Angmering Village Life
News Archive
October 2006
Proposed Community Centre - 22 people had put their names forward offering help on the Management side. A meeting took place on 29th September with the Angmering Community Association to agree the main features of the Community Centre. These requirements have been forwarded to GML who are now in the process of issuing a new quote. When the quote is received another meeting will be organised with the ACA and the volunteers.
Noticeboards - The Senior Assistant Clerk produced a notice giving the rules for displaying items on the Parish Council notice boards. The committee agreed that they would like another line added stating that notices can only be placed 3 weeks prior to the event. Councillor Nigel Nunn said there was a need for a notice board in Arundel Road near St Margarets School, he suggested that as we already have one that was destined for the Community Centre, we use that and order another one when the Community Centre is built. Councillor Paul Bicknell proposed we agree to this and it was seconded by Councillor Mark Edwards. The Committee voted 3 for and 1 against. Councillor Paul Bicknell proposed that we replace the noticeboard in Downsway.
Public Toilets - The Clerk reported that on checking the original lease agreement for the public toilets outside the Lamb Inn, it states that the Parish Council is responsible for all maintenance, therefore the recent work will be paid for out of the current budget. Councillor Nigel Nunn requested that we investigate the cost of a stand alone toilet for the Village.
Street Art Board - ASRA had responded to the Council's request to have a Street Art board on the Palmer Road recreation fields. In principle they dont have a problem but would like to know more detail i.e. size, how often will it be cleaned etc.
Christmas Decorations - Haskins Garden Centre had agreed to donate a Christmas tree for the village green. Mrs Pat Turner is organising some additional lights for the trees (in The Square).
Road Closures in 2007 - The Committee agreed it would like to see road closures for the Armistice Day service and for the Traders Evening in December. For both, the preference would be a total road closure.
Further to the 4 October news item, I've been told by West Sussex County Council that there has been a delay in the installation of the new span on the footbridge. It was initially planned for the 20 October, but there has been a delay of 2/3 weeks in its construction so it is now unlikely to be installed much before mid-November.
Road cones and speed and lane restriction notices were being put in place today. These are interim "improved" traffic and speed measures to ensure the safety of Angmering School children and other pedestrians crossing the road near the roundabout while the footbridge is out of action.
When the new span is installed, it is hoped to accomplish this during the evening/overnight to minimise the impact on traffic.
Following a suggestion from a resident, Angmering Parish Council has kindly agreed to establish an email list of villagers wishing to be notified of forthcoming village events. To be included on this email distribution list, contact the Parish Council by either phoning them on 850756 or emailing your request to providing them with your name and your email address. If you are an Angmering organisation which has a special event coming up and you wish for the Parish Council to notify everyone on their email distribution list, contact the Council with details of your event.
A/153/06 - Erection of three additional telegraph poles with flood lights attached at Palmer Road Recreation Ground. For Angmering Sports & Recreation Assoc.
A/154/06/L - Application for Listed Building Consent for single storey extension - kitchen & dining (Revision to A/61/06/L) at 2 Longback Cottage, Arundel Road. For HJ Hood.
A/157/06 - Conversion of existing barn to 1 no. dwelling (Amendment to previously approved A/60/05) at Unit 4, Old Place Farm, Rectory Lane. For Mr & Mrs Longhurst.
A/159/06/TC - Lop branches of 1 No. Sycamore tree within the Angmering Conservation Area at St Margarets Church, Arundel Road. For Mr Robert W Hutchings.
Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 16 November 2006.
The Angmering Community Association has announced that it is putting on its first film show in the village next month. It is hoped to put on further films at approximate monthly intervals thereafter. The first film will be the award winning and widely acclaimed comedy Mrs Henderson Presents starring Dame Judi Dench, Bob Hoskins, and singer Will Young, which will be shown at Angmering Village Hall on Saturday 4 November at 7.00pm (doors open 6.45pm). Tickets cost £4.50 and are available from Angmering Framing & Stitches and Big Fry, both based in The Square. Tickets will also be available at the door but are subject to availability as numbers are limited. Refreshments etc will be on sale and there will be an intermission.
You can read more about this film by going to the Association's website at
The Association is staging these films in conjunction with "Movies on the Move" who, along with one or two other similar companies, are bringing film shows to villages and rural communities.
When Angmering Parish Council asked village residents recently what activities they would like to see at the proposed new community centre, the biggest response was that people wanted to see films shown in the village. The Community Association therefore hopes that its initiative will be widely supported by Angmering residents.
Parish Crime - Sgt Stobart reported that there had been 172 calls to the police in the last month. Of these incidents 37 related to crimes of which 5 were vehicle related crimes. The areas giving most concern are St Margaret's Churchyard and Ham Manor golf course. The area under the Medical Centre has now been fenced off to prevent youths gathering there.
Traffic Management Public Meeting - The meeting would be held in the New Year after the results of the WSCC traffic count were available.
Pedestrian Crossing over railway line (Ashurst Way) - Councillor Jeni Black referred to the pedestrian crossing over the railway and believed that this should not be encouraged and that extinction rather than diversion should be sought. This will be an agenda item at the next Highways Committee meeting.
Traders' Evening - It was resolved that £600 be allocated as a grant to support the December Traders' Evening.
Chairman's Charity - Councillor Mark Edwards handed over a cheque for £1282.60 being the money raised by his team on their sponsored walk. The Chairman thanked Councillor Edwards for a wonderful effort.
Up to 150 people had fun yesterday participating in The Big Draw organised by The Angmering Community Association. The majority went in family groups with ages ranging from 18 months to 88 years but individuals also decided to "have a go", many of whom had not picked up a pencil or paintbrush since their youth. A whole range of skills and abilities were displayed using different materials, from paper plate decoration, crayoning, painting, pen & ink and charcoal drawing, etc.
The Association will now evaluate the work with a view to exhibiting the drawings and paintings.
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Pictured above is a montage of just a few pieces of the work done during the day together with a photo of some of the organisers and helpers.
There has been a couple of accidents in Station Road this week. Firstly, a red Citroen flattened one of the illuminated bollards on the Village Hall pinch-point late on Tuesday night or early on Wednesday morning. The damaged car was left in the Village Hall car park for a couple of days before being removed yesterday.
The second accident occurred at 2.10pm yesterday afternoon when a car travelling north went out of control opposite the Angmering Medical Centre and ended up on the bank on the other side of the road below the Old Baptist Chapel. The green control cabinet in that location was demolished leaving bare mains wires and severed telephone cables which still had not be repaired this morning. It is believed that a doctor from the Medical Centre attended the driver of the vehicle who is thought to have had a black-out. It seems that two other vehicles also sustained some damage. An ambulance was called to the scene and police closed the road for a while.
The S.C.O.T.C.H. (Spotted Cow Organisation To Create Help) Conker Competition was held on Sunday 8th October at The Spotted Cow, Angmering. A large crowd turned out on a warm and sunny afternoon to support the 26 teams competing for the 2006 title. Players travelled from Hampshire and Bath to join the competition. A couple who were married the previous day brought their party to the event and entered three teams. The event raised £955.00, which should eventually exceed £1,000, for the Chestnut Tree House Hospice. Players of all ages, in teams of three, competed for the title. 600 conkers were used during the day with remaining conkers distributed to eager players at the end of the competition. The 2006 Roll of Honour is:
WINNERS: BUDDIE'S ANGELS (Catherine Maginess, Alicia Maginess and Brad Peck)
RUNNERS UP: HARRY'S POTTERS (Harry Ellis, Ralph Ellis and Charlie Ellis)
THIRD PLACE: CONKER PLONKERS (Matt Ford, Phil Mainsbridge and Del Norris)
PLATE WINNERS: SQUASHED TOMATOES (Max Gisborne, Katie Gisborne and Guy Gisbourne)
During the Summer holidays, the children of the village were given the opportunity of participating in a Challenge as part of the Angmering Community Association's ongoing "Our Place" project. The Association's competition required children, accompanied by adults, to look for historic features around the village using the eyes, imagination, creativity, and doing research to back this up, and to present the resulting work in books provided by the Association. Those who participated all produced wonderful books containing answers to questions posed, drawings, photographs, and written work. Every one was quite different and all who took part enjoyed the experience, learned a great deal about Angmering's past, and have a lasting record of which they can be justly proud. They are a credit to their schools and to their parents.
In the Village Hall this afternoon, the winners were presented with certificates and gift tokens by Chris Hughes, Chairman of Angmering Parish Council, on behalf of the Association, who congratulated the children on their fine efforts. Pictured are (l-r) Jade Weeks, Bronte Payne, Oliver Wilkins, Caroline Limbrick and Rebecca Laker. Oliver was adjudged to be the overall winner. Not pictured was another winner, Simon Keane, who was unable to attend.
A rug sale was held at the Village Hall today - one man and his expensive wares. During the afternoon, a group of youths from the village (boys and girls aged about 14) walked into the hall, some of them smoking, abused the owner, kicked his rugs about, took some out of the building and threw them into the road, and tore down his advertising signs for the sale. They disappeared when he phoned the police. Such was the stupidity of three of the youths that their return walk up Station Road was so badly timed that they were about to pass the Hall when the police arrived. They signalled their guilt by turning in the opposite direction as the police car was pulling up! The police stopped them and took their names.
Jailed for life - Further to our news item dated 8 September, Ernest Martin Newberry (55) from Worthing, at one time president of Angmering Social Club, was last week jailed for life for the rape of three women.
National Junior Games - Disabled children from The Angmering School did fantastically well at Stoke Mandeville recently winning 26 gold medals, 10 silver medals, and 4 bronze medals. Top sportsman of all was Ian Clarke who won 6 golds in archery, table tennis, basket ball, pool, discus and zone hockey. The school was one of 28 taking part.
Conkers - The Spotted Cow Organisation to create Help (SCOTCH) will be holding its annual team conker competition at The Spotted Cow, Angmering on Sunday 8th October at 1.30pm. Last year the event raised £1493 for the Chestnut Tree Children's Hospice. For more details of how to take part visit
The Big Draw is The Campaign for Drawing's annual October showpiece which has one simple aim - to get everyone drawing nationwide. Thousands of venues across the UK, from great national institutions to village halls will be joining in this month to offer people of all ages the chance to discover that drawing is enjoyable, liberating and at everyone's fingertips.
Here in the village, the Angmering Community Association has organised a BIG DRAW DAY which will be held in and around the St Margaret's Church Hall on Saturday 14th October between 10am and 2.30pm. Funding for this event has come from "Awards for All". This is drawing fun for all the family and the Association invites everyone to just come and join in!
The theme is OUR PLACE. Go along and see what's happening. Try drawing with charcoal, pencils, pens, pastels, and lots more. Make your mark on a BIG communal drawing, along with everyone else just your name would be great but be more adventurous if you want to. Make a fun drawing of your favourite people - family, friends work mates, neighbours - on paper plates for a very unusual exhibition of "People in Our Place". Collect a drawing board and a pot of drawing tools and have fun drawing what inspires you about OUR PLACE; there will be help and encouragement on hand. Draw your favourite places in OUR PLACE and the Association will create a gallery of your drawings - absolutely no expertise is required.
All materials will be provided together with all the assistance and encouragement you need - so go along and make your mark as part of this National drawing event ... you might even be on telly who knows!
The October issue of Angmering Parish News is in the course of distribution. It is intended that this is delivered to every household in Angmering. If you have not received your copy within the next 7 days, it is suggested you contact the Parish Council office on 850756.
A/150/06 - Change of use of agricultural building to retail and storage of animal feed and associated sundries at Ecclesden Farm, Water Lane. For David Chandler.
Observations on this/these Application(s) must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 26 October 2006.
Devolution of Open Spaces on Bramley Green - The WSCC snagging list is being worked on currently and the Arun DC snagging list has been submitted to the Consortium. Councillor Richard Hance was asked to investigate possible investment schemes for the money that is likely to come for the devolution of the open spaces.
Internet Banking - The Committee decided that from a safety and security point of view this was not currently a viable proposition.
Office Computers - All computers have now been upgraded to Windows WP and additional memory installed where necessary. Networking is planned for 28th September 2006.
Electricity price increases - The Council has joined the WSCC cluster of Councils purchasing street light electricity in bulk to keep any increases to a bare minimum.
Disabled Parking Bay - lack of enforcement of parking restrictions in the village. Councillor Anne-Louise Kearney-Pateman will write to CI Brian Bracher.
Pinch Points, Traffic Volume and Speed - The committee agreed that the only way to move this issue forward was to have a public debate and will recommend this to the full council. The intention is that Councillor Kearney-Pateman will book the Angmering school for one night in November and will invite County and District Councillors, Highways and the police to attend.
Street Lighting at The Cottrells - The WSCC Lighting Committee had now approved the upgrading of the lighting for The Cottrells.
Bus Shelters - The committee agreed that the new bus shelters could be funded from the Village enhancement budget. The proposal is to put one in Arundel Road and one near Angmering Station.
Angmering Parish Council now has vacancies for two parish councillors. A new item on the Council's website yesterday invites anyone interested in joining the Council to go into their office for an initial informal chat and a cup of coffee. Alternatively, if you want to 'phone them in the first instance, ring 850756.
It is understood that the footbridge over he A259, damaged when struck by a lorry-mounted crane on 5 July, is due to re-open on 20 October. Engineers and WSCC officials have decided that to minimise disruption, the central span will not be repaired but completely replaced and raised in height at the same time. This will entail lifting off the central section, which just sits on top of expansion rollers on the piers, and lowering a totally new replacement section back onto the piers.
The charity cricket match in the Summer between teams from Angmering Station Taxis and The Lamb Inn in The Square, raised £800 for the St Barnabas Hospice. For the record, the match was won by Angmering Station Taxis.
A 2007 calendar entitled "St. Margaret's & Angmering Village Calendar" has just been released. It contains some very nice photos of the Church, the parish (centre and more remote areas), and aspects of village life. These photos reflect Angmering through the seasons. Copies are available from Woodies News, Angmering Framing & Stitches, Manor Nurseries, or the Church Office, price £3.00.