St Margaret's - Churchyard Memorial Inscriptions

AREA 3/4
Area 3/4, together with Area 5/2, comprises the 1841 extension to the churchyard. Topographically, these are an extension of Areas 3 and 5 south from the old churchyard, each side of the greenway path. Area 3/4 itself is west of the greenway.

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1         Smith
Sacred  /  to the memory of  /  Eliza  /  daughter of  /  (George) & Emma Smith  / 
who departed this life  /  May (21) 1852  /  (aged 5 years 8 months)   /
Eliza Smith 30/5/1852 5 years 8 months

2          Olliver
1969 Plan          Geo Olliver 1812            Sarah Olliver 1817
No reading is possible
these dates not found

3        Amoore
Sacred to the  /  Memory of Mary Daughter of  /  William  & Ann Amoore  /  who died Oct (..) 1842  / 
Aged (55) years  /   (Also of )  /   Amy  ............ [eroded to obtain]
Mary Amoore 7/10/1842 age 55 from  Worthing
Amy Amoore 7/11/1842 age 51 from Worthing

4        Wilkinson
In memory of  /  Emma wife of  /  Thomas Wilkinson  /  died January 8th 18(--)  /  Aged 38 Years  /
Also in memory of  /   George son of  /  Thomas and Annie Wilkinson  /  died at Blomfontein  / 
November 17th 1900 aged /  32 years  /
Also  in memory of  /  Annie  /  second beloved wife of  /  Thomas Wilkinson  /  died May 6th 1887  / 
Aged 47 Years  / 
Also in memory of  /  Thomas Wilkinson  /  died March 10th 1909  /  Aged 82 years  / 
modern memorial in grave space
In  /  Memory  /  of  /  Ernest  /  Wilkinson  /  1873-1941  /  R. I. P.  /
476       Annie Wilkinson    May 12th  1887   age 47         
Emma Wilkinson 16/1/1864 age 38

5         Wallis
Sacred  /  to the memory of  /  Elizabeth  /  wife of  /  William Charles Wallis  / 
and daughter of   /  David and Ann F(...)  /  who died the 1 of April 18(..)  /  Aged 31 Years  /
Also of  /  William Charles Wallis  /  who died 10th April 1846  /  Aged 36 Years  / 
William Charles Wallis 16/4/1846 age 36
Elizabeth Wallace [sic] 5/4/1844 aged 31

6        Bongard
(In)  /  Memory of  /  James Bongard who died  /  the 20th of March  / 
185(4)  /   Aged (8)7 Years  /
(In memory of)  / (...)  Lucy Wife  /  (of)  /  James Bongard  /  who died  /
the (2-) of January   /  1837  /  Aged 67 Years  /
Lucy Bongard  28th January 1837 age 67 from Brighton
James Bonguard 25th January 1854 age 82

7        Norman
Sacred to the Memory of  /  John Norman  /  who departed this life (19) April (1853)  /  Aged (63) Years  /
Sacred to the Memory of  /  John George Norman  /  son of John and Ann Norman  / 
who departed this life (21) April (18..)  /  Aged (14) Years (.) Months  /
John Norman 20/4/1853 age 64
John George Norman 24/11/1855 age 14 years 8 months

8        Woolven
Sacred  /   to the  /  Memory of  /  John Woolven  /  Who departed this life the  / 
20 of May 1844 aged 6(4)   /  years  / 
John Woolvin 26/5/1844 age 63

9        Bentley
Sacred  /  to the Memory of  /  Susanah Wife of  /  Charles Bentley  /  (spalled off)  / 
.... (23 y...)   /
Susannah Beautley [sic] 9/10/1862 aged 23

10       Mills
In  /  affectionate remembrance of  /  (...)   Mills   /   daughter of Robert (Mills) and  / 
(Ethel O Mills)  /  Who died March (...)  /  Aged 1 year and 11 months  / 
Cannot find suitable entry

11       Amoore
Sacred  /  to  the memory of  /  John  /  son of Wiliam and Ann  /  Amoore   / 
who died November the 11th 18(5)7  /  in the (60) year of his age  / 
Also Emily wife of   /  John Amoore  /  who died May the 30th 187(6)   /  aged 74 years  /
John Amoore 16/11/1857 age 60 from  Worthing
Emily Amoore 2/6/1876 age 74 from South Bersted

12       Austin
In memory of  /  Louisa  /  the (....) of  the late  /   John Drewett Austin  /  of Her Majesty's Ordnance Office  / 
Tower London  /  died July 27th 1877  /  aged (5)2  years  / 
335       Louisa Austin    July 31st 1877   age 52 

13      Ragless
In Memory of  /  Jane Ragless  /  died 13th December 1886  / Aged 74 Years  /
Also of  /  Mary Ann Ragless  /  beloved sister of the above  / died 12th January 1907  /  Aged 86 Years  / 
Reg Transc
473       Jane Ragless    Dec 18th 1886  age 74  

14     Compton
Sacred  / to  /  the memory of  /  Ann wife of  /  Tho Compton  /  and daughter of  / 
Edw & Hannah  /  Compton  /  who departed  /  this life  /  September 19th 1847  / 
Aged 29 Years  / 
Sacred  /  to  /  the memory of  /  Edw Compton  /  who departed  / this life  / 
September 17th 1847  /  Aged 69 Years  / 
Also of George  Edward son of  /  [obscured]
Ann Compton 22/9/1847 age 29
Edward Compton 22/9/1847 age 68
George Edward Compton 7/2/1849  26 months

15      Compton
In  /  Memory of  /  Olive wife of  /  George Compton  /  who died (1-) of March 1862  /  In her 74 year  /
Also of  /  Charlotte daughter of the above  /  who died (13) of Sept (1842)  /  In her (22) year  /
Olive Compton 9/3/1862 age 74
Charlotte Compton 17/9/1842 age 22 

16      Barden
In  /  memory of  /  (...)  Barden  /  (...)  28 1871  /  (aged) 7() years  / 
In  /  memory of  /  Mary Ann  /  (wife of )  /  Thomas Barden  /  (who died)  /  April 29th (18-8)  / 
Aged 73 Years  /
Thomas Barden 2/12/1871 age 78 from Worthing
Mary Ann Barden 6/5/1868 from  Worthing age not stated

17       Budd
In  /  Memory of  /  James Budd  /  died March 12th 1859  /  Aged 72 Years  / 
Also of Sarah  /  wife of the above  /  died March 10th 1870  /  Aged 77 Years  /
James Budd 27/3/1859 age 71
Sarah Budd 14/3/1870 age 80

18       Smith
Sacred  /  to the memory of  /  Edward Smith  /  who died  /  February the 23rd 18(54)  /  aged 77 years  /  
Also of  /  Sarah Smith  /  relict of the above  /  who died  /  June the 6th 186(4)  /  Aged 87 years  /
Edward Smith 3/3/1854 age 77
Sarah Smith 10/6/1864 age 87

1969 Plan          Zebedee Peskett 1868
535       Zebedee Peskett  Jan 23rd 1892  age 80 - the only Zebedee found         

19      Edmunds
In  /  Memory of  /  Charles Edmunds  /  who departed this life  /  [encrusted and unreadable]  /
Charles Edmunds 7/7/1853 age 74

20       Cheesman
In  /  memory of  /  George Cheesman  /  died September 7th 1850  /  Aged 71 Years  /  
Also of  /  Elizabeth Cheesman  /  died May 19th 1846  /  Aged 70 years  / 
George Cheesman 10/9/1850 age 71
Elizabeth Cheesman 24/5/1846 72

21      Atkinson
In  /  Loving Memory  /  of  /  Hilda Susanna Atkinson  /  who departed this life 2nd June 1931  / 
Aged 53 Years  /  rewarded  /
Also of  /  Arthur Walter Wilkinson  /  who departed this life 29th June 1945  /  Aged 75 Years  /

22      Langley
Erected in memory of  /   Arthur Langley  /  who died March 22(1869)  /   Aged 67 Years  / 
Also of  /  Sarah Langley  /  relict of the above  /  who died June 1st 1869  /  Aged 66 Years  / 
Arthur Langley 26/3/1869 age 67
Sarah Langley 6/6/1869 age 72 from Littlehampton

23       Green
To the memory  /  of  /  George Green  /  who died April 6th (18..)  /  Aged 84 Years  / 
To the memory  /  of  /  Elizabeth Green  /  the beloved wife of  /  George Green  / 
who died Feb 7th 1867  /  Aged 67 Years  / 
Elizabeth Green 10/2/1867 age 67
George not found


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August 2008

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Page first uploaded: 19 August 2008