
If you wish to contact us, please send all communications (including local & family history enquiries) to the address below. We would also like to receive news items and details of events taking place in the Parish.

  Neil Rogers-Davis
Angmering Village Life
45 Greenwood Drive
West Sussex
BN16 4JW

Tel: 01903-771935

If you have a problem with above link sent email to the following address (without spaces):
i n f o @ a n g m e r i n g v i l l a g e . c o . u k

Summer evening in Angmering

We will always respond to you if you have asked a question. If you have asked a question by email and have not had a response within 7 days, it may mean that your message has been inadvertently deleted by an automatic spam filter. In this case, try again or phone us.