I have just noticed that there has been 3 lots of tyre slashing in Ashurst way in the past month. Is this on the same car - cos if so it must be easy to solve. Not a policeman but .......
Slightly "off topic" but I have just spent 10 fruitless minutes on the phone trying to get hold of our PCSO to report a suspicious rusting vehicle with no tax disc parked on a nearby verge. There is a dog inside but no windows open that I can see.
We are asked to report anything suspicious but cannot then get any response................well, the 101 Sussex Police number did eventually answer and put me through to the "appropriate department" and after a 10 minute wait I have given up!
The AVL Policing page shows PCSO Karen Pereira's mobile number as 07920 020193. Actually she was up at the Community Centre this afternoon after a complaint from mums that some of the older children were kicking footballs in the playground designed for very young children.
Late this afternoon we found out that there was nothing suspicious going on but I think the Police response might have come through the website entry. Apparently the 101 telephone nunber is causing the Police as much frustration as those members of the public who try to use it! No good having a non emergency number that no-one answers to save 999 calls!