, a chance to meet, chat, catch up on the gossip and enjoy a splendid spread of tea, cake and sandwiches. Evergreen is open to all Senior Citizens who live in the area and at present attracts members from East Preston, Rustington, Littlehampton, as well as Angmering. The group is particularly keen to have members who have difficulty in getting out or are disabled - transport is provided to and from the St. Margaret's Church Hall for anyone wishing to attend.
After a successful first film show last month, the Angmering Community Association has announced that its next community film show will be "The White Countess" (PG 12) starring Ralph Fiennes, Natasha Richardson, Lynn Redgrave and Vanessa Redgrave which will be shown at Angmering Village Hall on Saturday 2 December at 7.00pm (doors open 6.45pm).
Tickets cost £4.50 and are available from Angmering Framing & Stitches, The Big Fry and Woodies News, all in The Square. Tickets will also be available at the door but are subject to availability as numbers are limited. Refreshments (drinks, sweets etc) will be on sale and there will be an intermission when ice creams, tea and coffee will also be on sale.
People who attended the first film show were pleasantly surprised by the quality of the film show. This is shown on a large screen, the film having perfect clarity without any "sparklies", and with exceptionally good sound.
You can read more about this film by going to the Association's website at
Two years ago, the Chapman Group started the planning permission process to convert Syon House in the High Street to a country house hotel. Despite objections from a number of people in the village, and particularly residents of the High Street, planning permission was eventually granted. Conversion work on the former Elizabethan rectory has been going on for some months and the building will open as Angmering Manor (bar, hotel and restaurant) next month. The banner adjoining the road announces the opening:
At the invitation of the Rector of St. Margaret's Church, Professor Sir Ghillean Prance, the Scientific Director of the Eden Project in Cornwall and former Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, gave a lecture in St. Margaret's Church last night to a packed audience of interested residents of the village. Over two hundred people attended the lecture which was preceded by a buffet supper in the church hall.
The lecture entitled "A Scientist Christian Caring for Creation" discussed the Impact of De-Forestation and Globalisation on the Environment and the effect of Climate Change on the World today and in the Future. The talk was very well received and in the debate that followed there were very many questions which is a indication of the concern felt by ordinary people about this important subject.
The evening was organised by Mrs. Brenda Knowles (Deputy Church Warden) and the excellent buffet supper was provided by Mrs. Thelma Robinson and the St. Margaret's "Listen 'n Lunch" team of ladies.
Photo: (left to right) Professor Sir Ghillean Prance, Mrs. Brenda Knowles, Mr. Fitzroy Somerset ( Patron of St. Margaret's) and Canon Mark Standen (Rector of St. Margaret's).
As Christmas approaches, the Trading Standards Office is making people aware of a scam that is currently in operation and Angmering residents should take note. A card is posted through your door from a company called PDS (Parcel Delivery Service) suggesting that they were unable to deliver a parcel and that you need to contact them on 0906-6611911. This is a premium rate phone number.
Do NOT call this number as this is a mail scam originating from Belize. If you do call the number and you start to hear a recorded message, you will already have been billed £15 for the phone call. If you do receive a card with these details, then contact Royal Mail Fraud on 020-723-96655 or ICSTIS (the premium rate service regulator) at
A/166/06 - Increase the height of part of the existing driving range netting from 6 to 10 metres, at Rustington Golf Club, Golfers Lane (Rustington). For Rustington Golf Club.
A/169/06 - Variation of conditions 1 & 2 imposed on planning permission A/122/94 at Oval Race Club, Water Lane. For Oval Race Club. (Increase in the number of race days each year)
Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 30 November 2006.