Angmering Village Life
News Archive
June 2005
The 2005 Ordnance Survey maps now include Angmering by-pass and parts of Bramley Green. The latest maps are now available on our Maps page which are also clearer and load slightly faster than the previous ones.
Formed in 1989 by
Jill Howell, St Margaret's Church Handbell Team ring 2.5 octaves Whitechapel
bells. They are invited to ring-out mainly during winter months, day times and
evenings, to entertain, by invitation, at Christmas celebrations, club
meetings, tea parties, rest and nursing homes, church events and services and
occasionally summer weddings.
Their 45 minute programme includes ringing popular and Christian music interspersed with amusing and Christian readings. They have many requests to ring around Christmas so, if you would like them to ring at one of your events, please contact Jill Howell (tel: 01903-786511 - email: as early as you can. Several team members belong to St Margaret's Church, Angmering or Angmering Baptist Church.
They welcome new ringers, with rhythm, a love of music and a sense of fun, to come and have a go. They rehearse on Tuesday evenings (7.00 - 8.30 pm) in Angmering. The Team is part of HRGB (Handbell Ringers of Great Britain). In the picture (right) taken in Spring 2005, they were ringing to Littlehampton Torch Group for partially sighted friends.
Have you remembered that Café Feliz in The Square are holding their Cocktail Nights between 6.00pm and 9.00pm this evening (Friday) and tomorrow (Saturday)? These will continue during the Summer on those days.
The first was held
last night and what a delight it was. Sitting outside the cafe on a balmy
Summer evening sipping one (or more!) of Liliana's cocktails in very pleasant
company (and watching the world and his wife go by - anyway to the chippy!) was
one of the most pleasurable experiences I have had for quite a while (OK, I
lead a boring life sitting behind this PC!).
Seriously, Liliana is making a real effort to bring the village alive in the evenings. The weather forecast looks good for tonight and tomorrow night, so do go down to the village centre and give her your support. If you do, you will be assured of a very warm welcome and an evening you will really enjoy. A word of warning - some of the cocktails are quite potent!
Arun District Council have this week refused planning permission of the re-submission of Planning Application A/154/04 for the demolition of two detached houses in Mill Road and their replacement with seven dwellings in two terraces. The developers, Hargreaves Homes Ltd, have already made application to appeal against the Council's refusal of their original application.
School Litter - Councillor Mike Hill-Smith reported that The Angmering School were purchasing a tractor mounted vacuum cleaner to clear litter. (Highways Committee 8 June 2005)
Community Speed Watch - The Parish Council has agreed to make an application to start a scheme. (Highways Committee 8 June 2005)
Streetlighting - New lighting columns have been agreed for Heathfield Avenue. (Highways Committee 8 June 2005)
Village Parking - Councillor Jeni Black suggested writing to the MD of Chandlers to see if the small car park by Woodies News could be made available for village use when they leave the site. (Highways Committee 8 June 2005)
William Older Playgroup - It was agreed to recommend an award of £500.00 towards a planned new building for the Playgroup. (Policy & Resources Committee 25 May 2005)
Earmarked Funds - £10,000.00 for Lighting, £3,300 for Flowers on the Highway, £1,500 for Notice boards, £3,000 for Trees, £10.500 for Water Lane Site, and £8,500.00 for Skateboard site, £10,000.00 to be added to Community Centre Fund. (Policy & Resources Committee 25 May 2005)
Newsletter & Website - The Council are planning a periodic Newsletter and some improvements to their website. (Policy & Resources Committee 25 May 2005)
Planning Application A/50/05 - The Council has objected to this planning application for 5 terraced houses in Dappers Lane. (Planning & Conservation Committee 7 June 2005)
Parish Map - The Council is obtaining quotes for the production of a new map of the parish. (Environment & Leisure Committee 24 May 2005)
A/64/05 - Conservatory to rear of property and conservatory to rear of annex at 26 Mill Road Avenue. For Mr C Hearsey.
A/66/05 - Erection of chain link fence on boundary, 4 post, 1m high x 8 m long at 36 Ashhurst Way, East Preston. For Mr & Mrs D Cousins.
Observations on these Applications must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 14 July 2005
New Surgery - Construction of the new surgery in Station Road officially commenced last week when Dr Derek Hanley cut the first turf on the site. The planned opening of the surgery is set for May 2006.
Stoolball - Angmering Stoolball Club, last year's County West Division Champions have beaten Ashington, last year's runners-up by 159 runs to 154. In another recent match, the Angmering ladies beat Stedham by 133 runs to 85.
William Older Playgroup - The Playgroup held a family funday last Saturday as part of the government sponsored national Sure Start Month aimed at increasing the availability of childcare for all children, improving health and emotional development for young children, and supporting parents as parents and in their aspirations towards employment.
A/48/05 - Two storey extension at Lower Ecclesden Farm Water Lane. For Mr & Mrs N Christian.
A/56/05 - Proposed modifications to roof space to form bedroom including dormer and staircase at 3 The Cottrells. For Mr Del-Smith.
A/57/05 - Single storey front & rear extensions at 48 Beech View. For Mrs & Mrs Musgrove.
A/58/05 - 2 storey side extension (incorporating existing garage) at 39 Chantryfield Road. For Mr & Mrs Thornley.
A/59/05 - Installation of 3 no. dormer windows to second floor roofspace at Farmhouse - land at Hill Barn, South Ecclesden Farm, Littlehampton Road. For Mr P Langmead.
A/60/05 - Conversion of redundant farm buildings to 4 no. dwellings and garages at Old Place Farm, Rectory Lane. For F W Longhurst & Son Ltd.
A/62/05 - Construction of bay window at ground floor level & associated works at 15 Palmer Road. For Mr T Torode.
A/62/05 - Two storey rear extension at 152 Palmer Road. For Mr & Mrs Nunn
Observations on these Applications must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 7 July 2005
Café Feliz in The Square, Angmering will be holding Cocktail Nights between 6.00pm and 9.00pm on Thursday 23rd June, Friday 24th June and Saturday 25th June and everyone is invited.
Get in the Summer spirit and wander down to the village centre on one of those evenings and enjoy a beer or some other Portuguese delights. Café Feliz is making the effort to try and bring the village alive on a few Summer evenings, so please go down and support them. If you have not been into the café before, we think you will be surprised at what they have on offer.
If you require further details, phone Café Feliz on 01903-859292.
Accident - We regret to hear that a 36 year old
East Preston motorcyclist died last night as a result of an accident at
the south end of the Angmering By-pass.
New Restaurant? - Subject to obtaining planning permission, a new restaurant is planned in The Square (see Planning Applications below) where Bygones, the antique shop, is presently located. The restaurant would only be opened in the evenings and it is understood would be aimed at the upper end of the market. From the plans, it would appear that the restaurant would seat up to 34 persons.
Planters - A planter has been installed by Angmering Parish Council at the bottom of Weavers Hill at the junction with Water Lane. Two further planters have been placed outside the Library (see right).
Water Lane bank - The grass bank has now been cleared near the junction with Dappers Lane in preparation for landscaping. The site will also include two donated memorial seats.
Bramley Green - The development should be totally complete by the end of August although, disappointingly, seeding of the open space has been put back again until after the Summer.
A/53/05 - Two storey side extension plus front porch at 186 Swillage Lane (Patching). For Mrs S Stanley.
A/54/05 - Change of use of part of ground floor from retail (A1) into a restaurant (A3) including single storey extension for new toilet facilities and an extraction system from kitchen, at Blaber House, The Square. For Mr & Mrs Stenhouse.
Observations on these Applications must be received by The Head of Planning Services, Arun District Council, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 30 June 2005
It is with anger we note yet another inappropriate housing development being proposed for Angmering. This time it is Planning Application No. A/50/05 which is requesting permission to demolish a perfectly good and reasonably modern bungalow (Nima) in Dappers Lane and replace it with a block of five three-storey three bedroom terraced "cottages".
The agents for the developers claim that there is nothing special about the properties in Dappers Lane as far as the character of existing buildings is concerned and, of course, they may be partially right. What they do not point out, however, that this is a semi-rural lane with mainly chalet-bungalows largely set back in secluded gardens on one side of the lane, with wide grass verges. Putting a three-storey block in among these properties and destroying the grass verge to put in a visitors' car parking bay is quite ludicrous. What is more appalling is the housing density proposed. The developers claim that the density of the development (i.e. 50 dwellings per hectare) falls within the Government national guidelines of 30 to 50 dwellings per hectare. This statement may be correct but the higher limit is appropriate to city dwellings and certainly not to a semi-rural area where we believe the density should not exceed 30 dwellings per hectare.
And what will be the price of the properties? Will they be low-cost housing for first-time buyers? We very much doubt it. The two-bedroom terraced "cottages" up Stubbs Hill in the High Street (without garages or car parking spaces) cost £215,000 - £230,000 so the Dappers Lane properties are likely to cost more. But with three bedrooms and only one garage each, within a few years children living in these family houses will possess cars (perhaps an average of 3 cars per property) and these will be parked either out on Dappers Lane itself or down Beech View at the rear of the proposed dwellings where there will be access to the garages.
This is not an "infill" site. It is the destruction of a perfectly habitable property to make money which, if allowed to continue with similar future development, will totally destroy the appearance of Dappers Lane. Everybody in Angmering should be concerned at this development and make their feelings known to Arun District Council by 23 June. Do not be complacent. Look at the property next door to your own. Could this be demolished and a block of houses built in its place?
Yes, Summer is upon us and all keen gardeners' thoughts in the parish must be turning to a little bit of competition in the form of the annual Angmering Village Flower and Produce Show. This will be again be held in the barn and beautiful grounds of Pigeon House, High Street, Angmering, on Saturday 9th July 2005 from 2.00pm.
For details of classes, regulations, and how to enter, pick up leaflets from Manor Nurseries (near The Spotted Cow, High Street) or Holmes Estate Agents (The Square). However, to give you an idea of the number and variety of classes for exhibits, there are: flowers (25 classes), vegetables and fruit (13 classes), floral art (5 classes), children's section (6 classes divided into (1) up to 9 years, and (2) 10-14 years), home-made cookery (9 classes), arts and crafts (7 clases), the funny section (8 classes).
Even if you do not intend exhibiting, go along anyway and really enjoy a quintessentially English village event.
Collision - A two car collision occurred in the early evening of Bank Holiday Monday in the vicinity of Water Lane and the bypass. The Fire Brigade needed to cut one person free from the wreckage and three people were taken to hospital.
New Surgery - Several trees have been felled and the site totally fenced in preparation for building by Farnrise Construction Ltd. It appears that other trees fronting Station Road will thankfully be retained. A diagrammatic plan of the surgery is available in the Parish Council Office for those who are interested.
Worthing Plus - Angmering is the principal feature of this months Worthing Plus magazine, out yesterday. It contains a three page article/adverts with photos (old and new) together with an interesting cover photo of The Square showing the lime tree on the NE corner of the Green only days before it was felled due to disease. Pick up your free copy from Woodies Newsagents, Cafe Feliz, or Manor Nurseries.
Refuse Tip - At last, the tip has now re-opened and not before time! Went myself yesterday and experienced no delays. Road sweeps up ramp to car parking areas where you are able to tip metals, cardboard & paper, general household refuse, and green waste, into large containers below - in similar manner to the Worthing tip. At this stage I would give it the thumbs up but let me know if you have experienced a problem.
Angmering Royalty! - At the village May Day Celebrations last Wednesday Eleanor Chapman was crowned May Queen, Laura Castleman - May Princess and, as sign of the politically correct times we now live in, Reece Swain - May King, and Freddie Daley - May Prince.
Angmering School Prom - In another successful annual Year 11 Prom last week, Luke Etteridge and Hayley Harding were voted Prom King and Queen by their peers.
Tree Felling Refusal - The controversial planning application No. A/22/05/T by Westbury Homes Ltd to fell 10 elm and Fir trees in East Drive, has been turned down by Arun District Council.
A/50/05 - Erection of 5 no. terrace cottages and demolition of existing bungalow at Nima, Dappers Lane. For Dearden Homes Ltd.
A/51/05/CLE - Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness for an existing use - car repairs and car sales at Units 1 & 2 New Place Nursery, Arundel Road. For Angmering Auto Services.
Observations on these Applications must be received by The Head of Planning Services, The Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, West Sussex BN17 5LF by 23 June 2005